The Works of Sydney Fowler Wright 1874 - 1965

Literary Notes 1933 - 1942


2ndCorrespondence and 'Lord's Right in Languedoc'.
25thFinished 'Lord's Right'.
27th'Arresting Delia' published. Recommenced 'Secret Of The Screen' (about 40 pps done last year but put aside).
30thGilbert received cable from M.& O. asking permission to sell 'Deluge' to Worldwide Pictures on three months option at $5,000, could not reach me so cabled back consenting on his own authority. Worked against time to finish 'Lord's Right'; much of it now typed up.
2ndCorrecting proofs of 'Power' practically all day.
3rdCable from M.& O. - option secured.
5thCable from M.& O. that McCaulay offered $250 deposit on 'Deluge'; instructed acceptance with option clause on further books deleted.
15thWorking to finish 'Secret Of The Screen' to clear the way for me to leave for USA.
25thHale offered me advance of £50 on 'Lord's Right' as the most Walter Halsburn would pay, which I declined.
26thWrote ultimatum to Jerrolds (Hale) re. 'Lord's Right'.
lstFinished 'Secret Of The Screen'.
27thTo Sound City, saw Pemberton the scenario editor and left 'Arresting D.'.
29thSailed for N.Y. on American Trader. Resumed sequel to 'Dream'.
30thConsidered Palliser's 'The American Tale' - could be made good but needs study of history, topography etc.
8thArrived N.Y.
10thSigned 'Deluge' contract.
19thLeft N.Y. on American Merchant.
16thSailed for N.Y. again on American Farmer.
28thLanded in N.Y.
29thGot typescript of 'Knights of Malta' from Gabriel Wells' office. Signed Hollywood agreement with Haywards.
30thInterview with Cosmopolitan Claim. Interview Maxwell Aly - offered 'Dream' without deposit (Longman). Interview with Convici-Firde; sent them 'Lords Right', 'Power' and biography of Cortez. Called Runington (J. Day & Co.) and left 'Power' as arranged. Lunch with Russell Doubleday re. 'Power' and detective mystery contract. Interview with Virginia Rice re. agency and left with her for negotiating serial rights 'Lord's Right', 'Power' and 'Secret Of The Screen'.
4thSaw Gabriel Wells; satisfactory interview.
7thAt RKO with Hallam and others, at publications department.
8thNegotiations with J. Day and Doubleday finally ended. Reopened with Longmans Green.
10thSaw Bent & Co. re. new edition of 'Deluge'.
11thFinal settlement with Cosmopolitan reached and signed, securing plates of 'Deluge' and 'Sparrow' at $1,000 cash.
13th Chicago.
16th Hollywood.
17th At KMS studios discussing 'Deluge'.
18th Saw Hayward re. contracts for writing, and Bischoff re. 'Power' etc.
19thAt KBS studio watching new 'Deluge' scenes being shot.
24th At KBS studio watching complete 'Deluge' film without music and then writing Bischoff re. alterations. Met Nat Levine and sent him 'New Gods Lead' as arranged.
25th Wrote Jarron and his N.Y. agents with remittance of $400 to take up Balsham deeds.
26th Saw Glen Allvine at RKO discussing 'Power' and arranged to send him 'Arresting Delia'.
30thAt KBS studio recording music of 'Deluge'. Matters to deal with during the coming month: publication of 'Deluge' in USA, progress with serious novel, progress with mystery novel and completion of ..... novel (completed a year later).
2ndAfternoon with Allvine at RKO studios.
4thNat Levine phoned that 'New Gods Lead' didn't interest him. Wrote to Allvine re. 'Me & My Pal'.
8thSaw preview of 'Deluge' at Warners Beverly Hills theatre and think it a poor film, badly directed, poorly acted and weak in dialogue.
9thTold Allvine by phone my opinion of 'Deluge' film and wrote him confirming this; also suggesting that I must negotiate with other studios if I did not hear from him in a few days.
10th Phoned Hayward - out as always - and told his secretary that I must know what he is doing. Considered returning to England rather than prolonging my stay in Hollywood if nothing offers for next week, and then perhaps walking back here from N.Y. after a short time in England (M.FW's note: a walk across America was an ambition he held for the rest of his life; certainly he talked about doing it well into his eighties.)
11thAfter several months during which I have done less writing than in any other period since I wrote 'Deluge' (having taken up sequel to 'Dream' and thrown it aside half-written and dramatised 'By Saturday' in the meantime) and after some weeks of hesitation among several ideas as to what the next novel should be I commenced 'The Splendid Curse' in earnest today. Note added later: this was laid aside again and finally became the foundation of 'Prelude in Prague' and 'The Four Days War'.
13thPut 'The Splendid C.' aside - idea is good but haven't got the right treatment yet.
17thInterview with Mervin Cooper re. subject for Technicolor picture.
18thCommenced sketching 'The Son of David' for a screen play.
19thCorrespondence and continued on 'Son of David'. Decided to stay in Hollywood another month if necessary to establish other contacts if the RKO should not succeed, to be here another month in any event unless success should enable me to leave earlier.
20thContinued 'Son of D.'.
23rdInterview with Cooper re. 'S. of D.'. As he feared expense I suggested 'Lord of the Isles'; he to phone after reading this. Also 'Elfwyn' and 'Power'.
24thSaw Hayward and instructed him to approach other studios offering to write: a screen play in opposition to Paramount's 'Fifty Years Hence'.
25thHad Thornton Butterworth's agreement from Miss Rice and returned it signed.
27thMet Dr. Markovel of the Micky Mouse Studios.
28thSaw Wedzel & Co. re. publishing 'Deluge'.
29thWrote Bert Kelly for information as to address of 'Deluge' contractors for future.
30thFurther interview with Wedzel & Co. Wrote Warner Bros. re. script for 'Shanghai Orchid', sale of books or general work. Ultimatum to Hayward.
31stWrote Harraps to send my account here direct. Wrote both Friedman and Hayward asking release. Warners phoned approval. August was an unsettled month with poor total of work and of little importance unless idea of the 'David' book should prove good.
lstCompleted sixth canto of 'Purgatorio'. Wrote Macaulay re. cheap edition of 'Deluge'.
4thCommenced 'David' as a novel from earlier point than 'Son of David', which I put aside to use when I reach that point.
5thPhoned Cooper's office again for delayed appointment and was informed that he would be ill for one week.
6thSaw McBewan at Warners and left him 'New Gods Lead' (not interested for the moment in period romance but took full particulars of other books and promised serious consideration).
10thInformed by Herbert of a press rumour that Marion Cooper would not be re-turning to his position at RKO.
11thLetter from Metro G.M. and saw Sam Marx who promised that I should hear from him within a couple of days. Recommended to him five books for first consideration as he said he was not interested for the moment in costume or s...... (?) books: 'Sparrow', 'Power', 'Hillier', 'By Saturday' and 'Beyond the Rim'.
14thWorked on 'David'. Appointment made with Kenneth McGowan for tomorrow.
15thAt RKO offices interview with K. McGowan explaining positions which had developed to time of Cooper's illness and giving him the same suggestions. Also seeing John Speakes at the suggestion of Cooper's secretary (Miss Palmer) and going over the position again with him. Agreed to stay on with McGowan if necessary until Mr. Cooper's return.
16thWrote Cosmopolitan to transfer type of 'Deluge' and 'Captain Sparrow' to Macaulay and to RKO, to provide Macaulay with stills. Following interview with Furniame at the Beverly Wiltshire at which he agreed to publish a cheap edition of 'Deluge'. Good progress with 'David'. A good day today inspite of interviews.
17thWrote Macaulay enclosing letter of yesterday for Cosmopolitan and RKO. Wrote Wedzel & Co.
18thWorking hard on 'David'. Got release from Hayward and phoned Landan's office for appointment. Saw Wedzel & C0. and made verbal agreement that they should publish 'Lord's Right' within six months at 15% and no deposit.
19thLandan phoned appointment at his office for 5.30 but did not keep it. RKO McGowan phoned appointment for 10.30 tomorrow and Warners (CcEwan) for 9 o'clock on Thursday. Good progress on 'David'.
20thRKO phoned deferring appointment. Continued with 'David'.
21stAt RKO with McGowan when he suggested difficulties of casting in regard to 'The Feast and Famine' and 'Lord of the Isles', and the 'L. of the I.' proposal was discussed at length both generally and as suitable for K. Hepburn. Afternoon with McEwan at First National and arranging to send him list of my books suitable for the subjects and casts that they can handle. In evening wrote McEwan re. 'L. of the I.'.
22ndLeft 'Lord's Right' with McGowan.
23/24th Entirely on 'David'.
25thWrote Miss Yeaman (Citizen's News). Phoned S. Marx's secretary (MGM) who said they had not had and could not get 'Power' and 'Beyond the Rim', on which I referred them to Jerrolds, and 'By Saturday' which I promised to send them.
26thPhoned Bischoff who said through his secretary that we would return 'Power' and that queries re. 'Deluge' agreement should in future be addressed to him. Sent 'By Saturday' to Marx asking that it should be returned if not wanted. Phoned Cooper's secretary who said that he would be away a week longer. Wrote circular letter to fourteen studios not previously approached. Wrote Miss Rogers re. 'David'. Replied to Fadiman (Leland Hayward).
29thSaw Cohen at Universal and tentatively agreed to give them a 15,000 word reduction of 'Stevenson's Suicide Club' from their existing material or otherwise at my discretion for fee of $500. 'David' progressing well.

News of Freeman's probable death. Month was very disappointing in prolonged delay with RKO negotiations arising from Cooper's illness, but 'David' is half done in spite of everything.)
2ndDelivered 'Power' galley proofs, 'Lord's Right in Languedoc' and 'New Gods Lead' to Fox studios. John Mark is assistant story editor. Suggested 'Arresting Delia' if he would be interested in a lighter book.
3rdCohen (Universal) phoned that 'Suicide Club' project had been postponed. I phoned Cooper's secretary and learned that he would be away for two or three weeks longer. I arranged to see McGowan at 11 o'clock tomorrow. Saw Mansfield Short, agent, and arranged for him to have agency for 'Lord's Right' except for Fox and RKO.
4thInterview with McGowan at RKO and agreed that it would be best to return to England and return when Cooper's health recovered. Wrote to Morris Small with copy of 'Lord's Right'.
5-6th Worked on 'David' and settled agreement with W.& Co. for USA publication of 'Lord's Right'.
7thLeft box with Mrs. Goulding at 1611 North Kenmore Avenue, Hollywood, containing sundry books and papers, including three Kipling and a packet of letters. Cleared correspondence before leaving.
8thWrote 20th Century Pictures with full list of novels as requested, and notes thereon. Also sent them copies of 'Dream', 'Bickerton' and 'Bell St.' in Harraps 1/- edition.
9 -l0th Fair progress on 'David' on train.
12thSaw Gabriel Wells and he assented to my writing a novel based on 'The Knights of Malta' but thought he was entitled to some proportion of the royalties; if I would let him know when I was ready to agree with publishers I could depend on him not requiring a hard bargain. He implies that the more he was assured of the quality of the book the less he would ask for. Saw Miss Rice and agreed that she should have agency for 'Power' until she herself should decide to give it up.
13thSent Motion Picture Herald biographical particulars. Wrote RKO at Coast formally as to my negotiations with and work for Marion Cooper. Wrote Cohen (Universal) re 'Stevenson's Suicide Club'. Wrote McCaulay & Co. in answer to his re. 'Deluge'. Saw Kath Brown at RKO (Floor 14) Radio City and discussed position at Coast and gave address at her request in case she had occasion to cable. Also introduced question of Words Child (?) and wrote him thereon. Sailed on American Merchant.
14-21stWorked on 'David'.
22ndFinished Bathsheba episode, to end of Chapter 29.
23rdLanded 1 p.m. in England.
30thEnded Chapter 47 today.
31stInto London; saw Miss Rogers, Thornton Butterworth and Mrd. Dagnall. Put 'Knights of Malta' proposition before Butterworth. Somewhat adverse conditions for work during October.
2ndCompleted 'David' in a very long day. Universal wrote asking me to see Ditcham at their London office. 20th Century wrote declining 'Bell St.', 'Bickerton' and 'Dream'.
3rdCommenced 'K of M'. Saw Ditcham at Universal in London and agreed terms for writing scenario of 'Suicide Club'.
4thCorrespondence and some progress with 'K. of M.'. Wrote Miss Rogers re. cheap rights of 'Deluge' and 'Dawn'.
5-6th 'K. of M.'.
6thWrote McFarlane with copy of his agreement.
7thLearned that Miss Capsi cannot return and am therefore without immediate prospect of a secretary. Finished typing 'David' to get it to Butterworth.
8th'K. of M.'.
9thSaw Miss R. in town.
12thWrote Miss R. with memo on 'K. of M.' to show Thornton Butterworth.
13thHard day, finished typing 'David'.
14thCommenced corrections of 'David'.
15thGot copies of 'David' to Gordon Harbord.
17thMainly on American correspondence: Universal, Williams etc., and Ditcham of London. Some 'K. of M.' and engaged Miss Graham as secretary.
18/22nd 'K. of M.'
23rdLunch with T. Butterworth at Devonshire discussing his proposal re. 'K. of M.
26thWrote T. Butterworth re. 'K. of M.' and W. Harrap re. cheap edition of 'Deluge' and sent copies of both letters to Miss R.
27thGood progress with 'K. of M.' on train to Birmingham.
29thReply from W.H. re. cheap edition of 'Deluge' and wrote Miss R. Finished 'David', having had to type much myself. Also about 150 pps of 'Knights of Malta'.
lstWrote Allen Lane for letter acknowledging that copyright of 'By Saturday' had reverted to myself.
2ndWrote Miss R. in reply to T. Butterworth's request for full details of 'K. of M.' prior to decision.
4thWrote various magazine editors re. serial rights of 'David'.
5thSent 100 pps 'Scott' and 100 pps of MS of 'K. of M.' for T.B. to inspect on agreed terms. Corrected 168 typescript pages of 'K. of M.'.
6thWrote Ditcham (Universal) re. sale of book rights etc.
7thSome progress with 'K. of M.'. Wrote editor of Nashs re. 'David' and replied to his note re. MS.
11thWrote major part of article on Interested Memory (which did not sell).
12thCompleted article on Interested Memory.
13thSeeing Basil Blackwell re. 'K. of M.' at Oxford. Wrote further 10 pps.
14thTried unsuccessfully to see Harrap. Wrote Miss R. re. T.B. etc. Wrote Blackwell, Universal and Harrap.
17-19th 'K. of M.'.
20thCorrespondence with Butterworth, Rogers and Universal.
21stAt B. reference library re. 'K. of M.'.
22ndCorrecting typescript of 'K. of M.'.
25-27th 'K. of M.'.
31stYear fundamentally relieved by sale of 'Deluge' film rights (film actually ghastly). All other results poor.
    Work Done:
      'Secret of the Screen'
      part of 'The Knights of Malta'
      Long Hollywood visit, frustrated by Marion Cooper's illness.
      Prospects better than a year ago but still vague.

    Work I design to finish if I live these 5 years (1933-1937):
        One on Cortez,
        One on Mary Stuart, and Doette.
        'Dinner in New York' (or 'Watch Your Step'
        'Secret of the Screen' (done in 1933)
        Sequel to 'Dream', 'Vengeance of Gwa' (done in 1934)
        'The Splendid Curse' (novel on war - became: -
        'Prelude in Prague' 1935
        'Four Days War' 1935
        'Meggido's Ridge' 1937)
        'The 1813'ers'
        'Murderess of Witchfinder'
        'Screaming Lake' (done in 1936)
        'A Panther's Feet'
        'Values' (or 'By Bread Alone' or 'By Every Word'): contrast of ideals, past and present and comparative of today.
        'David' (done in 1933)
        'Irene's Past'

        Revised edition of 'Scott'
        'Knights of Malta' (done in 1934)
        'Who Else But She?' (done in 1934)
        'Evidence' (or 'The Three Witnesses') (done in 1934)

        Collected volume of shorter Poems
        Complete 'Morte D'Arthur'

        'Across America' (record for the next century)
        'The Judicial System of U.S.A.' (with many anecdotes)
        'Rymlebury Slaughter'
        'The Sugar King' ?

      Ideas for books or titles:
        'The Truce of God' (the whole tale to be a short time (a day?) during which the truce lasts)
        'Exchange and Mart' ('Hollywood Sale')
        Adventure book - Central Asia or Papua
        'The Uncertain Worm'

      Ideas for screen plays:
        Cornwall and Scott
        Sir Richard Grenville (see G. Bushnall's Sir R.G. Harrap 10/6)

        'To Have the Girl'
        'Verdict of Steel'
        'After Four'

      Ideas for tales:
        'The Bably on the Rack' (play about Sir Walter Scott).


1stFair progress with 'Knights of Malta'. Wrote to Marion Cooper and others
3rdSome 'K of M'. T. Butterworth jibbing at 'David'.
4thSigned agreement for People's Library edition of 'Dawn'.
5-7th'K of M'. Corrected 'K of M' MS and typescript to p342. Abridging 'Dawn' for People's Library.
8-9th'K of M'.
10th.In London with Rogers re. T.B.'s delay in producing 'David'.
11th.'K of M'. Good day.
12th Universal sent agreement. Hutchinson refused to consider the idea of 'K of M'.
15thDictated letters.
19th'K of M' - nearly 4,000 words
22-23rd'K of M'.
24thCorrespondence - writing McCaulay re. 'Deluge'. Then to London to complete Universal agreement re. 'Suicide Club'.
 Some work done on 'Knights of Malta' but not much of anything else.
6th.Long interviews with Hales (Jarrolds) in the morning re. Sidney Fowler books. Wrote to C. Evans of Heinemann for appointment re. Scott.
7th.Revised portion of 'David' (or 'Half Way to Christ'), dealing with Bathsheba for possible serialisation.
8th.Wrote to Samson re. possibly starting series of novels under fresh name - of murder mystery kind.
10thSampson Low wrote asking for submission of MSS which I shall refuse.
12th'K of M' in morning, London p.m. seeing C. Evans of Heinemann re 'K of M' and Basil Hall (Harbords) who suggested that Muller (ex Methuens) might be a good publisher for me if I should decide to start something in a new name.
13th'K of M' in morning, p.m. and evening corrected typescript of shorted 'David and Bathsheba' which I have prepared for the secretary. Wrote Wedzel & Co. re. 'Lord's Right in Languedoc'.
14th5,000 words of 'K of M'. Sent redaction of 'D & B' to Cosmopolitan and Daily Mail. Also wrote Marion Cooper with a copy to him. Miss Rogers phoned that she thought it best to defer approaching new publisher for anonymous novel 'til she had MS to offer and anonymity could be absolute.
16th'K of M' and considering plot for 'Suicide Club' scenario.
18thProgress with 'K of M' and correspondence.
20thMainly correcting typescript of 'K of M' to Heinemann for Evans. Commenced 'Suicide Club' screenplay.
21stTook first 530 pps. typescript of 'K of M' to Heinemann for Evans. Commenced 'Suicide Club' screenplay.
22ndFair progress on screenplay and 'K of M'. Wrote to James Whale.
23rdSaw R.P. Watt in London re. his enquiry for 'Power' on behalf of unnamed film company. Fair progress on 'Suicide Club' and 'K of M.
26thSome 'K of M' and good progress dictating 'Suicide Club' scenario. Sent 'By Saturday' play to Watt & Son.
27thGood progress dictating 'Suicide Club' and 'K of M'.
28thDictating 'Suicide Club' to f's rescue by G. and brother. Some 'K of M'. Reply to indecisive letters from Jarrold and Heinemann.
 Some prospects of film sales and other business development but nothing resolved. Fair progress on 'Knights of Malta' and screen play well commenced.
1st Called on Heinemann following my letter of yesterday. Saw Evans' assistant and asked for Evans to write to me in the next few days responding to the points in my letters. Some 'S.C.' and some 'K. of M.' - commenced Part 2 today.
3rd Daily Mirror paid £12.12/- for article which Gilbert sold.
4th Heard that Cooper as asserted his position successfully and gone for a short holiday so deferred intention of cabling him in consequence.
7th Heard from British Gaumont that Mrs. Dagnell's report that they were considering 'Elfwyn' was untrue, and wrote to them fully thereon.
8th Have worked mainly on 'S.C.' scenario this month until today when I completed it.
9th In London stimulating Browne (T.B.'s manager) to market 'David' properly. Saw G.P. Watt and learned that it is Sound City who have enquired for 'Power'. Cosmopolitan returned 'D. and B.'.
10th Finished correction of final copy of 'S.C.' and sent to Ditcham with letter. Wrote Alexander (G.B.) and Grey (Readers' Library) and Hale with appointments for next week. Mainly on proof correcting of 'D.' gave T.W.S.e
11th Resolved to plan definitely to go to Hollywood mid-April unless similar opportunities here supervene.
12th Correcting 'D'. proofs. Saw Alexander at Gaumont British. Revised interest in 'Power' and received suggestion of air fighting f........... film for consideration.
13th Saw Hale (Jarrolds) and obtained promise that I should have definite reply in three days, either releasing Sidney Fowler name or consenting to new agreement. Saw Ditcham, discussing 'S.C'. (forwarded to Carl Lendal by him today) and other film subjects. Saw Wood of Readers Library and gave him full particulars of available U.S. and English rights. Corrected 'D.' proofs with Mrs. G. until 10 o'clock.
14th At home, mainly on 'D.' proofs.
15th Wrote Readers' Library confirming facts re. U.S. rights of novels. Wrote Gaumont British with outline of futuristic scenario. Also sent 'New Gods Lead'. Finished 'D.' proofs and commenced 'Who Else But She?'.
16th Worked on preface and map of 'D.' Some 'Who Else But She?' and cablegram to Cooper.
17-18th Almost entirely on 'W.E.B.S.?' to finish it quickly, having laid aside 'K. of M.' for this.
21st Evans of Heinemann wrote wishing to defer contract on 'K. of M.' until the book is finished.
22nd RKO wrote repudiating ............ in Cooper's absence.
23-26th 'W.E.B.S.?' Also wrote RKO in reply to theirs.
27th Mostly on 'W.E.B.S.?' Wrote Evening Standard and Argosy with copies of 'New Gods Lead'.
29th Good progress on 'W.E.B.S.?' Heard indecisively from Gaumont British and replied asking for early decision and also sending 'By Saturday'. Sent 'Crime and Co.' and 'Arresting Delia' to John Moch for Fox studios in Hollywood.
30th Good progress with 'W.E.B.S.?' - 5,000 words. 'D. and B.' returned by RKO.
31st 'W.E.B.S.?' - another 5,000 words. T.B. stubbornly refuses to put map to 'David'. Human stupidity is invincible!
 March was a better month. Results of the month will depend on the now half-finished 'Knights of Malta' and 'Suicide Club'.
1st I must work soundly this month to complete work if I am to get off to Hollywood, if the way opens.
2nd Good progress with 'Who Else But She?'. Wrote to G. Harbord re. 'Regulating Slaughter' project.
3rd Wrote Whale re. 'S.C.'.
4th Wrote Colhuss re. copyright of 'World Below'. Phoned Readers' Library re USA rights on 'W.E.B.S.?'. Mainly correcting typescript.
6th Seeing Collins re. cheap edition of 'World Below'. Also Martin Hopkinson re. 'Regulating Slaughter' and Brian Hall; also Browne of T.B.'s re. publication of 'D'.
7th Mainly looking up materials etc. on 'Regulating Slaughter' and writing Hopkinson thereon.
9th Heard from Jarrolds refusing to alter agreement and wrote to them.
10th Received Jarrolds royalty account and wrote on breaches of agreement that it discloses.
12th Finished 'W.E.B.S?' - just four weeks work. 'D' page proofs corrected.
13th Conference with Hale re. Jarrolds breaches of agreement in remaindering my books, and agreed to submit proposals for settlement.
14th Sent Jarrolds offer of settlement; also separately sent them 'W.E.B.S.?' as next S. Fowler book. Wrote Heinemann re. 'Siege of Malta'.
15th Commenced 'Regulating Slaughter'.
19th Have worked on 'Regulating Slaughter' during last few days.
20th Ditcham wrote that Universal have lost 'S.C.' and I supplied another copy. Commenced 'Adventures of Wyndham Smith'.
22nd Quiet day, good progress with 'Regulating Slaughter'.
25th Wrote article 'What Is A Dollar Worth?' - to be offered to Morning Post.
27th Worked clearing correspondence with Miss Graham.
28th Wrote ultimatum to Jarrolds.
 Finished 'Who Else But She?' this month.
17th Saw Browne (T.B.'s) re. preliminaries to publication of 'D.'. Called London Play Co. re. Braddall (Bickerton).
20th Wrote Jarrolds re. publishing cheap edition of 'The Handprint Mystery' without copyright. Wrote Evening Standard re. shortening stories from 'New Gods Lead'.
22nd Finished 'Wyndham Smith' and sent to Miss Graham to type.
23rd Corrected 42 galleys of 'W.E.B.S.?'. Replied to Jarrolds re. reprint of 'Handprint Mystery'.
24th Commenced novel 'The Three Witnesses' which will perhaps do for the next Sydney Fowler book.
25th Made redaction to 'Justice' and 'Rule' to offer to Evening Standard. Reduce them to the 3,500 word limits.
26th Corrected 22 galleys of 'W.E.B.S?' completing and returning this. Also correspondence with Jarrolds and other.
29th 'David' published.
30th A little done on 'Evidence'.
 Little work done this month except 'Wyndham Smith' and start of 'Evidence' (later to be 'The Three Witnesses').
1stCorrespondence with T.B., Miss Rogers and Jarrolds. Corrected 'Adventure of W.S.' and sent to Miss R.
4th Good progress with 'Evidence'.
6th See from the press that M. Cooper is leaving control of radio. Very good progress with 'Evidence'.
7-8th'Evidence'. Corrected redactions of 'Rule' and 'Justice' and sent to Evening Standard. Miss R. reported that Readers' Library would take 'Handprint Mystery'.
9th Steady progress with 'E.'. Wrote T.B. with full analysis of Harraps sale of S.F. books; copy to Miss R.
11-14th Worked on 'E.'.
16th Worked on 'Three Witnesses', first three chapters ready for Miss Graham to correct. 'By Saturday' dramatic version returned by London Play Co.
17th Wrote Daily Herald with 'R' and 'J', London Play Co. with 'By Saturday', Miss Cummings with draft agreement, Collins with 'World Below'. Read over Challinger's 'Tales' and wrote him proposal for editing.
18-19th Fair days on 'E.'.
20th At Bow Street police court studying procedure for 'E.', then to Birmingham at commercial library reading up copyright law for dispute with Jarrolds.
24th Revised chapters of 'E.' already written and added 4,000 words.
30th Some progress on 'E.'.
 No definite good features this month. T. Butterworth so far extremely unsatisfactory as new publishers. 'Who Else But She?' completed, three quarters of 'Evidence', 300 pps of 'Siege of Malta', scenario for 'Suicide Club' and 'Wyndham Smith'.
1-4th'E.' now finished. To London p.m. to meet Mrs. Cummings. Obtained further details re. Colhuss.
5th Saw Brian Hall and arranged for him to push short stories. Saw Smith (Collins) re. 'World Below'.
6th Looked over Challinger's 'Tale' and 'Belated Dawn' and decided to try re writing it.
7th Finished 'Belated Dawn'.
8th Began typing 'B.D.' (or it may be 'From Different Dawns).
9th Finished typing 'F.D.D.', corrected it and sent to G. Harbord. Wrote re. 'Power', wrote G.P. Watt re. Pemberton, went over first 90 pps of 'Dream' sequel (finally published as 'Vengeance of Gwa').
10th Continued 'Dream' sequel. Wrote RKO re. their delay in replying re. M.C., then to London to V. Rice's at G. Harbords.
11th Continued sequel. Wrote to London radio office for Cooper's address. Wrote H. Wilcox (Dominian Films) re. my books.
12-17th Worked on 'Dream' sequel.
19th Still on 'Dream' sequel, typing and correcting what I write each day.
20th Long conference with Miss R. re. T.B.'s proposals for S.F. books.
22nd Wrote G.P. Watt re. sale of film rights in this country.
23rd Mainly on correspondence. Heard 'Lords Right' to be published next month by Wedzel & Co. and wrote to them. Wrote to Readers' Library re. USA rights to 'Deluge' and 'Sparrow'.
24th Wrote Mrs. Reynolds, K. MacGowan, Morris Small and Miss R. re. USA publication of 'Lord's Right'.
26th Signed agreement for cheap edition of 'Handprint Mystery' for Readers Library.
27-28thProgress with 'Vengeance of Gwa'. Wrote Miss R. to go ahead with T.B. agreement for S.F. books.
31st Good and rapid progress with 'V. of G.', having brought it from 92 pps. typed to 265 pps typed since 10th.
 Fair amount of work was got through including completion of 'Three Witnesses' and the bulk of 'Vengeance of Gwa'.
1st Pushed on hard with completion of 'V. of G.'.
2-3rd'V. of G.'.
4th Finished 'V. of G.' and typed conclusion and posted to G. Harbord. Miss Crispin continued typing 'Three W's.'.
5th Went over 'K. of M.', laid aside since I commenced first chapter of part Wrote Ditcham for information re. 'Suicide Club'.
6th George O........ refused 'Power'.
7th Went to see 'The Wind and the Rain' in hope of finding right start for 'By Saturday' but not hopeful.
8-11th 'K. of M.'.
12th Continued 'K. of M.' with Miss Crispin typing 'Three W's.'.
15th At British Museum looking up points re. 'K. of M.'.
16-19th Progress with 'K. of M.'. Miss C. typing 'E.'.
20-21st 'K. of M.'.
22nd To London to see Miss R. re. delay in T.B.'s Sydney Fowler agreements and other matters. Wrote sundry letters to USA re. 'Lord's Right'.
24th To London seeing radio re. M.C. and made appointments to meet Miss Messiger. Also to British and Dominian Films seeing Morris Buxton; arranged to send 'By Saturday' and meet Mr. Marsh on his return from holiday.
25th Good progress with 'K. of M.'. Miss C. typed over weekend.
26th Good progress with 'K. of M.'. Saw Miss Messenger at radio offices re. M.C
28th Good progress with 'K. of M.'; typing of 2nd part started.
30th Worked on 'K. of M' and 20 pps typed; 230 pps written this month.
31st To Miss R. again re. T.B.'s S.F. agreements but mostly at British Museum consulting Vertosi's account of 'Siege of Malta'.
 Good work done this month, finishing 'Three Witnesses' and large portion of the 2nd part of 'Knights of Malta' written.
1st 'K. of M.' writing and typing.
2nd Writing Miss R. re. T.B. and correspondence.
3rd Good progress with 'K. of M', writing and typing.
4-6th'K. of M.'.
7th To London to see Brian Hall re. delay of T.B. in settling Sydney Fowler contract and paying deposit on 'V. of G.'.
8th At British Museum and saw Miss Miles, T.B.'s secretary, for prosecution negotiations.
9th Working on 'K. of M.' and commenced revision of typescript.
10th 'K. of M.', correspondence and letters to six Hebrew booksellers to clear 'Passionate Jesus'.
11th Heard from Miss Messenger re. 'The Rat' etc. and sent 'David' at her request.
12-13th 'K. of M.'.
14thTo London meeting T.B., getting Sydney Fowler agreement signed and afterwards writing Brian Hall re. terms for cancelling T.B.'s S.F. agreement. Wrote Jarrolds re. their agreements etc.
15thWrote J. Whale re. 'Suicide Club'.
17thSome 'K. of M'. Also in London to see Willerts (Heinemann) re. proposal to reduce Scott element in the book.
23rd Correspondence with Jarrolds, Hall and other publishers. Also wrote to Tribune Films and others.
25th To London meeting Lt. Clnl. Campbell Sharp who lent me maps and photos of Malta. Saw B.H. and offered him disposal of cheap rights from S.F. agreement. Revised 'K. of M'. MS for Heinnemans.
 An interrupted month but some progress on 'Knights of Malta'.
lst Commenced revising 'K. of M.' typescript for Heinnemans.
4th Correcting typescript of 'Three Witnesses'.
5th Finished correcting typescript of 'Three W.'s' and took to G. Harbords for delivery to T.B.
6th Correcting 'K. of M.'. Miss R. phoned re. T.B. proposals and rejecting, and wrote to same effect.
7-8th'K. of M.'
9th To London leaving typescript of 'K. of M.' to p.1,007 with Heinemann. Met Lt. Sharp re. naval details of 'K. of M.'.
10th Revising 'K. of M.'.
12th Finished correcting typescript of 'K. of M.' and wrote Willerts of Heinemann on this.
15th To London consulting Hollard & Co. re. Jarrolds business. Fair progress on 'K. of M.' and sent 'Three W.'s' to Miss Messenger of RKO.
23-28th 'K. of M.'.
30th To London seeing S.L. re. Jarrold claim.
 Poor month for work. Correspondence cleared. I am looking to finish of 'Knights of Malta'.
1-6th 'K. of M.'.
9th Excellent progress with 'K. of M.' Heard from M. Cooper after year's delay
21stResumed 'K. of M.'.
22nd In London seeing Willerts re. 'K. of M.' and declined to alter it to meet Evans' wish that more of the Scott MS should be included.
23rd Saw T.B. and made verbal proposals for revising agreements on which he is to give Miss R. a final answer on Monday.
24th Wrote Miss R. with my final proposals for revision of T.B. agreements.
25th Wrote Heinemann to return 'K. of M.' MS.
27th In London on rejection by T.B. of my last proposals and insisting on main conditions of these, and re-establishing negotiations.
29th Heard that T.B. had agreed my final proposals. F.W. agreement cancelled, balance on 'Three W.'s' to be paid at once and 'V. of G.' to be published under a pseudonym.
30th T.B. paid. Day mostly spent on 'K. of M.', correcting copy back from Heinemann.
 Fair progress on 'Knights of Malta', not yet completed. Succeeded in difficult but important revision of relations with T. Butterworth.
2-4th Progress on 'K. of M.'
4th Correspondence with Wedzel & Co. on this.
5th Second copy of 'Three W.'s' sent to Miss R.
7th Wrote to Fox Films re. 'Inferno'; also M. Cooper re. my claim on RKO. Some progress on 'K. of M.' but still one chapter to do.
10th Finished 'K. of M.'.
11th Took 'Siege of Malta' to Gordon Harbord.
12th Began revision of 'V.of G.' to eliminate features which make it a sequel to 'Dream'.
14th Wrote to Cecil de Milne, Paramount, with copy of 'David'.
15th 'Three W.'s' back from radio. Sent it to Ditcham while writing to him 'Suicide Club'. Wrote Miss Messenger re. 'S.of M.'.
20th Worked long day on 'V.of G.'.
21st Finished revision of 'V.of G.' at 1 a.m. and took it into Miss R.
22nd Commenced 'Roughton Murder'.
23rd Decided to take the Conquest of M...... as subject of next action novel.
24th Wrote final chapter of Cortez. Satisfactory letter from G.Wells re. 'K. of M.'
27th Wrote preface to 'K. of M'
28th Writing to film studios etc.
30th Some preparation work on Cortez.
 Few results of any kind but some foundations laid.
    Work done:
      'Who Else But She?'
      'Suicide Club'
      'The Three Witnesses'< 'Knights of Malta'.
      'Vengeance of Gwa'.


2nd Sold 'Three Witnesses' to Universal. Wrote Korda and other studios. Some 'Cortez'.
3rd To London to instruct Stollard re. Jarrolds. Progress with 'Cortez'.
4th To Malvern at Twickenham studio.
10th Twickenham to sign contract for 'Three Witnesses', then London - Gollancz re. relevant copyright of 'Sparrow'; Northcliffe House discussing possible serial with Putnam, Collin Bell and McWhother.
12th Started 'Three Witnesses' scenario.
13-14thGood progress with scenario.
15th Worked long on scenario; wanted for tomorrow!
17th In London; second interview with Putnam and Collin Bell re. proposed serial. Terms personally agreed.
18th Finished scenario and sent it to studios. Sketched outline of serial for Sunday Despatch.
19th Wrote out brief synopsis of proposed 'War of 1938' and posted to Putnam.
20th Corrected typed copy of scenario of 'Three Witnesses' and posted to Malvern for him to use instead of uncorrected copy posted earlier. Began reading up Prague history for 'War of 1938'.
21st Some 'Cortez' and some C & D. Andel
22nd In London at Northcliffe House. Conference on 'War of 1938' and meeting with Capt. Macmillan.
23rd Some 'Cortez' and some 'C & D'.
25th Left for continent.
31st Diary not kept in continent. Month brought sale of film rights of 'Three Witnesses' and Sunday Despatch offer. Work moderate.
7th Back to England. Visited Brussels, Cologne, Berline, Dresden, Prague and Nuremburg and collected much material for serial.
8th Hear from Miss Rogers that 'Knight of Malta' still not placed but cheap rights for older books sold.
10th Sunday; began S.D. serial.
11th To Gordon Harbord with second copy of 'K of M' for Macmillans.
12th Saw S.D editors with extended synopsis of 'War of '38' and agreed to go ahead on those lines.
13th Started 'War of 1938'.
14th Completed first installment of '38'.
15th Revised first installment of '38'.
16th Worked on proofs of 'Vengeance of Gwa'.
17th '38' continues slowly.
19th Loval Dickson turned down 'K.of M'; looks like forcing me to do my publishing again.
20th Completed proofs of 'Vengeance of Gwa' and returned them.
21st To London to meet S.D. editors, agreed to alter first installment on condition it could go up to 9,000-10,000 words.
23rd Posted first installment of '38' to McWhirter and worked on proofs of 'Three Witnesses'.
24th Proofs of 'Three Witnesses' and 'C & D Andel and '38'.
25th Finished proofs of 'Three Witnesses'
26th At London library looking up points re. '38'; some work on it in evening.
27th Good progress on '38' and 'C & D'.
28th London to interest Farley (Newnes) re. agreements with him etc., and Steel at Harbord's hearing reasons why he thought 'By Saturday' a bad play.
 Month mainly taken up with preliminary work on '38'. Prospects good but no outstanding event.
1st Conference with McWhirter and others re. first installment of serial. Threatening resignation which led to peace.
3rd Sunday. Posted extra cony of '38' to McWhirter, which was typed as I wrote.
4th Wrote to Malvern with 'Burglar's Aid' and 'A Question of Temptation' to Newnes for The Strand.
5th To London to consult Capt. Macmillan re. some parts of '38'.
6th Had both MSS back v. quickly from Strand and sent them to Putnam. Heard that F & F had refused 'Siege of Malta'. Some '38' done.
7th To London to meet McWhirter in the afternoon to obtain proofs of first undertaking of '38'.
8th Received, corrected and returned final page proofs of 'Gwa'. Corrected and returned '38' proofs received yesterday.
9th Some '1938'.
10th Clarke from Daily Mail here with his fiancee in afternoon. Sunday Despatch advertised '1938'.
11th To London to meet Sunday Despatch editors, endless conferences re. '38'. No real work done as a result.
12th To London to meet Ditcham in the afternoon re. prospect of selling other film material to Universal.
14-15th Worked on '1938'.
19th Prepared second and third installments for press.
20th Some work on '38' and much correspondence with film studios, agents and others.
21st To London to see the ghastly mess Twickenham Studios have made of 'Three Witnesses'. Also interviewed Justman re. German rights of '38'.
22nd To London to see Miss Messinger re. Radio interest in 'Knights of Malta'.
23rd To London correcting second installment proofs etc. Copy of first 25,000 words in full script to Gultman.
25th Sent 'K of M' to Miss M.(Radio) 'Bell Street' and 'H. Mystery' and 'Arresting D.' to......... '38' and 'Elfwyn' to S. Goldwyn on Olympics .
27th Books returned from Radio.
28th '38' hurriedly finished and sent by tram to S.D.
29th A little of '38'; dislike the book at this stage, and the kind of publishing S.D. are giving it.
30th Corrected '38' and to Northcliffe House with it and writing to Brittain to express my dissatisfaction therewith, particularly the way they are mutilating it.
 The quarter has shown some financial improvement both in fact and prospects partly in unexpected ways, through sale of film rights for 'Three Witnesses' and the '38' development: but 'Three Witnesses' is valueless or worse, except financially, my script not having been used, and the use of the '38' is still problematical and most of the book not finished. The work of a year ago still not published and unproductive.
1st Wrote to Brittain that I was disposed to throw it up if present interference continued.
3rd Finished fourth installment and took it to S.D.
5th To S.D. with third installment and discussed differences with them re. altering and deleting.
6th Fair progress on fifth installment of '38'.
8th Good progress with '38'. Posted 3-4,000 words and letter dealing with a copyright and difficulties which have arisen.
11th Extra copy of '38 posted to S.D.
12th Looked up copyright law in library.
16th Good progress on '38'. Saw Brittain and fixed up terms of payment and other outstanding details.
18th Good progress an '38'.
24th Good progress an '38'.
27th To London to correct proofs. Not much work done today.
30th Cleared some letters and prepared earlier part of '38' for revision for book production.
 Month mainly on '38'; the book has taken an unusual time, mainly owing to the curse of adapting each episode for serialization.
5th King's Jubilee celebrations. Bought portable typewriter so that imperative work on '38' can go on.
9th One week before date on which final MSS of '1938' required for contract with S.D. and all needs revision and about a quarter of the book unwritten. but am still trying to keep to bargain.
10th 170 pps of '38' ready for final typing.
13th To London, seeing Gordon Harbord etc. re. '38' and Fairley re. title, date of publication.
14-15th Good progress with '38'.
16th Saw Brittain re. date of completing serial etc.
17th First lot of final copy of '38' to Newnes.
20-22nd Worked on '38'.
23rd Hard and long day on '38' to enable S.D. to have first 360 pps in revised form for serial negotiation tomorrow.
24th Got typescript to S.D. Met Betts at Gaumont Dulish to discuss story for flying film.
26th Finished getting typescript of '38' ready for printers up to p.368, leaving 40 or 50 pps to write to which I can now turn in earnest.
29th '38' and correspondence. The book seems slow in its last stages.
30th Beginning to see the end of '38'.
 Month's summary: better progress with '1938'. now approaching conclusion. Some slight prospect of scenario work with Gaumont British to follow.
1-3rd Good progress on '38'.
4th Some work on '38' early, then to London to see Betts' press show of his RAF film and at press dinner afterwards. Met Air Ministry officials re. proposed air film and arranged for Betts to come to lunch to discuss it next Sunday.
5thFinished '38' and took final sheets to S.D. and to Newnes in afternoon. On this book since Feb. 13th and very glad to finish.
6th Made some corrections in 'Siege of Malta' and took Ms to Harbords as arranged for them to make a final effort to place it.
7th A quiet day; undecided what to take up next among several competing interests. Cleared up various trifles.
8th Looked up Abyssinian data for film I have in mind.
9th Whitsunday. Mr. & Mrs. Betts came to lunch and stayed till midnight, discussing story of proposed RAF film.
10th Corrected first lot of book proofs of '38' and commenced 'Outlaw' (later 'Attic Murder') for next Butterworth book which should have been delivered to him in May if he had kept to his own publishing dates.
13-16th Good progress with 'Outlaw' and proofs of '38'.
18th Rush through '38' proofs to get them to Newnes.
19th Finished correcting proofs and took them to Newnes: also my corrected copy to Miss Rovers, and the typescript copy returned from printers to Ditcham.
20th A quiet day after the rush of finishing '38'.
21st See from MP Herald that 'The Suicide Club' is to be put in hand by Universal - presumably my scenario. Good news if so.
23rd Commenced typing 'Outlaw'.
24th Good progress on 'Outlaw'.
25th Went to London re. delay in sending me page proofs of '38' and learnt Fairley is away ill and printers not progressing. Publication date evidently impossible and will probably be pushed on to August holiday and even then too hurried.
26th Called on S.D. re. some ghastly interpretations on the latest proofs. Also again on Newnes endeavouring to hasten their printers.
28-29th Worked on 'Outlaw'. Harry Thompson of S.D. here for afternoon.
 The half year made financially satisfactory by '1938' and the sale of film rights for 'Three Witnesses' Work almost all on '38' but 'Cortez' and 'Outlaw' begun. 'Siege of Malta' still unplaced but prospects better, particularly if '38' succeeds in book form.
2nd Wrote to Christy Moore that I would try them as agents, and sent 'Wyndham Smith' 'Burglar's Aid' and 'David' also 'By Saturday' play and copy of the book for film negotiation. First set of '38' page proofs corrected and returned.
4th Final proofs of '38' taken to London. Job finished, thank Heaven.
5th Sent advance copy of '38' to Miss Messinger (Radio) and also to ed. of Morning Post.
7th Worked out plot of 'Outlaw' Title must be changed: 'Attic Murder'?
9th Worked first of projected articles for John O'London on 'Can There Be Peace?'.
10th To Shepherds Bush meeting the Gaumont people re. proposed RAF film. Prospects favourable, but we shall have difficulties when we come to closer quarters.
11th Good day on 'Outlaw' but must change title.
12th Worked on 'Outlaw'. Replied to G. Harbord's Prague agents criticism of '1938'
13th Writing to Newnes re. publishing methods for '1938' and Brian Hall re. cheap editions of 'David'. foreign rights of '38'. future works for Butterworth and other matters. Good progress with 'Outlaw', which I will call 'The Attic Murder'.
14th Got some help in typing 'The Attic Murder'.
15th To London to see L. Walerans: also Stollard re. Jarrolds; also Newnes re. publicity campaign for '1938' which is to be published on Thursday, 18th, and to Miss Rogers re. film negotiations for this book, and other matters.
16th Clearing up delayed affairs - various.
18th Thought out plot for film.
19th To Air Ministry with Betts' discovery re. subject of proposed film then lunch with him and to see 'Becky Sharp'.
22nd On Air film synopsis.
23rd Finished and sent Air film synopsis and wrote to S.D. and Betts thereon: Gordon Harbord placed Czech rights of '1938'.
24th To London At Newnes re. slackness in publishing '1938' and co.
31st Very negative month and similar in that respect to twelve months ago but with the difference that I have done little definite work. except the synopsis for Gaumont British which may prove to be important or a mere waste of time.
1st Reverted to 'The Attic Murder' of which only about 60 pages done and that not very good, but have got it moving again: also went to London to see Stroud at the Air Ministry re. '38' and with ref. to Gaumont's failure to submit synopsis of Air film to them as had been arranged.
7th Worked on 'A.M.'
8th To London to see Stroud re. Air film and to Brian Hall, various.
9th Seeing Fairley in London re. Newnes' failure to put 'Prague' properly on the market and arranging for further interview on Wednesday.
20th Typed some pages of 'A.M.'
26th Good day on 'A.M'. and at Gaumont British in the afternoon discussing position re. RAF film with Doxall
27th Wrote to Cecil B. de Mille re. 'David' and sent him '1938' and 'Beyond the Rim': also referred him to M. Small re. 'Lord's Right'
28th Fair day on 'A.M.'; at last beginning to move it at considerable pace.
29th Some work on 'A.M.' in morning: then to Gordon Harbord's for conference with B. Hall and Miss R. and then Film department as to how they are handling my agency.
30th Good day - about 3,000 words of 'A.M.' written, typed and corrected, in the endeavour to improve month's record as it closes. Heard that Macmillans London have refused 'Malta' and Simon and Shuster, New York. refused '1938'.
 A month of very little work owing to family illness.
1st Good day writing and typing 'A.M.'
2nd Pushing on fast with 'A.M'.
3rd Entirely on 'A.M' - a few days at this rate will finish it.
4th Good progress with 'A.M': Miss Jenner engaged temporarily as house secretary giving me help with typing.
5-12th 'Attic Murder'.
13th Finished 'A.M.' And took three copies into Gordon Harbord. The book has taken an endless time, but the latter half has been rapidly finished, in less than a fortnight.
14thAllowing myself two day's interval before starting next book.
16thStarted a new crime book - 'Was Murder Done?' and made good progress.
17thWorked on 'W.M.D?'; wrote to Miss Rogers congratulating her on terms she has got on 'Prague' edition of '1938' and other matters.
18-28th Fair days on 'W.M.D?'
29th 'W.M.D?' shows signs of advancing now; typing of book began.
 Better month for work. 'Attic Murder' being finished and 'Was Murder Done?' being well advanced.
1-2nd Good progress on 'W.M.D?'
3rd 'Attic Murder' sent to RKO London office; work on 'W.M.D?' now about half way.
4th Still going ahead well with 'W.M D?'
5th 'W.M.D?'. Heard of Crompton Rhodes' death.
6th 'W.M.D?' and drafted preface for Czech ed. of '1938'.
7th Wrote to Marston Rudland re. C.R.'s unfinished history of Birmingham. In London seeing G. Harbord but some work also.
8th Mainly on drafting 'The Splendid Curse'.
10th A little more work on 'The Splendid Curse' but last three days have been very broken and work on 'W.M.D?' almost nil.
11th Cleared up some areas of correspondence
12th Recommenced on 'W.M.D?'
13-16th Good quiet days on 'W.M.D?' now well advanced.
17th Long interview with Miss Rogers re. negotiating new contract with Newnes and other matters. Good progress with 'W.M.D?'
18th Correspondence and unhindered work and a good deal completed.
20th Good day again on 'W.M.D?'
22nd Fair days work on 'W.M.D?'
23rd Morning on 'W.M.D?'. Afternoon in London: saw Collin Brooks and obtained his promise to have '1938' reviewed by the Northcliffe Press. Also saw Shapland Cooper re. pressing film negotiations with English Studios.
27-28thGood days on 'W.M D?'
29th To London to meet Marston Rudland for lunch re. history of Birmingham .
3lst Finished 'W.M.D?' this morning; last twelve pages very rapidly.
 Good month for work; 'Was Murder Done?' having been finished within six weeks of when it was started. Much uncertainty and difficulty as to whether I can get to Hollywood.
1st Preliminary work and reading the 'The Sacred Curse'
2nd Several ideas worked out for two future novels.
3rd Cleared Some correspondence.
4th Revised end of '1938' to suit Putnam's ideas of what U.S. public will like - sickening work but only way to save copyright now.
5th Worked on 'S.C'.
6th Completed revision of end of '1938' for U.S. ed. Also conference with Shapland Cooper re. Gaumont British dispute.
9th Wrote to Shapland Cooper re. proposed settlement with Gaumont British. Signed agreement with Fairley for 'S.C.'.
10th Decided to put other work aside to get the typing of 'W.M.D?' finished if possible; about 120 pp now done.
11-12thTyping 'W.M.D?' and getting letters off.
13th To London to Gordon Harbords re. settlement with Gaumont British and to Methuen.
20th To London to lunch with Alexander and Cooper at Savage Club. Some preliminary work on 'S.C.' but no real start yet.
21st Have at last commence 'S.C.' on which only preparatory work has been done up until now; first 7 pages done.
22- 23rd Worked on 'S.C.'
26th Pushed forward completion of typing 'W.M.D?'; finished at last.
27th Corrected last 100 pps of typescript of 'W.M.D?' and took it in to Miss Rogers. Also signed agreement for U.S. ed. of '1938' and placed Scott biography in Miss R's hands to negotiate a shorter edition.
28thSeveral pages of '1938' written.
 Some preliminary work done on 'The Sacred Curse' which should now proceed rapidly. Peace made with Gaumont British. Some promising indications in various directions, though not definite.
2nd Managed about 10 pages of 'S.C.' in train and coach
5th More work on 'S.C.'
6th To London seeing Shapland Cooper re. possible chance of placing film rights of 'By Saturday' with Mainwaring.
7-10th Fair days work on 'S.C.', which moves slowly.
11th Saw Brian Hall at G.H.'s offices and learned first (from him) that Miss Rogers has left.
12th Good day on 'S.C.'. Truda Saw Miss Rogers during the morning.
13th Saw Shapland Cooper in the afternoon. No progress except possible sale of 'Hanging of C. Hillier' to French studios.
14th Corrected pages of 'S.C.'.
15th Corrected U.S. proofs of 'Prelude in Prague'.
16th Some pages of 'S.C'. written.
18th Corrected copy of 'The Congo Cat' and sent it to Evening Standard.
19th Wrote to Gordon Harbord re. conditions of continuing his agency with appointment for tomorrow.
20th Long interview with G.H. and Brian Hall and their foreign rights agent.
21stSupplied Brian Hall with extra copies for foreign negotiations of 'By Saturday'. 'Who Else But She?', 'Secret of Screen', 'Three Witnesses', 'Arresting Delia'. two each 'Deluge'. 'Dream', 'Bickerton' and 'Bell Street'.
26th Began again on 'S.C.'.
27-31st Fair days on 'S.C.' and completed Book 1.
 So the year ends. Better year financially, as I anticipated, but in unexpected and not the most welcome ways. No real progress towards the film work I should prefer and 'Knights of Malta' still unpublished.
Work done:
'Prelude in Prague'
'The Attic Murder'
'Was Murder Done?'
Part of 'The Splendid Curse'
A little of 'Cortez' 


 Rich and Warren have refused 'Knights of Malta'. Working on 'Cortez'
1st Evening Standard returned 'Congo Cat'; commenced second part of 'S.C'
2nd In London interviewing Brian Hill re. sundry matters and then to Miss Rogers with whom I declined to agree anything but said I would meet Miss Buxton by appointment next week. Some 'S.C.' and correcting 'A.M.' proofs.
3rd On 'A.M.' proofs and put them into Thornton Butterworth, having completed corrections in 24 hours.
4th Spent day at home and good progress with 'S.C.'.
5-7th Good days on 'S.C.'
7th Little pleasure in feeling how the years pass and how much is undone which I have in mind.
8thTo London seeing Mary Buxton re. film contracts but promised nothing unless she can deliver the goods. Left typescript of 'A.M.' with her. Fair days work on 'S.C.'
10th At home mainly on correspondence and accounts. Some revision of 'S.C
11th Heard from Brian Hall asking for early chapter of 'S.C.' to show Lusty (M. Joseph) and turned to revision and continuing of typing.
12th Continued on early chapter of 'S.C.'
13th Mainly typing to get first portion of 'S.C.' off to Michael Joseph.
15th Made appointment to meet Hale
16th Delivered first 100 pages of 'S.C.' to Brian Hall for Michael Joseph to see.
17th Meeting Hale at Miss Rogers'; conference which may be of first importance if we come to terms.
18th At home getting typed 'S.C.' which it is evident that I must do
19th Good day both typing and working on 'S.C.'
20th Fair day typing and correcting 'S.C.'
21st To Brian Hall discussing position with Fairley, Michael Joseph having refused a sequel.
22nd To London in the afternoon seeing Brian Hall and afterwards to Miss Rogers' party.
30th To London seeing R. Rogers and then to Brian Hall re. publishing of 'S.C.' and other matters, but did a good day on the book - but am afraid it is becoming a long one.
 Summary plodding progress with 'The Sacred Curse' or whatever it is finally to be called.
4thTo London and long conference with Hale re. proposed publishing agreement.
5thTo London again seeing Ditcham re. reported sale of 'Suicide Club' by Universal.
6- 9th Progress with 'S.C.' It seems an endless book.
11thTo London instructing Miss R. to prepare Hale agreements and other matters. Saw C. Kearton at Jarrolds re. 'Beyond the Rim'. who agreed to submit proposal to release copyright to W.H. and report results.
12thA little 'S.C.' but progress still slow with this book.
14thSaw Miss Buxton re. film negotiations. Did 10 pps of 'S.C.'
15-17thSome revision of 'S.C.'
18thTo London seeing Hale, Miss R. and B.H. on sundry matters, but also worked on 'S.C.'
19thSaw Fairley re. releasing rights of '1938' to Hale, then to Miss R. to inform her of his promise to do so. Also saw Miss Kleimman and instructed her to sell all my stories in USA and to handle 'Vengeance of Gwa'.
20th Correcting and revising earliest sheets of 'S.C.' prior to writing concluding chapters.
21st Continued getting 'S.C.' into shape. Heard from Miss R. that Collins will come to terms in releasing copyright to 'World Below'.
22nd Still on 'S.C.', now revised to page 240
23rd On 'S.C.' - which I have now decided to make a three volume series, this being the second under the title of 'Four Days War' Settled this today, up to p. 260.
24th In London seeing Gordon Harbord re. possible sale of film rights of 'By Saturday'; Brian Hall re. Soviet rights of '1938': Miss Rogers re. the Hale agreement and Miss Buxton to whom I gave Status to sell. Some 'Four Days War' also.
25th Still revising and correcting 'F.D.W.' and recommenced on concluding chapters.
26th In London seeing Gordon Harbord re. possible sale of 'Bell Street' and 'By Saturday' and re. borrowing rights of '1938'. Good progress on final chapters of 'F.D.W.'.
27th To G.H. to discuss price quote for 'By Saturday' with Blandford. Fair day on 'F.D.W. .
28th To London again seeing Hale re. immediate publication of 'F.D.W.' and other matters. Very good day on the book 12 pps of penultimate chapter written.
29th Correcting and completing 'F.D.W.': now almost ready for press.
1st Good day on final preparations of 'F.D.W.' for printers.
2nd Delivered MSS of 'F.D.W.' to Hale & Co. To Miss R. for serialization and to B H for Putnams. Saw Miss Buxton, and she repeated her assurance that she is selling 'The Attic Murder' and her promise to arrange an interview with Herbert Wilcox and Anna Neagle.
3rd Sent 'Justice' to Miss Kleimman.
4th To London for conference with Hale re. date of publishing 'F.D.W.' and setting terms of agreements. Also with Miss R. re. serializing and in ref. to Miss Buxton's film negotiations. Started new book for Hale - no title yet.
9th Signed Hale's agreement re. books.
10th Meeting Akers-Douglas of 20th Century Fox re. 'Dope' film and agreeing to supply brief draft of proposed scenario. Supplied Miss R. with script of '38' for USA, serial negotiations. Also 'Dyehard Papers' to Brian Hall.
11th 'Red Ike' to Miss Buxton correspondence etc. Drafting scenario for 20th C. studios.
12th Drafted theme for 'Dope' scenario for 20th C. and sent it to Akers-Douglas.
13th Saw Ruth Rogers re. possible sale of serial rights of 'F.D.W.' for Saturday Review. Little work beyond correspondence.
17th Heard that the French rights of 'Prelude in Prague' are sold.
18th To London meeting Byland with B H. and agreed to read and advise with ref. to publishing of his memoirs, but nothing further. Saw Hale re. taking over 'P in P' from Newnes, and other matters.
23rd Saw Miss R. and learned that Lady Houston has decided it is too risky to publish 'F.D.W in Saturday Review, the present political situation being so acute. Other book and film negotiations hanging fire.
24th Saw Hale and pressed him to arrange conference with Butterworth to clear up his various defaults. Saw Fairley and then Hale at their offices to arrange for transfer of 'P in P' and hope that this is now approaching a settlement as a result of my mediation.
26th Saw Hale and afterwards wrote to him confirming terms for his taking over 'P in P'. Also saw B H- and signed agreement for French translation rights for this book and other matters re. Butterworth etc.
29th Did little except letter to B H. and copy to T.B. re. dates of publication and or points in his contract
30th Synopsis of 'F.D.W.' for Hale.
31st Saw Hale on various matters.
 Month of planning and preparation rather than much actual work. with some improvement in prospects and general conditions, though nothing momentous or decisive. Can commence April in hopeful mood. 'Knights of Malta' still unpublished.
1st Some preliminary work on the 'Dope' film or novel, not yet titled.
2nd Posted first 10 pages of 'Dope' to be typed.
3rd Saw Hall who told me that Byland had called and said he would instruct him soon to get intouch with us for publication of his memoirs or novel based thereon at his death. Got proofs of 'F.D.W.' from Hale and commenced correcting.
4-6th Proof correcting of 'F.D.W.' and posted few more pages of 'Dope' for typing.
8-11th Some work done on 'Dope' but start of this book commencing slowly and preventing other work.
13th Practically all day abbreviating 'Dawn' for Hale's cheap edition.
14-16th Work on 'Dope'
17th Tentative start on 'The Screaming Lake'.
19th Good days work. Wrote to Hale on various matters, revised and corrected pages of 'Dope' already done, made a good start on a new crime book called 'Postmortem Evidence' - a fresh idea which looks like running smoothly.
20th On the new book 'Postmortem Evidence'.
22nd Fairly good day on 'P.E.'
23rd Good day on 'P.E.' and copy sent to typist.
24th Saw Herriot re. Hale's proposal to delay publication of 'F.D.W.' owing to 'wave of pro-German feeling'!!! Heard that Putnams have rejected the book.
25th Fair day on 'P.E.' and at South Audley Street library for some hours reading up Amazon literature.
26th Wandered round London and wrote - really good day on 'P.E.'.
27-28th Still on 'P.E.'.
29th Conference with Gordon Harbord re. film negotiations. A very good day on 'P.E.'.
30th Quiet day with fair progress on 'P.E.' and some correspondence cleared up.
 Unsettled month and work poor and down except for last few days. No business developments of importance. On the whole a dull month.
1-4thGood days on 'P.E.'.
5th Interview with Browne (T.R.) re. dates and conditions of publishing of remaining S.F. books and particulars of terms of agreement left with B.H.'s secretary. Also saw R. Rogers re. Hale's draft agreement for cheap rights, and Miss Miles (Miss Buxton's office) re. probability of them selling 'By Saturday' and other matters.
6 -7thGood days on 'P.E.'
8th Saw Hale re. various matters and had draft agreement re. 'P in P' from him for consideration. Fair day on 'P.E.'.
11th At Gordon Harbord's reception. Fair day on 'P.E.'. Enquiry from continental source re. film rights of 'P in P'. - very important or not at all, both equally likely.
12-15th Fair days on 'P.E.'
16th Afternoon and evening at Birmingham Reference Library looking up background for 'The Screaming Lake'.
17-18th Good days on 'P.E.'.
19th Another good day. Czech rights for 'F.D.W. placed and Hale's agreement signed for cheap edition of 'Dawn'
20-25th Work on 'P.E.' This book is taking far too long and obstructing more important work.
26th On 'P.E.' and called on B H. for talk on various book and film negotiations: wrote Jarrolds re. copyright of 'Who Else But She?'
27th Good quiet day on 'P.E.' both writing and correcting copy of early portion. B-H. phoned that he had definite offer for film rights of 'P in P' and £2,500 - we shall see.
28th Very good progress on 'P.E.'. now nearing its end.
29-30th Some progress on 'P.E.'
 Fair amount of work done on 'Postmortem Evidence'- commenced April 19th and now almost finished. Otherwise a featureless month, unless the negotiation of sale of screen rights of '1938' shall prove successful, which is problematical.
1st Finished 'P.E.', commenced on April 19th. Started on 'The Screaming Lake', of which nothing was written though some preliminary notes have been made.
2nd Correcting typescript of 'P E.'
3rd Some reading in Kensington library preparatory to work on 'S.L '
4th Two or three pages more of 'S.L.' done- this should be d short vivid book and I think it will be quickly done, but it is very slow to start: two pages on 1st and three today being the total consecutive work so far.
5thNine pages of 'S.L.' written, first day of real progress.
6thAt Kensington library reading to no apparent purpose.
7thSome work on 'S.L.'
8thSaw Brian Hall re. sundry matters. Good day on 'S.L.'
9-11th Progress on 'S.L.' Corrected further typing of 'P.E.' Miss Rogers M reported enquiry re. 'Sparrow' from Virginia Rice from USA film co.
12th Jarrolds agreed to surrender copyright of 'Beyond the Rim' Some 'S.L.' done.
12-14th 'S.L.'.
14th Completed corrections of typescript of 'P.E.' and posted three copies to Brian Hall.
15th Very good progress with 'S.L.', 94 pps to date. Heard with regret of Chesterton's death.
16-21st Fair progress on 'S.L.', reached p 150.
22nd 'Was Murder Done?' published today. Saw Ruth Rogers in reference to cheap edition position between Jarrolds and Hales. Only two pages of 'S.L.' done.
23rd Saw Herriot at Hales re. further delay in publishing 'F.D.W.' - no satisfaction until Hale returns from holiday next Monday and probably not much then. Most of day reading 'W.M.D.?' - about 20 printers' errors.
24th Long conference with Brian Hall re. film contracts during next three months and other matters probably not wasted. Little work, three pages of 'S.L.' and at British Museum.
 Half a year, in which a fair amount of work has been done under difficulties as I had no secretary and unfortunately position is unrelieved.
1st On correspondence and preparatory work for the half year and slight advance on 'S.L.'. but not much definite work.
2nd Correspondence etc. and little work on 'S.L.'.
3rd Realized that progress on 'S.L. has been even slower during last ten days than I had observed, 22 pps since June 21st, but have added nine to these, to p.181 and so got it moving again. It could be a good book.
4th 13 pps added to 'S.L.'.
5th To Brighton for the half day, being sick of London, doing 8 pages on the beach.
6th Working on 'S.L.', 19 pages done to p.221, about 6,000 words, very good if I can keep it up.
7th In town seeing B. Hall, Miss Rogers and Readers Library on various matters. Further progress with 'S.L.', p.232.
8th Good progress with 'S.L.', 16 pages today, soon be done if I can keep this up.
9th Good progress continues with 'S.L., finishing it at 6.30 p.m. at p.27 having written 22 pages today. The rate I have finished this book, 90 pages in the last five days, say 30,000 words, must be almost a record for me.
10th Typing of 'S.L.' as it must be done quickly. Rewriting the portion which had been lost at Marlow, a hindrance and a poor job but it must be done sometime.
13th Looked at the start of 'Dope' already made, 24 pps, and revised them with a view to continuing it while typing 'S.L.' but the bulk of the day going to the latter work which needs revising as I go on, owing to the part that was lost being differently written; got to p. 8 of typescript.
14-15th Still typing typescript of 'S.L.'.
15th Heard from B.H. that the option on continental film rights on '1938' had not been taken up; and from Miss R. that Hale is postponing publication of 'F.D.W.' until September. Not a good day!
16th Some typing of 'S.L.' done. These last days typing and correcting 'S.L.' at all available intervals.
22nd London for half a day to see Miss R., B.H., and others to stimulate filming and other negotiations. No work worth recording.
23rd Very hard day finishing typing and correcting 'S.L.' and getting copies off to Hale and Miss R.
27thTo Birmingham Reference Library during morning looking up date for projected book on Libyan Desert background but found little of any use.
28th Made start on new book but probably abortive as preliminary idea is too vague.
29th Heard from Hale complaining that 'S.L.' too short and wasted today adding words and writing to him and Miss R. thereon.
31st Heard that Hachettes had agreed to bring out French edition of 'F.D.W.'(A change to have any good news about anything.)
2nd Really good start to Libyan Desert book, about 4,000 words (see July 28th) and hope this will move now and prove good.
3rd Tried another good day on
4th Birmingham Reference Library and good day of
5-6thGood days on, about 13,000 words and shall get this done rapidly if no more interruptions come, which is too much to hope.
7th Cleared some correspondence and moderate progress with
9th Revised sheets of already written.
15th Tried to get back to but unable to.
17-18th Good days on, 8,000 words in two days and plot developing.
19th To Birmingham Reference Library and another good day on book.
20-25th Good progress on
27-28th Good progress on book, which I still cannot name.
31st Fair amount done on book; called on B.H. in the afternoon.
 It is something that I have been able to write more than half of the Libyan book. Otherwise I have done nothing whatever.
1-2ndLibyan Desert book.
3rdMainly on correcting 'Postmortem Evidence' proofs.
4thFinished 'P.E.' proofs and returned them to T. Butterworth and second copy to B.H. for his use.
6thA little progress with book (this was finally called 'The Libyan Desert' and not destined to be published until 1938).
13thA little revision work on book. and a good deal of reading, for which I get little time now.
15thTo London, called on B. Hall, and received Hatchette's agreement for 'F.D.W.' and heard that offer has come for Dutch translation of 'Prelude in Prague'. Also to Miss R's office where confirmation was obtained by phone that Hale will publish 'F.D.W.' on 21st, although omitted from his advertisements. A little progress with book.
16thWrote Hale re. adverts 'P in P' and 'F.D.W.' , on publishing on Monday, probably a waste of time.
17thBook well advanced, a good day.
18thTo London seeing MacDonald (Hale) re. advertising 'F.D.W.'. B. Hall re. sundry matters and Miss Buxton re. film negotiations. Some work in evening on book.
26thDecided not to press forward on final chapters of, now approaching completion, and selected subject for next crime book, which should presumably be required earlier.
27thMade start on new crime book.
28thTo London seeing Miss Rogers and others; little work.
29th Some correspondence cleared and made fair progress on new crime book.
30th Fair day on new crime book.
 Dull month ending a dull quarter, which has only paid its way owing to expenses being kept low. 'Four Days War' - published at last but too soon to see with what result, but Hale making no effort.
1st To London to interview Harrap and subsequently Miss R. and B. Hall re. getting cheap rights of 'Deluge' and other books transferred to Hale and question of Harrap having Sidney Fowler books again. or 'K. of M.'.
2nd Correspondence and a little work on new crime book.
4th Quite a good day on new crime book, which may develop smoothly.
5-6thGood days on crime book, now temporarily entitled 'A Murder Problem'.
7-8th Good days on 'Murder Problem'.
9th To London seeing B.H. re. fresh publisher for S. Fowler books and James at G. Harbord re. film negotiations; also Miss R. to approach Hale re. sequel to 'F.D.W.' and cheap editions.
10-15th On 'Murder Problem'.
17th Wrote long letter to Birmingham Gazette re. their review of 'F.D.W.'.
18th Almost entirely engaged on arrears in correspondence but resumed crime book in evening and made it a good day.
19th Yesterday's improvement continued on crime book and continued reduction of correspondence.
20th Whole day in London with Miss R. B.H., Jackson (T. Butterworth) and others on book etc. negotiations.
21st Continued to clear accumulated arrears of correspondence.
22-24th Spent mainly on correspondence and crime book.
26th In London seeing B. Hall and Miss Rogers in anticipation of going to Malta, which is the present plan, and also at Malta's Trade & Commerce Office, but fair amount of crime book done, for I must press work for ward now. 'F.D.W.' published today. Still largely occupied with clearing correspondence but some crime book done.
28-29th Work on crime book.
31stSteady work all day and as I now have two books more or less written and prospects of getting help with typing do not improve, I turned to that and did between 20 and 30 pages of the crime book to finish the month. Had proposal to transfer S.F. books from T.B. to Allan Lane.
 Eventless month and progress with work no more than fair; but expenses light and plans taking shape from what they were a month ago.
2nd To London primarily in ref. to the enquiry from Andre Pierre of Le Temps and instructed B.H. to put it in hands of Paris agent; also at book exhibition.
3rd Went on typing part of crime book already written, getting over 30 pages done on the close spacing machine. Sold serial rights for 'F.D.W.' (Russian) and Les Dernieres Nouvelles.
4-5thTyping of crime book.
9th Revision of crime book manuscript in anticipation of a typist who is to come tomorrow; this book is now one third typed by me and half written but it will need a remarkable amount of work this month and next to make up for poor progress in recent weeks.
10th In London, long interviews with Hale, Cherri Kiarton (Jarrolds),Mrs. Iker (Ruth Rogers) and B. Hale, re. various publishing negotiations. Managed a few pages of crime book.
11th After being heaven knows how long without a secretary, Miss Westlake commenced typing for me this morning. Good progress with crime book, wrote Hale with copy of 'David'.
12th Wrote Hutchinson, suggesting sixpenny edition of 'Red Ike'. Fair progress on crime book.
13th Crime book and correspondence.
14-15thGood days on crime book.
16th To London; saw B.H. who reports that Allan Lane jobs at a reasonable deposit on S.F. books and that other negotiations are in suspense. Some progress with crime book.
17th Made good progress with crime book, correcting Miss Westlake's type script.
18th Progress on crime book.
19th To London seeing Miss Buxton who advised me of the possibility of selling film rights of 'Attic Murder' and that Herbert Wilcox proposed to arrange an interview on his return from USA; also saw B.H. and learned that negotiations with A. Lane re. S.F. books is still proceeding. Got proofs of 'S.L. from Miss R's office and worked on these till a late hour.
20-21stCorrecting 'S.L'. proofs and some progress with crime book.
22-25th Work on crime book.
27th Learned that Mr. Debenham Haldane (?) had taken possession of Bodley Head, making negotiation with Allan Lane doubtful.
30th Good day on crime book but too late to make anything of a wretched month.
 Poor month for work but some progress made and the two unnamed books the Libyan Desert adventure and the Abel Marly Murder should be easily published in December and perhaps something better started.
1st Miss Westlake leaving today. I resumed doing my own typing (which she had not greatly advanced) and had a full day on the crime book making very good progress both in typing and continuing book.
2nd Heard from B.H. that Butterworth wants to pass his own incompetence on to me by reducing deposits, which is likely to be the end of business relations with him. Good progress again towards completion of crime book.
3rd In London seeing B.H. re. placing S.F. books and other matters but made fair progress with crime book, now approaching conclusion.
4-5thProgress with crime book.
6th Finished crime book, writing and typing. A long good day and only re vision of later sheets to do now.
7th Took up Libyan book again, typing and writing, and made some progress in spite of going to London again; let Mrs. Walker (Miss R.) have last MSS copy of 'S.L.' for film negotiation.
8th Some progress on Libyan book.
9th London again to see Hale for decision re. sequel to 'F.D.W.' reply deferred; and B.H. re. crime book negotiations. Some progress with L.D.
10th Mainly on correcting typescript of crime book.
11th Completed correcting typescript of crime book and posted three copies to B.H.; also some progress with
12-17th Revising and typing Libyan Desert book.
18th Heard that Hungarian rights of 'P in P' are placed and took extra copy 'Justice' to B.H.
20-21st Steady progress with, reached p.185.
23rd Heard that Constables have rejected 'Abel Marks'.
24-27th Some typing of; over 90 pps typed in last three days and am now at the point where I must write as well as type concluding chapters.
28th Resumed writing concluding chapters of
29th In London seeing Jackson (T.B.) in final effort to come to terms with them for 'Abel Marks' and then B.H. thereon, re. progress rights of 'F.D.W.' etc.
30th Wakeful night gave me opportunity to think up final chapter of Libyan Desert book and also develop ideas for 'Under Ten'.
 A very poor year financially but have not actually lost>
Work Done:
 'The Screaming Lake'
 'Postmortem Evidence'
 Libyan Desert book
 Abel Marks
 Latter part of 'Four Days War'
 Moderately good year for work. 


1st Completing and correcting Libyan book which is near its end now and should have been out of hand last month.
2nd Entirely occupied with completion of Libyan book.
3rd Worked on until 2 a.m. and finished all but last chapter.
4th Wrote last chapter of, completed typing and took it to London, leaving two copies with Miss R. for Hale and for serializing negotiations. Also gave Miss R. two copies of 'Postmortem Evidence' for foreign negotiations of book rights.
5th Whole day on sorting papers and considering what books to start on for this year.
6th Gave B. Hall copy of Libyan book for US rights negotiations, particularly serial. Gave consideration to starting 'Megiddo's Ridge'; commenced first chapter tentatively, no real start.
7th Made real start on 'Megiddo's Ridge', first 11 pages being typed and corrected.
12th Copies of 'A.M.' and 'Lord's Right' to Miss R. for foreign negotiations. To London where I saw the Readers Library, Miss R. and others in endeavour to get business matters cleared up; a little work on 'M.R.'.
14th Got to work on 'M.R.' again in earnest; added 11 typed pages to same number done on 7th. Also started 'Too Much For Mr. Jellipot', a silly thing with so much else on hand, but the idea isn't bad.
15th To London to meet Bader who didn't keep appointment. Richard Cohen refused to come to terms for the S. Fowler books. Negotiations reopened with T.B. for a single further book. A little progress with 'M.R.'.
16th Fair progress with 'M.R.'.
17th Fair progress with 'M.R.', now typed to p.40. Hale & Co. still not announcing publication of 'The Screaming Lake' and position appears ominous of failure to me though I may misread it.
18th Interview with Bader re. selling film rights of 'By Saturday' (left with him) and other books. Saw MacDonald at Hales and learned that publication of 'S.L.' is deferred to February at which I vainly protested. Some progress with 'M.R.'.
20-23rd Fair progress with 'M.R.'.
24th Made good start with 'Too Much For Mr. Jellipot' and sent first chapter away to be typed.
25th Fairly good day with 'M.R.', typing and correcting as I proceed. Also sent another chapter of 'Jellipot' to type.
26th Poor day for work but some progress with 'Jellipot'.
27th Fair progress with 'J' book and necessary correspondence.
31st Good day on 'J' but too late to make the month a good one. See by advert that Hale is at last publishing 'S.L.' tomorrow, so perhaps things will begin to move with the new month.
 In every way a dull month but January has always been a bad start to the year.
1st Moderate progress with 'J'. 'S.L.' published today but payments due on them and overdue from 'Hidden Lake' still not to hand from Hale.
2nd Saw Miss R. re. negotiations for S.F. books and heard in evening that B. Hall is negotiating with Heinemann. No more than a little work on 'J' So far things will not move as I would like them to do this year.
4th Heard from B.H. that Heinemanns put up a proposition for S.F. books after Evans has read some, and from Miss R. that Jenkins may make a proposal tomorrow. A little further progress with 'J'.
5th Gave Heathy copies of 'Was Murder Done?' and 'Postmortem Evidence' for Dutch negotiations and copies of 'Prelude in Prague' and 'Four Days War' for any outstanding foreign rights. Accepted Jenkins' offer for S. Fowler books.
7th Got really good days work done on 'J' book, first good day this month.
8th Wrote to Jarrolds with final proposal for settlement.
9th Saw Miss R. re. Jenkins agreement; a little progress with 'J' in evening
10th Signed agreement with Herbert Jenkins for S. Fowler books.
12th Gave copy of 'Beyond the Rim' to Miss R.; also two Mss of 'Razor Street' (one also with Jenkins and one Harbord USA).
15th Saw Mlle. Stocksparteur re. sale of foreign rights etc.; a little work On 'J'.
16th Saw Andre Pierre at Le Temps office and arranged for B. Hall to send him 'Deluge', 'Dawn', 'Lord's Right', 'Beyond the Rim' and 'Bell Street' for serial negotiations.
17-18th A little work on 'J'.
19th Arrived in Rome.
20th A little progress on 'J' book; so far little progress with any work this month.
21st Better progress with 'J' than has been lately; now about a quarter of final length, showing how little work I have done this year.
24th Arrived in Malta having been 11 days on the way, during which work has been difficult and little done in spite of its urgency; but otherwise pleasant though expensive time.
25th Strolled round Valletta fortifications.
27th Saw Chevalier Scichina at Library; also looked round St. Elmo and the Garrison Officers' Library.
28th Managed to make some progress with 'J' book.
 A month of little work of which the best that can be said is that the Jenkins contract for the Sidney Fowler books has been fixed up. Being out of touch with business matters in England up to date, it may not be as barren of events as it seems. Things may be moving slowly in the right direction.
1st Spent day with Chevalier S. going over library and palace; I still found time for ten or twelve pages of 'J' book.
2nd Went over M. Angelos fort with Captain Corson in afternoon, but fair amount of work done all the same on 'J' book and correcting first 65 pages of typescript just arrived.
3rd Moderate amount of work done on 'J'. This month starting in that way better than the last.
4th Went over fortifications of Bony; in Public Library in afternoon; some progress with 'J' book.
5th At excavations at Hargarkim in morning; at library with Chevalier S. in L afternoon. Good progress with 'J' book.
6th Cleared correspondence and left Malta at midnight.
7th Arrived at Taxomina, a lovely place at first sight.
9th Best days work yet this year; 'J' now nearly half done.
11th Still making good progress with 'J' book.
13th Back in Rome; fair amount of work on 'J' book in afternoon.
17th Travelled back to Rapello, doing good days work in train.
18thSome work during day and some correspondence.
19thContinued good progress with 'J' book. Wrote B.H. with corrected copy of first 80 pps.
23rd Resumed work on 'J'; quite a good day for work which is now urgently necessary if I am to find any means of getting to USA as I hope to do.
24th Long conference with Miss. R. and B.H. re. sale of various book and other rights. Managed fair day on 'J'.
27-28th Moderate days work on 'J' now approaching conclusion.
29th Finished 'J' book of which two thirds has been written during the present month.
30th Drafted part of an article on Italy today, probably a waste of time.
 Have done more work in March than in the previous two months together. But too late to make the quarter a good one for work, only the fact that I have succeeded in my design to visit Malta being discernibly on the right side.
1st Some corrections done on 'J' and some matters discussed with B.H. which may be fruitful.
4th Some correcting of 'J' typescript and on Purgatorio and also rough draft on stage of screenplay on Sir Walter Scott.
5th Made round of calls on London agents to no great purpose and recommenced 'M.R.' on coach; three pages done.
6th Completed correcting typescript of 'J' to p.200, quite an industrious day.
7th Remaining pages of 'J' received from typist and corrected. Also some work on 'M.R.' and a little progress on VIIth Canto of Purgatorio.
8th Fair progress on 'M.R.'.
9th Took 'J' to B.H.; saw Grimsdick (Jenkins) re. date of publishing 'Razor Street'. Saw Miss R. with copies of 'F.D.W.' for Chile. Saw Bader re. film negotiations. Busy day in London on above but made fair progress on 'M.R.' in-between time.
10-12th Progress on 'M.R.'. Also started 'Bethnal Square'; a good day.
13th Saw Schalboys re. books sent to them from Gordon Harbord.
16-18th Good days on 'M.R.'.
19th Wrote to Jarrolds, Stollard and Schalboys and others but dated all letters 21st in error.
20-22nd Very little work done on books.
25th Very good progress at last, both with new crime book and 'M.R.'.
26th Continued progress with both books. Typed contract for Chilian rights for 'P in P' and 'F.D.W.'. Authorized Miss R. to approach Jenkins re. my SFW books.
27th Still good progress with both books which have really moved during the last few days. Correspondence with Harrap re. recovering rights of 'Deluge'.
28th Got a definite letter from Harrap re. 'Deluge' copyright.
29th Very good day; 17 pages of crime book and some progress with 'M.R.'.
30th Very fair day on 'M.R.'.
 Moderate month for work under difficulties, but l00 pps of 'Megiddo's Ridge' and 69 of 'Bethnal Square', being bulk of what there is to show for it. Month of some incomplete negotiations, which next month should resolve one way or the other.
4th Moderate days on 'M.R.', which moves steadily if not rapidly on.
5th To London to endeavour (in vain) to see Hale and gave Miss R. instruct ions to write to him proposing conditions of furnishing existing contracts. Learned from B.H. that negotiations with Queensway Press have fallen through and that Lane will probably accept 'Deluge' for the Penguin series.
6th Fair days work but mainly on revision of 'K of M' and 'M.R.'.
7th To town to Hale & Co. to insist on their facing the position resulting from their dilatoriness in publishing 'The Hidden Tribe'. Saw MacDonald F there and sketched out comprehensive proposal for settling all outstanding matters, on which he promised a prompt and probably affirmative reply.
8th A full quiet day on 'M.R.'.
9th Whole day correcting 135 pages of typescript ( 96 to 210 of them 'M.R.') and second copy of 'J' for B.H.
10th Moderate progress on 'M.R.'
11th Some 'M.R.' but most of day on final revision of 'K of M' and about a dozen further lines of VIIth Canto of Purgatorio.
12th Coronation Day and full day's work divided between correction of 'K of M' Dante and 'M.R.', all advanced more or less.
13thTelephoned Hale & Co. and was informed that MacDonald, before going on holiday last Saturday, had dictated a letter to me which Hale had stopped and obtained promise that Hale should be urgently asked to write tonight. Left second copy of 'J' for B.H.
14th Steady day's work on corrections of 'K of M'; first quarter now done.
15th Entirely on revision of 'K of M'. Read over second quarter, making it a four days job and only a few words here and there being altered, but it is necessary work. Heard from Hale, agreeing substantially to my proposals.
16th Same as yesterday, with some Purgatorio.
17th Read over 'K of M', in final revision.
19th Went to London to see B.H. on various matters which drag and also Miss R. re. the Hale settlement. Saw Queensway Press also, re. release of dormant cheap rights, and wrote to them thereon on my re-turn. Wrote Thornton Butterworth re. copyright of 'Vengeance of Gwa'.
20th Having lost the thread of books on which I was working, I turned to the Purgatorio and completed VIIth Canto and typed it (VIIIth Canto done previously and only needing revision and typing).
21st Continued the Purgatorio, now typed to early part of IXth Canto and corrections to 'K of M'.
22nd Same as yesterday: Dante and 'K of M'. Now correcting second copy of the latter for my reference, after parting with the first to agents.
23rd Same as yesterday, hard long day, but 'K of M' revision nearly done.
24th Completed revising of 'K of M', there now being two corrected copies. It k has been mainly a matter of correcting typists' errors, but the 1,300 pages have taken more time than I wished to spare. Some Dante.
25th Took 'K of M' to B.H., in its final form. Had proofs of 'Four Callers' from Jenkins.
26th Whole day, except for few lines of Purgatorio correcting 'Razor Street' proofs.
27th Finished Purgatorio Canto IX, wrote A Schulberg Ltd. with copies of 'Four Callers in Razor Street', and asked if they seriously intend to represent me. Corrected early pages of new crime book.
29th Cleared quantities of correspondence (too much still left though') Checked pages of second copy of 'K of M'.
30thStarted Canto X. Purgatorio. Resumed 'M.R.' which has stood since 11th.
31stSome Dante, some 'M.R.' and generally clearing up odd work of a poor month,
 As to work, first 10 days good, after which nothing but revisions and proof corrections. Nothing good to report except revision of hale agreements.
1stTo London getting Hale's cheque at last, and other details. A little progress on M.R. which must now be pushed to completion.
2ndGood account to hand from Basil Blackwell of 'Poems Chosen', vitality of which is gratifying.
3rdReally good day at last on M.R. and a little Dante also. Wrote T.B. re. copyright of V. of Gwa.
4thCorrespondence with Stollard re. Jarrolds in London. Some Dante.
5thExceptionally good progress with M.R. - about 15,000 words written and nearly as much typed; if I could only have such days more frequently. Received proofs of The Hidden Tribe.
7thFair days work on M.R. and correcting H.T. proofs.
8thLondon and transferred Too Much for Mr. Jellipot from B.H. to Miss R. for offering to Herbert Jenkins. Some proof corrections of H.T. and a little M.R.
9thWhole day except for some correspondence completing correcting of H.T. proofs.
10thSent Mrs. Schulburg advanced proofs of H.T.
11thFair progress with M.R. and some progress with Purgatorio X. B. Hall wrote that Heinemann have finally refused K. of M. and that Chapman & Hall will not make a reasonable offer for my own works. These things are not fatal but good news would be a change.
12thA little progress with M.R. Sent Miss R. second copy of Too Much for J.
13-14thFairly good days on M.R.
15thReceived offer per Miss R. from Jenkins for F.W. bks. on which I went to London to discuss details. Some Purgatorio.
16thModerate progress with M.R.
17thSome M.R. Finished Xth. Canto of Purgatorio.
18thSome Dante and moderate prog. with M.R. Shall make better headway I think when this book, which cannot be more than a shadow of my original intentions, is out of the way.
19-21stGood progress with M.R.
22ndReally good progress at last on M.R. ( 23 pages typed). If I can keep it up I may complete it after all to contract time (30th).
23rdTo London, conference with B.H. but fair progress with M.R. all the same.
24thGood progress with M.R. - so that it is still just possible that it may be completed in time (12 pages)
25thFairly good progress with M.R. (7 pages).
26thStill fairly good progress with M.R. and still just possible that it will be finished when the month ends, as Hale's contract requires.
27thFairly good progress with M.R.
28-29thFinished M.R. No book has been slower nor finished more rapidly after it seemed impossible to get it done to contracted time.
30thDelivered M.R. to Miss R. for Hale, having done what seemed impossible a fortnight ago.
 So ended a wretched half year in a better style than it seemed likely to. Finished Hidden Tribe. Wrote Too Much for Mr. Jellipot and Megiddo's Ridge and commenced Bethnal Square. Revised Knights of Malta and did some Purgatorio. A fair record but not a good one.
1stOn Purgatorio Canto XI. Some preliminary consideration of 'Under Ten', ideas only, not characters or plots.
2ndGood progress with Canto XI Purgatorio. Some preliminary ideas for 'Under Ten', a good idea if not too difficult to develope successfully.
5thTo London; conference with Mrs. Schulberg re. film negotiations which may be fruitful. Also saw Miss Sonia Shaples at Curtis Brown's re. delay in Hungarian payment. A little preliminary work on 'Under Ten' which should now start in earnest.
6thSome Purgatorio Canto XI and a little more work on 'Under Ten' but this book has not really commenced yet and work this month can hardly be said to have begun.
7th To London. Supplied Hall with copy of 'F.D.W.' for Austrian serial rights and both him and Miss R. one for general use. 'Congo Cat' to Hall. First week of this month being taken easily after rush to end 'M.R.'.
8th Good progress with Purgatorio; finished Canto XII. Also a real start at last with 'U.T.'.
9th Typed Canto XIII, translated last year, and made start on XIV.
10th Some progress with 'U.T.' but cannot get beyond tentative work on this book yet.
11th Typed to p. 12 of 'U.T.' and cleared good deal of correspondence. Canto XIV half done.
12th A little work on 'U.T.' but it is still rather tentative, subject requiring so much preliminary consideration.
13th Good day divided between Dante, 'U.T.' and revision of old unsold tale 'Gehenna Sue'.
14th Finished Canto XIV and typed. Typed 'U.T.' to p. 19 and revised first 67 pages of 'Bethnal Square' (put aside since April 29th).
15th Resumed 'B.S.' after 10 or 11 weeks interval (already done 67 typed pages) and made good progress.
16-20th Good progress with 'B.S.', now being sent away to be typed.
22nd Few more pages of 'B.S.' and sent away for typing.
24th Got first 10 pages of 'Balata' written.
25th Had an idea for short novel of about 50,000 words and for which length the present fashion and increased cost of paper may I think create a demand and suggested title 'Ordeal of Barata'
26-29th Some work on proofs of 'Megiddo's Ridge'.
 Bulk of work this month very poor but commenced 'Under Ten' and 'Ordeal of Barata' and much will depend on how these develop. Also a few Cantos of Purgatorio and a little progress on 'Bethnal Square'.
1stCompleted corrections of 'M.R.'.
2nd Corrected second and third proof copies of 'M.R.' for B.H. and Schulberg and wrote two or three pages of 'O of B'; fair day's work.
3rd Some Purgatorio and some advance with 'O of B'.
4th Some progress with 'O of B'. Heard that Macmillans have rejected 'Siege of Malta' a second time.
5th To London and saw Jenkins and got his first cheque for 'Too Much for Mr. J' or 'The Jordan Murder' as they wish to call it.
7th A little more Purgatorio.
8th Revised and typed first 7,000 words of 'O of B'; a good day.
9th Wrote to Schulbergs (Bresson) thoroughly re. film matters and cleared off other correspondence. Some progress with 'O of B'.
10-12th Worked on 'O of B'.
13th Went over parts of 'B.S.' already written: 100 typed pages, and 'U.T.': 22 pages typed, and recommenced 'B.S.'.
14th About 4,000 words added to 'B.S.'. ;
15th Advanced, typed and corrected 'O of B' to first 9 or 10,000 words so that the book is now fairly and orderly moving ahead. Few more pages of 'B.S.'.
18th Sent 'K of M' to Miss R. for Jenkins. A little work on 'B.S.'
24th Gave Miss R. discretion to use her own judgement in negotiating with Jenkins re. 'K of M'. Made appointment with Schulberg to discuss subject for Veidt, which may be fruitful. Good progress with 'B.S.'.
26th To London interviewing Miss Bolitho on her appointment to Schulbergs and other matters.
27-30th 'B.S.'.
31st Very good progress with 'B.S.': 6,000 words, in an effort to finish it this month, but must still leave a closing chapter or two for tomorrow.
 Much better month for work than July, larger half of 'Bethnal Square' having been written, and some other work.
1st Finished 'B.S.'.
3rd Wrote to Miss Bolitho at Schulbergs fully and ordered 'Dream', 'Elfwin', 'Bell Street Murders' and 'Bickerton' from Harraps for her. Some progress with Canto XV Purgatorio.
4th Continued Canto XV Purgatorio. Considered going on with 'O of B' but the story stuck so made a start on another crimebook 'The Houghton Murder'.
5th Continued 'H.M.'; quite good progress, with wrong book.
6-7thGood progress with 'H.M.'.
8th Still good progress with 'H.M'. so that I am reluctant to turn from it to other books which are really most urgent. About 14,000 words of this book are done in five days and plot beginning to appear.
9th Wrote Miss R. to send 'Beyond the Rim' to Schulbergs (for offering to Capra). Still good progress with 'H.M.'.
10th 'Razor Street' published today and high time too, considering that there are two other S.F. books written and fourth now being written. a little progress with 'H.M.'.
11-14th Progress with 'H.M.'.
15th To London seeing Miss R., Hall, Hale and Miss B. on various matters, giving little time for real work. Outline plot for scenario on money smuggling theme for Miss B.; gave B.H. copy of 'Four Callers in Razor Street' for U.S. negotiations.
16th Looked up and sent some quotations to Hale, for jacket etc. of 'M.R.'.
17th Whole day on draft scenario of screen play dealing with smuggling money from Germany, and sent fair copy to Miss B.; either very important, or, far more probably, an absolutely wasted day. a little progress with 'H.M.'
18th Had some advance copies of 'M.R.' from Hales and spent most of day reading over this book a waste of time in a way but it reads better than I recollected.
19th Resumed 'H.M.' and made fairly good progress by sitting at it the whole day.
20thSent sheet copies of 'The Hidden Lake' and 'Megiddo's Ridge' to B.H. for any use he can make of them here or in U.S. Fair progress with 'H.M.'.
21st Little Purgatorio only.
22nd Some good progress on 'H.M.'.
23rd Looked up press cuttings for Hale and cleared some correspondence but poor day and I had intended it to be a good one.
24th Read over and revised typescript of 'H.M.', now at p.98; practically the whole day on this and considering what plot can be developed from the position.
26th Completed Canto XV of Purgatorio and started Canto XVI, about 80 lines done today.
27th A little more Purgatorio. A good deal of correspondence appeared; Miss B. wrote, approving of the scenario, which is good as far as it goes.
30th Correspondence and a little work on Purgatorio.
 The month has been moderate for work done but not without some hopes at its close that conditions are favourable for a good three months to end the five years of work. Anyway, enavant!
1st Resumed 'H.M.' and made fair progress.
3rd Finished Canto XVI of Purgatorio, good day on this. No mention of 'M.R.' in Hale's advert, so conclude he has postponed publication for another week.
4th Resumed 'H.M.' and made fair progress.
5th Mainly typing and correcting 'H.M.' but some progress with Canto XVIII.
6th Moderate progress with 'H.M' and Canto XVIII. Heard that Jenkins are added to the list of publishers who will not take 'K of M'.!
7th Completed Canto XVIII(in three days). Sent 'The Handprint Mystery' to Schulberg. Heard from Hall that Cassells have requested 'K of M' and wrote him that he should have my exclusive agency if he can place this book.
8th More than half XVIIIth Canto done today and some 'H.M.'.
9th Decided to use unpublished short story 'Adventures of Wyndham Smith' as basis for full length novel, and between this, 'H.M.' and Purgatorio a really good day.
10th Good progress with 'H.M.' and some Purgatorio also.
11th Entire day correcting typescript of 'B.S.' (two thirds done).
12th To London, closed with Schulberg. Saw Miss Buxton and then Baroness Kotzion on her instruction, which may have good results. Some Purgatorio in train.
13th Finished correcting 'B.S.' and sent copy to Miss R. for Jenkins, if they will have it. Practically all day on this but a little Purgatorio also.
14th To London again, saw Miss Buxton and gave her exclusive film agency on condition that she gives it the time it requires to push both immediate sale of books and scenario writing. Saw Miss R. and B.H. re. book agency matters. Finished Canto XVIII and commenced XX, XIX having been done four years ago.
15th Some Purgatorio and a little progress with 'Wyndham Smith'.
16th Moderate day on 'W.S.'.
17th Really good day on 'W.S.' with some Purgatorio in evening.
18th Got on well with Purgatorio.
19th Finished Canto XX (having been four days on it) and commenced XXI.
21st Concentrated on Canto XXI and finished it, a good thing, but must reluctantly stop giving so much time to work which can never be of any profit.
22nd Resumed work on 'W.S.', mainly occupied on correcting and final revision of first 50 pps of typescript, but some progress beyond that and hope it will now go ahead smoothly. A little Dante also.
23-25th Good days on 'W.S.'.
27th To London meeting O'Brien (MGM) and Mock (Paramount) in what are the most hopeful interviews I have had in connection with studio work. Sent proof copy of 'M.R.' to B.H. for Austrian negotiation.
28th Wrote MGM with formal proposal as arranged, for scenario work and sent O'Brien copies of 'M.R.' and 'Handprint Mystery'. Wrote Miss B with copies of letters to them. Made good progress with Canto XXIII.
29thFinished Canto XXII. Wrote J. Mock (Paramount) suggesting Bathsheba for M.D. and Marcel for C. Colbort; copies of these letters to Miss B.
30th Fairly good day on 'W.S.' and beginning of Canto XXIII.
 The note for last year's October summary might well do almost verbatum for this year's also. Whether it deserves anything better will depend on whether there will be fruitful developments from the contracts made with MGM and other studios. (Note added later: Which there were not)
1st Read over MS by W.B. Tursley which I have been asked to consider for revision and have to decline with regret, so the month commences with a day lost.
2nd To London seeing Miss B. Miss R., G.H.'s office, Bader and others. Did a few pages of 'W.S.'.
4th Almost entirely on Purgatorio, to which I must give less time, or shall fall behind on more profitable work, but made excellent progress completing Canto XXIII, of which only 20 lines done previously.
7th Correspondence, correcting and a little Purgatorio.
8th Good progress with 'W.S.' and Purgatorio. Wrote to J. Mock (Paramount) in reply to his on 'David' etc.
9-17th Good days on 'W.S.'.
18th Sent 'Hidden Lake' to Miss B. for MGM (O'Brien). Fairly good day with 'W.S.' which goes on steadily, though not fast.
19-20th Worked on 'W.S.'.
21st Good progress with 'W.S.'. Wrote Miss R. in reply to hers re. Hale publication of 'K of M'.
22-23rd Fair progress with 'W.S.'.
24th Fair progress with 'W.S.' and finished Canto XXIV. Simpkin Marshall paid £22 on claim against them five or six years old. A good day.
25th 'W.S.'.
27th Endeavoured to reduce correspondence and a little work on Dante.
28th Mainly continuing yesterday's work on getting necessary correspondence out of the way but some 'W.S.' also.
29th Correcting typescript of 'W.S.'.
 Moderate progress with 'Wyndham Smith'. Cleared matters with Simpkin Marshall and received £22 which has been owing for about six years.
1st Saw Mr. at 20th Century Fox, when he offered to supply Miss B. with letters of introduction if I should go to New York or Hollywood. Sold second serial rights for 'Who Else But She?'. A little work on 'W.S.' but day spent mainly on interviews in London.
2nd Blackwells paid £17, more than usual, on 'Poems Chosen'; wonderful how sales of that book keep up.
3rd Turned to old story 'Honour', badly written and unsold about seven years ago and commenced to reconstruct it and rewrite it. Corrected 19 pps of typescript of 'W.S.'.
4th Finished rewriting 'Honour' and typed first seven pages. Also a little 'W.S.', not a bad day.
5-8thFair progress on 'W.S.' and current work.
9th Finished typing 'Honour'. Full day writing, typing, correcting and getting MSS old and new together to send to B. Hall.
10th Sent B.H. copies of second serial, and other negotiations of 'Bethnal Sq. Murder', 'Jordan's Murder', 'Justice', 'Automata', 'This Night', 'Honour' and 'Appeal' ( Saturday Review)
11thReally good progress with 'W.S.'
12th Good progress with 'W.S.', now nearing completion.
13th Finished 'W.S.' and got it typed, corrected and finished. Commenced book form of this novel on October 22nd, so progress has been nothing to boast of and I am uncertain of the quality but it may be well enough.
14th Took into London three copies of 'W.S.' - one for Jenkins, one for Miss R. to send to Miss Buxton and one for B.H. for USA. Recommenced 'Ordeal of Barata' on train.
15th Mainly correspondence, Canto XXV Purgatorio and revising an old unpublished story 'A Question of E.P.D.'
16-17th Continued on 'Question of E.P.D.'.
18th Some correcting of 'Jordan's Murder' proofs and a little Purgatorio.
19th Correcting 'Jordan's Murder' proofs and typing 'E.P.D.'.
20th Finished revising and typing 'E.P.D.' and sent it to B.H. Progress with correcting proofs of 'Jordan's Murder' and a little Purgatorio.
21st Finished 'Jordan Murder' proofs and returned them.
22nd Good day on Purgatorio; finished Canto XXV
23rd Managed to make a little progress with 'Ordeal of Barata'.
25th Made some progress with Canto XXVI at intervals during day.
26th Revised 'Status', gave it a different ending and retyped it completely in the continuing endeavour to make my old unsold short stories marketable.
27th Revised two old stories: 'The Apple Tree' and 'Burglar's Aid', ready for retyping. Further progress with Purgatorio. Quite a good day.
28th Finished Canto XXVI.
29th Suggested republication of 'David' to Religious Book Club. Sent revised 'Status' to B.H. and good progress with Canto XXVII.
30th May possibly consider 20th Century Fox's suggestion of writing scenario to the series 'Think Quick Mrs. Moto'.
31st Finished Canto XXVII.
 This 5 year period ends and a new one commences.
Work Done:
 Finished 'The Hidden Tribe'
 Wrote 'Megiddo's Ridge'
 'Too Much for Mr. Jellipot' (or 'The Jordan Murder'),
 'Bethnal Square'
 'The Adventures of Wyndham Smith'.
 Revised short stories.
 Translated about twenty Cantos of Purgatorio


1st Commenced second 5 year period after one which was neither a complete success or an entire failure, leaving me with some strength and hope for a better effort. Revised an old story, 'The Will' and also a little Purgatorio.
2nd Sent Brian Hall 'The Will' and copies of 'Proof' and 'Burglar's Aid' in the endeavour to receive income from short stories. Added two or three pages to 'Ordeal of Barata' and a little Purgatorio.
3rd Started 'The Witchfinder' - uncertain yet as to whether it will be a long novel or a short story only - perhaps both.
4th Sent 'The Apple Tree', revised, to B.H. Good progress with 'Witchfinder'.
5-9thGood progress with 'Witchfinder'.
10th Finished 'Witchfinder' as a short story of about 15,000 words and sent t it to B.H., it having been typed as it was written. Commenced short account of the Greball Murder here at Rye.
11th Finished 'Murder of Allan Greball'.
12th Sent 'Murder of A.G.'. to B.H. Mainly occupied in sorting manuscripts and which of the partly written books to take on next.
13th Started on an entirely new idea - 'The Kanwhistle Will' - and made fair preliminary progress.
14th Good progress with 'K' and Canto XXVIII.
15th A little progress with 'K'. Heard from B.H. that rights of 'Deluge' are placed with Cherrytree series. Also from Nollard that Jarrolds will surrender copyright - good.
16th Good progress with 'K'.
17th Good progress with 'K' Finished Canto XXVIII. Sent trilogy to Rossvelt.
18th Full day in London with Hollard re. Jarrold settlement, with Derek Grimsdick and with agents on sundry matters.
19th Sent B.H. further copy of 'The New Gods Lead' for serial negotiations.
20th Complete list of free copyrights for Miss R. A little 'K'.
23rd Sent 'Gehenna Sue' as the last of the typed stories, to Hall.
27th Got together book of short stories, including 'Witchfinder' and sent to Miss R.
28th To London; transferred one copy of 'The Hidden Tribe' from Miss Buxton to Miss Rogers as the latter had a film enquiry for it. Agree with B.H. to transfer USA agency.
29th Corrected page proof of 'Jordan Murder'; a little Purgatorio.
30th A little Purgatorio.
31stCleared some correspondence and finished Canto XXIX.
 Moderate month for work. Wrote 'The Witchfinder' and compiled a book of short stories including this. Commenced the 'Kanwhistle' book, about 15,000 words only done, and two Cantos of Purgatorio. Jarrolds released copyrights. Cherrytree Press took cheap rights of 'Deluge'. Jenkins took 'Bethnal Square'. Motion picture negotiations nil. 'Who Else But She?' sold. On the whole a fair though not brilliant start to the second 5 year period.
2nd Corrected first 50 pps of typescript of 'K' and wrote a page or two more abut the book still sticks, waiting for the right idea to come to its development.
3rd Commenced Canto XXX. So far the month has started very barrenly correspondence, ideas, everything.
4th Managed a little Purgatorio. Glad to hear from B H. that the second serial rights of 'The Rat' are sold to The Strand.
5th Further progress on Canto XXX.
7th Recommenced 'K' and made some progress, though still without any adequate plot developing. Also finished Canto XXX. Heard that Hale is publishing 'The Hidden Tribe' today.
8th Very good progress with Canto XXXI and a little 'K'.
9th To London discussing the Jenkins position with Miss R. and other business; the future must show whether it has been anything better than wasted time. Fair progress with Canto XXXI and 'K'.
10-13th Progress with Purgatorio and 'K'.
14th Twelve or more pages of 'K', the first really good day I have had for work this month. Some correspondence also. I have been on 'K' since Jan. 13th and a mere 100 pages are done now!
15th Moderate progress with 'K'. 'Status' sold to Blackwood.
16th Moderate day on current work - a little work on several things and not much on anything.
17th In London re. negotiation of cheap rights with Jenkins and other matters
 Called on Baroness Kotzron prior to her departure for USA. Fair amount of work on 'K' and Canto XXXII.
18-19th Work on 'K' and Purgatorio.
22nd To London; left copy of 'Status' at B.H.'s office for USA and got my copy of 'Beyond the Rim' for Miss Buxton.
24th Finished Canto XXXII.
25th Some Canto XXXIII and started a short tale, tentatively entitled 'The Written Word'.
27th Finished Purgatorio.
 Finished Purgatorio, the last four Cantos having been done this month, and am glad of that, but otherwise the worst month for work for some years.
1st Made moderately good progress with 'The Written Word'.
2nd 'W.W.'.
3rd 'W.W.' and commenced Paradiso, first 15 lines only.
4thA little progress with 'W.W.' but this short story started on Feb. 25th and should have been done in a couple of days and is now perhaps only half written.
5th Heard that the Jarrold agreement releasing copyright is finally signed it remains to be seen what profit I can make from these. Some progress with Canto I of Paradiso; had a really good day for once and finished 'W.W.' but don't feel I've made the best of the idea.
6th Mainly on Paradiso and cleared up some correspondence.
7th Resumed 'Ordeal of Barata' and made quite good progress.
8-10th Progress with 'O of B'.
11th To London; gave Stollard the signed deed re. Jarrold; transferred Miss Buxton's copy of 'Megiddo's Ridge' to Heaths for Russian serial negotiation. Supplied B.H. with copies of 'Who Else But She?' and 'Secret of the Screen' for Cherrytree considerations. Saw Miss R. who reported no progress with Jenkins negotiations.
12th Corrected typescript of 'W.R.' I had back yesterday, and sent two copies to B.H. A little work on 'O of B'.
13th A little Paradiso but a quiet day.
14thReally good day on 'O of B'; might do something to increase sales of war books, in view of European situation, if I went up to London.
15-17th 'O of B'.
17th Sold Russian serial rights for 'M.R.' to Les Dernieres Nouvelles.
18th Fair work on 'O of B' and little work on Paradiso, although in London seeing Miss B., B.H. and Miss R. - the two latter re. USA publishing and negotiations with Grimsdick.
19-22nd'O of B'
25th To London, on hearing from Miss R. that Grimsdick did not intend to observe terms of the F.W. contract, a more or less abortive visit except definite appointment made for Monday.
26th 'O of B'.
28th To London to meet Grimsdick and discuss the publishing position with result that we agreed to exchange letters after a day or two of consideration on either side. Some 'O of B'.
29th Some 'O of B' and drafted proposals for Jenkins and wrote them thereon.
30th Wrote Miss R. that I should prefer to deal with publishers direct in future, after receiving her admission that delivery of the Ms of 'Wyndham Smith' to Jenkins had been delayed for three weeks. A little 'O of B'.
31st 'O of B'.
 The quarter's work consists of only two stories, 'The Witchfinder' and 'The Written Word', neither sold yet, completion of Purgatorio, about 100 pages of new crime book ('Kanwhistle'), and outstanding progress with 'Ordeal of Barata', which I ought to have finished. A deplorably poor record. Cash receipts for the quarter probably a low water record for many years.
1st Commences new quarter with hopes of some improvement, both in prospects of work and its rewards, but nothing definite. With question of USA more accute for decision one way or another than it has previously been since my last visit four and a half years ago. 'O of B'.
2nd Went over typescript of 'O of B' and found that the copy extends only to about 40,000 words, showing how appallingly slow my work has been on this book.
3rd Fair progress on 'O of B'.
4th Quite good progress on 'O of B'. Letter from Jenkins, smoothly written but offering nothing substantial and replied that I will see them in London tomorrow.
5th To London to Grimsdick (Jenkins) discussing delayed publication date etc. with no clear result beyond agreeing to write to him tomorrow. Some hope from B.H. that Cherrytree series taking others of my books for 6d. editions. A little 'O of B' and some Paradiso.
6th Good progress for once on 'O of B' and some Paradiso. Wrote Jenkins with fresh proposals.
8th Jenkins wrote agreeing to my proposal, which will provide immediate funds if it comes off and, as seems reasonably certain and makes it our own faults if we do not try, whether it be too late even yet to succeed in USA. Some 'O of B'.
9th Miscellaneous clearing up of papers and correspondence.
11th Really good day on 'O of B'.
14th 'O of B' and sold Swedish serial rights for 'The Rat' ('The Open Door').
15-16th Worked on 'O of B', finished it which has been far too long on hand with quick progress between dragging intervals. Looked up the two commenced crime novels and put 'Houghton Murder' aside in favour of 'Kanwhistle' for the promised Jenkins book.
17th Pushing on with 'K', now one third written, which must be completed and delivered within a fortnight if my bargain with Jenkins is to be strictly kept. It is the sort of book which ought to be easy to finish.
18-20th Progress with 'K'.
21st A little 'K' and a good deal of 'O of B' typescript read over in preparation for sending to Jenkins.
23rd Corrected 100 pps of 'O of B' and some progress with 'K', a hard day if not a very good one.
24th Finished correcting 'O of B' and prepared copy for Jenkins. Also drafted agreement with them re. S.F. books and wrote them thereon. A little 'K'.
25th Corrected proofs of 'Status' for Blackwood.
26th To London and saw Readers' Library and consultations re. cheaps with them or with Cherrytree; also re. short stories for a new magazine Pearsons are producing, of which something may come. A little Paradiso. Wrote Blackwood re. a short version of 'Justice' or 'E.P.D.'.
27-28th A little Paradiso and 'K'.
29th Fair arrangement concluded with Jenkins and 'K' agreement signed, but have agreed not to publish 'Siege of Malta' in my own name for 12 months and to add 8-9,000 words to 'O of B'.
30th Some work on 'K' and sorting papers to make a new start in May.
 Moderate month's work on 'Kanwhistle' and 'Ordeal of Barata' and a little Paradiso but the feature of progress is the bargain with Jenkins, which should bring in enough cash during the next fortnight to give me some freedom of decision for the immediate future.
1st Started writing extra chapters to 'O of B' to please Jenkins, by starting the tale at the beginning of the voyage instead of at the end and did over 3,500 words; a good start to the month.
2nd 1,000 words or more of 'O of B' and a little Paradiso.
4-5thWorked on 'O of B' and Paradiso.
6th Finished additional chapters for 'O of B' - mainly at the commencement not I think showing any awkward grafting, and turned back to 'K'.
7th Resumed work on 'K' which should go ahead to its conclusion quickly now, after being delayed for a week for the additions to 'O of B'.
8th Went finally over first 80 pps of typescript of 'K'.
9th A little Paradiso but most of the day correcting typescript of the lengthened 'O of B'.
10th Finished correcting typescript of 'O of B' and delivered to Jenkins; also one copy to B.H. Heard that two further books at least will be included in Cherrytree series, though it is not yet settled which they will be but this appears to show that 'Deluge' is going well.
11th A little Paradiso and commenced a short story 'The Terror of William Stickiss'.
12th Finished 'The Terror of William Stickiss' - only a nonsense tale but it may sell. Three copies of Cherrytree 'Deluge' to B.H. for USA, France b and any other purpose required.
13th Typed, corrected and sent 'The Terror of W.S.' to Hall; resumed 'K'.
14-17th Good progress with 'K', 3-4,000 words today and the book two-thirds done.
18-21stContinued good progress with 'K', about a third of the book written this week.
22-23rd Continued rapidly with 'K'.
24th Finished 'K', last 150 pps being written in 10 days - after the first half had occupied me at intervals for some months. Went to London and saw Miss Buxton who suggested writing to O'Brien again before deciding finally to go to USA, which I will do without expecting much to result (Nothing did).
25thWrote O'Brien in accordance with Miss B's suggestion.
29th A little Paradiso.
30th Corrected remainder of typescript of 'K' and sent copies to Jenkins, completing my contract with them; getting the four books for next Autumn and Spring 1939 off my hands, and so a free year in which to do ?
31st A little Paradiso and resumed 'The Houghton Murder', partly written and put aside last year.
 Work done in May: an extra 10,0000 words to 'Ordeal of Barata', about half
 'Kanwhistle' (finished this), short story 'The Terror of William Stickiss', a little Paradiso.
 The way for getting abroad seems to be clearing, though slowly.
1st To London seeing agents and others with the intention of clearing the ground for a definite discussion as to going to or giving up the intention of going to USA. Nothing decisive except a suggestion from Miss B. that 'David' might interest the Pinewood Studios and a promise that she will make an appointment there for next week.
2nd Some Paradiso, completing XXXrd Canto, though first and second are incomplete. Cleared correspondence and sent copy of 'Jordan Murder' to Miss B. and also the 'David and Bathsheba' MSS.
3rd A little progress with 'The Houghton Murder' but not got this properly restarted yet.
4th The idea now is that I should sail for USA in a fortnight and I must try to leave things straight when I go.
9th To London. 'The Witchfinder' and other stories which I had back from Miss Rogers, who had done nothing with them, to Jenkins, with the 'Terror of W.S.' story added. Arranged to meet Captain Norman Walker at Pinewood Studios next Tuesday at 3 p.m. Got address of USA agent from Hall.
10th Wrote to N.Y. agent and Bader at Hollywood. A little Paradiso.
14th Conference with Cptn. Walker and others at Miss Buxton's office, which may be fruitful, and saw Grimsdick, also Hall finally before leaving England. A little Paradiso done.
18-19th A little Paradiso. Back on Canto II which is rather dreary.
20th Booked for N.Y. to sail on the Champlain on 24th. Fair day on Paradiso, finishing that wretched second Canto.
23rd Left for USA, five years and one week since I came back last. This time I have perhaps more reason for hope in spite of the five years irretrievably gone.
24th First day on the Champlain in calm weather. Started what promises to be a quiet perhaps rather dull crossing. Did a little Paradiso and a tentative page in continuation of 'The Houghton Murder'.
25th More Paradiso.
26th Recommenced 'H.M.' and added 3,500 words, first good day's work.
27th Finished IVth Canto of Paradiso. Good progress with 'H.M.'.
28-29th Good days on 'H.M.'.
30th The last day; we land in N.Y. tomorrow. Some more 'H.M.'.
 Very little work possible this month and not much to show for the quarter. The importance of both is potential only in that I have been able to get away from England to N.Y. again.
 A moderate half year for work, and memorable only for the arrangement with Jenkins which has enabled me to reach America on its last day.
1st Saw Putnams, who are doing no good with their mutilated editions of 'Prelude in Prague'. Saw Miss Rice, very friendly but seemingly not only willing but actually relieved to understand that she would not be acting for me in future; and Becker, who seems at least willing to try, and with whom I have left my agency at least for the time I shall be in California.
2nd Everything being closed her in N.Y. until Tuesday, I have decided to go to California at once, and that by bus, for the experience it will give, leaving one suitcase and most of my money in a deposit box here at the Lincoln Hotel.
8th Arrived in L.A.
9th Enquiries re. Elliot which seem likely to be successful, at least as far as that I shall be able to get in touch with him.
12th Got (Possibly) on the track of the 'Suicide Club' manuscript through the assistance of James Whale, and am promised Baroness K's address through his secretary's kindness. Also Miss Adams promised to arrange on the phone to meet with de Milne.
13thGot Baroness K's address but heard that she is in the mountains for a few days; also heard that de Milne is on location but will meet me in the Fall.
14th Some correspondence on sundry matters of importance but nothing which could properly be called work, which I must resume.
18th Left Hollywood.
20th Had idea of writing to the editor of 'Liberty' after reading article in the current issue and drafted a letter to him.
21st Wrote to the editor of 'Liberty' on lines resolved yesterday; had an idea for a short story: 'A Day in Dallas', which may develop successfully.
22nd Some Paradiso and some progress also with idea of 'Day in D.'.
23rd Continued Paradiso and finished Canto VI (but V not done yet).
25th Arrived in N.Y. early and looked up Becker who reported that he had been unable to do anything since I was there a fortnight ago, almost all publishers being on holiday. Appointed to meet him for a longer conference tomorrow.
26th Long interview with Becker explaining past transactions in USA and present position of books awaiting publication. I judge him to be a shrewd, elfish and probably rather unscrupulous Jew - not the agent I would have selected but there is no time to change and he may do something.
27th Saw Becker again and supplied him with copy of Harraps 1/- 'Deluge', sheet proofs of 'M.R.', galley proofs of 'Four Callers' and typescript of 'W.S.', 'O of B' and 'K'. Heard that Professor McCall was in Europe.
28th Sailed on the Isle de France after a brief visit to USA. Not a wasted journey if it be properly followed up. Commenced VIIth Canto of Paradiso.
29th Good progress with Canto VII. Have also read over 'Wrestler of Phillipi'. Having a table to myself and making no acquaintance on this crowded ship certainly gives time for work.
30th Read over last 50 pps of 'H.M' which I wrote on the way out to N.Y. and added about 3,000 words.
31st Another 3,000 words or more to 'H.M.' putting a good end to a month during which little regular work was possible.
 Very little work done this month. Has it simply been wasted? I don't know but I have better hopes.
1st Good progress with 'H.M', about 4,000 words and began to see a way to end the book with a dramatic novelty of an idea.
2nd Good progress with 'H.M', again more that 4,000 words.
3rdLanded in Plymouth.
4thSorting papers.
5th To London seeing Miss Buxton re. religious film co. and B.H. re. various matters, but little progress with 'H.M'.
6th Mainly clearing up arrears of correspondence, but some 'H.M.'.
7th Another 4,000 words added to 'H.M.' bringing the end in sight.
8-10th Work on 'H.M.'; also sent last two war books to 'Liberty' in response to a letter from them.
11th Good enough progress with 'H.M', conclusion of which is now clear so it is only a matter of the writing.
12th Saw Grimsdick in London on various publishing matters but good day also on 'H.M.' which will be rather longer than these crime books usually are but draws rapidly to its end now.
13-14th Still on 'H.M.'.
15th Finished 'H.M.', about 5,000 words today; also commenced on proofs of 'W.S.' and a few pages of 'H.M.' were typed.
16th Entire day on correcting proofs of 'W.S.' and typing of 'H.M.'.
17th Corrected entire proofs of 'Bethnal Square' today and also got 42 pps of 'H.M.' typed and a few lines of Paradiso. Another hard day with typist and correcting typescript of 'H.M.'
19th To London and saw B.H. inter alia re. plans for placing 'H.M.'. Whole day taken with typing and correcting 'H.M.'.
21st Finished typing and correcting three copies of 'H.M.' and packed them to go to B.H. tomorrow. Also alterations to 'Bethnal Sq.' suggested by the Jenkins reader.
22nd Finished corrections to 'B.S.' proofs. Corrected 50 pps of Purgatorio typescript which I had meant to do before leaving for USA but lacked the time.
23rd Some Paradiso Canto VII finished. Also continued corrections of Purgatorio and corrected additional set of galley proofs of 'Bethnal Sq.' and sent them to Miss Buxton.
24th Finished correcting Purgatorio; commenced Paradiso Canto VIII; revised commencement of 'Under Ten' (put aside last year) and finished second chapter. Commenced second reading of 'W.S.' proof with Jenkins' reader's corrections.
25th Up early and finished revision of 'W.S.' proofs; then into London and saw Jenkins thereon. Also saw editor of 'New English Weekly' re. their review of 'The Handprint Mystery' and 'The Hatry Matter'.
26th Commenced third chapter of 'Under Ten' and notes for my new idea of 'Eight Who Fell'.
27th Fair progress with 'Under Ten', finishing third chapter.
28th Wrote Chapter 4 of 'U.T.' which seems to he opening well enough but I have no idea of how it will end!
29th Did Chapters 5 and 6 of 'U.T.' - a good enough day.
30th Heard that 'Deluge' has been selling well in the Cherrytree series and that they will take 'The Secret of the Screen' and if possible 'Power' the first satisfactory news for some time. Moderate progress with Chapter 7 of 'U.T.'.
31st Whole day at British Museum Library looking up material for article on J.A. Bez Balfour.
 Not a bad month for work, having written the larger part of 'H.M.', a little Paradiso, some chapters of 'Under Ten' and done an unusual amount of proof and typescript correcting of various kinds; but I must do better still next month if I am to make this year the occasion at which I aim.
1st Good progress with article on Jabez Balfour and some with 'U.T.'.
2nd Entire day at British Museum looking up material for J.B. account.
3rd Paradiso: halfway through Canto VIII. Apart from that all time spent on final page proofs of 'B.S.' which came this morning and are now done.
4th Corrected set of proofs of 'W.S.' to let Miss B have them tomorrow; some progress with J.B.
5th Commenced correcting page proofs of 'W.S. but mainly occupied at British Museum on J.B. Signed Cherrytree agreement for 'Secret of the Screen'.
6th Day divided between work on 'W.S.' page proofs Balfour article and correspondence.
7th Finished 'W.S.' page proofs and some work on J.B. and 'Whitaker's Wright'. another day very like yesterday but the work has to be got through and proof correcting is about over now for the time.
8th Practically all day on J.B. article, now nearing completion.
9th At British Museum mainly occupied in getting material for Hooley study but managed some Paradiso in the coach.
10th Really good progress in drafting Hooley study; all day on this.
11th Some correspondence.
12th On Bottomly at British Museum.
13th Met C.A. Hatry. Some Paradiso and a little work on 'The Eight Who Fell'.
14th At British Museum re. Bottomly and some extra work on Balfour.
15th Moderate day on extending and typing first 15 pages of Balfour study. Wrote Norkama re. Chilian business.
16th In London seeing Cecil Hunt (Blackies) and discussing projected 'Eight Who Fell' with him, and fair progress on Balfour section.
17th Balfour study continued and typed up to P.43.
18th Finished writing of Balfour study and continued typing to P.55; quite a good day. Wrote Hale suggesting Cherrytree series for 'Prelude in Prague'.
19th Completed typing Balfour and sent copies to B.H. and Cecil Hunt. Started revising and typing Hooley section, another close day's work.
20th Good progress with Hooley article, 26 pages typed now.
22nd Went to British Museum looking up Hooley material.
23rd Good progress with Hooley and a little Paradiso.
24th Began typing further pages of Hooley, written yesterday; good progress.
25th Finished writing and typing Hooley section, making the first 107 pages of
 the typescript now finished.
27th To Pinewood Studios to discuss subjects etc. with Cptn. H. Walker and Hake.
 Some Paradiso.
29th At British Museum re. Bottomly the whole of a long day.
30th Some reading of 'Heart of Midlothian' with intentions of scenario outline.
 Mainly on book of studies on financial crashes this month, with some Paradiso and proof reading; not really a good month.
 On the quarter: main part of 'The Houghton Murder' written and a good deal of the financial crashes book. Also some Paradiso.
1st On 'Heart of Midlothian' as subject for Cptn. Walker.
2nd On 'H of M' and correspondence. Finished Paradiso Canto IX.
3rd Finished synopsis for 'H of M' and sent it to Pinewood Studios.
4th A little on Bottomly and about 20 lines of Paradiso.
5-7thSome Bottomly.
7th 20 pages written and typed, making it a good day.
8th Hard day at British Museum completing search for Bottomly material.
9th Some Bottomly but largely on correspondence. Wrote de Milne with reason that my return to California may be delayed and sending him 'W.S.', 'Elfwyn' and 'Beyond the Rim' and offered MS of 'Knights of Malta' if interested.
10th Mainly on Bottomly. Decided to alter form of the book and entitle it 'Of Five Who Fell' (which I didn't do).
11th Good long monotonous day on Bottomly.
12th In London re. Hatry. Projected book on ex-German colonies and other matters Some Paradiso and a page or two added to 'U.T.'.
13th Worked revising and extending Hooley study. This book progresses rapidly now. some Paradiso also.
14th On Bottomly during morning and to London in afternoon to see B.H. re. book against surrender to Germany.
15th Long day on Bottomly, typed 31 pages.
16th Another long day on Bottomly section, typescript now advanced to P.207. Also wrote young Hatry for further information about his father, and Mrs. V. Pilkington re. Kylsant, so that I can get this book complete and out of the way.
17th Moderate day on Bottomly.
18th Good day's work, finished Bottomly section and completed Canto X Paradiso.
19th Moderate day on Hatry etc. and began Canto XI.
20th To London seeing Atherton Powis re. Hatry material and got on with the colonies book while on the train.
21stTo London meeting C. Hill (Rich and Cowan) re. book on colonies, and for progress on this and other work on hand.
22nd Some work on Hatry and some on German colonies book.
24th Really good day on Hatry, nearly finished, and some Paradiso.
25th Considerable progress with work on hand.
26th Mainly typing Hatry section, with a little help from secretary.
27th Finished 'Of Four Who Fell', having decided it is long enough without Klysant and to entitle it thus. Sent it to B.H. and started book on ex-German colonies.
28-31stGood days on the colonies book.
 Work this month has consisted of completing the financial crashes book, now entitled 'Of Four Who Fell', and commencing one on the colonies. Not a bad month if the books themselves prove successful.
1st Started the month with a good day on the colonies book.
2nd In London obtaining material for C.B. and on that and Paradiso a full day.
3rd Good day on C.B.; also finished Canto XI of Paradiso. Sent second type script of 'Of F.W.F.' and a third of 'H.M.' to B.H. to enable him to duplicate book negotiations.
4-5thGood days on the C.B. Wrote Shorkama that I should come to Paris.
6th On the C.B.
7th Finished the C.B. - a short one but I hope no worse for that nor because it has been so hurriedly done; started typing and correcting.
8th A very hard day finishing and correcting the C.B. and putting in captions.
9th In London re. Colonies Book and copies to Evening Standard, Penguin, Rich and Cowan, with what result remains to be seen. A little Paradiso done.
11th To London re. Colonies Book attempting to save time, but abortive as Allan Lane was away and a letter from Colonel Rich to B.H. had not arrived. Copy returned from Evening Standard and got off to N.Y. (Susan Harvey) on the Queen Mary.
12th Quiet day on correspondence and some Paradiso.
13th Some Paradiso and some hesitation what to start on next in the way of a major book.
14th In London again re. the C.B., refused by Rich and Cowan and Heinemann and now being considered by Simpkin Marshall. No reply from Penguin yet. Started short story 'A Day in Dallas'.
15th Put everything else aside to write two more sections on the C.B.
16th Revising and typing the 19 extra pages of C.B. which I wrote yesterday.
17th In London again re. C.B., now rejected by Penguin and Simpkin and Marshall and sent to Routledge and News Chronicle. Heard from Cpt. Norman Walker that the R.F. Co. cannot finance 'K of M' at the moment. A little on 'Day in Dallas'.
8-20th Moderate progress with 'D in D'.
22nd Good progress with Paradiso; Canto XII done and XIII started. Wrote Postif re. journalising C.B. in France.
23rd Further progress with Paradiso. Wrote Cptn. Walker suggesting Croft-Cookes Crusade and to Miss B. thereon. Wrote Llewellin Powis re. Clarence Hatry with typescript of study.
24th Busy day in London, seeing Roberts (Methuen), Metcalfe Wood and Best (Daily Express) and with B.H. about the three books now under negotiation. A little Paradiso and a page or two of 'D in D' done in intervals.
25th Good day on 'D in D'.
26th Considerable Paradiso and some 'D in D'. Heard that Heinemann have rejected 'H.M.' after keeping it for three months and indicating that they would accept.
27th Some Paradiso and a little work to the slow-moving 'D in D' which may be impeding better work but I don't want to put it aside unfinished.
28th Work on 'D in D'.
29th Fair progress with 'D in D' and wrote Shorkama and Postif that I shall be in Paris next Monday.
30th Some work on Paradiso and 'D in D' and correspondence.
 Work this month entirely on 'Shall We Surrender the Colonies?' (finished) and 'Day in Dallas' perhaps half done, with the usual Dante. All time wasted unless they sell, which has ceased to be certain.
1st Finished Canto XIII of Paradiso and some 'D in D'.
2nd In London seeing White of Methuen, Hall, Miss B. and others. Prospects in several directions seeming helpful for placing of books, films etc. - too numerous to write down and too vague for certainty but good on the whole.
3rd A little work and preparing for Paris journey tomorrow.
4th Some Paradiso on the way to Paris.
5th Saw Shorkama people re. the Chilian affair, and long interview with Postif to whom I gave the 1/6 'Deluge' and 'New Gods Lead' for translations. Some Paradiso during the night.
6th Again with Shorkama, to whom I gave 'Who Else But She?' and obtained promise of immediate settlement of Chilian matter, which will be made unless they are utter frauds.
7th Came back from Paris during the night and went into London abortively as it proved on learning the difficulties in placing the colonies book are not yet overcome.
8th In London with Metcalfe Wood and others of the Readers' Library opening negotiations which were on the point of closing re. the C.B. and I shall know when we meet on Monday whether I have wasted my time.
11thFinished Canto XIV and turned again to 'D in D' which hangs about as though it might be a long novel.
12th Further interview with Readers' Library on colonies book negotiations, which now look rather more hopeful. Managed a little Paradiso and began correcting 'Kanwhistle' proofs.
13th Finished 'K' proofs.
14th Divided day between some work on Canto XV and getting material together for bringing colonies book up to date quickly if it should be required, as I hope it may.
15th Corrected first 45 sheets of 'D in D' and typed 5 more. A little Paradiso - poor day after my resolution to make exceptional efforts.
16th Full day in London with Hatry Jnr. and at Readers' Library re. C.B . which now seems at least likely to go through and saw Ward re. Daily Express cheap rights of 'Constance Hillier' proposal and settled agreement for USA D rights of 'Jordan Murder' with B.H. A little Paradiso and a page or two of 'D in D'.
17th Religious Film Co. returned 'The Crusades' (R. Croft-Cooke) suggested to them - returned it previously I think. But these film companies' idea of story are always hard to follow. Wrote Shorkama, who have failed to send their promised remittance. Day of not unsatisfactory miscellaneous work.
18th Finished revising the C.B. to date except for typing and finished Canto XV.
25th Completed galley proofs of 'O of B' which came by this morning's post.
26th Good progress with Canto XVI.
27th Copies of 'Jordan Murder' and 'Bethnal Sq.' to Miss Clutton for film negotiations. Further progress with Canto XVI.
28th Finished Canto XVI and started XVII. Wrote to Becker, Buxton, Hall, Metcalfe, Wood and others. Plan now is that I go to California in Feb. unless the War intervenes.
29th Some more Canto XVII and started 'Her Soul and a New-laid Egg'. Wrote to Shorkama again, probably a wasted stamp and sent 'W.S.' for offer to 'Les Dernieres Nouvelles'.
30th Some more Canto XVII. Turned up the unsold story 'The Written Word', written earlier in the year, and decided to extend it to a full-length Jellipot novel and began this. Also wrote to de Milne, Putnam and others. Full, busy and perhaps fruitful day.
31st Wrote Jenkins on lines which will either improve or end relations with them and anyway define the position with them. Sent Putnams 'O of B' in galley proofs. Some work on 'The Written Word' (title of which I must change), some Dante and clearing up for the end of the year.
 Finished this year without any encouraging events, poorest financially I have ever known, but I have some hope and encouragement for coming year.
Work Done:
Jan. 10th 'Witchfinder'
 11th 'The Murder of Alan Greball'
 27th Book of Short Stories assembled, which 'The Witchfinder' enabled me to complete.
Feb. 27th Finished Purgatorio.
Mar. 5th 'The Written Word'.
Apr. 15th Finished 'Ordeal of Barata'
May 10th At Jenkins request, 10,000 words added to 'Ordeal of Barata'.
 12th Short story: 'The Terror of William Stickiss'.
 24th Finished 'Kanwhistle', written completely this year.
Aug. 15th Finished 'The Houghton Murder'.
Oct. 27th Finished 'Of Four Who Fell'.
Nov.Finished 'Should We Surrender the Colonies?
DecEnlarged 'Should We Surrender the Colonies?
 Note: In addition to the above there is a good deal of work in progress and the Paradiso has been half done in ten months. This year's work as a whole may be described as moderate in amount and quality but not entirely discouraging. More non-fiction than previously, both prose and verse.
Material Sold or Placed:
15th 'Deluge' 6d. rights placed with Cherrytree series.
 Jenkins accepted 'Bethnal Square' (an Optima book).
20th 'Who Else But She?' Swedish serial rights sold.
4th Second serial rights sold to The Strand.
5th 'Status' - first serial rights sold to Blackwoods.
17th Russian serial rights of 'Megiddo's Ridge' sold to Dernieres Nouvelles.
14th 'The Rat' - Swedish serial rights sold.
10th 'Ordeal of Barata' to Jenkins (under 1937 contract).
30th 'The Wills of Jane Kanwhistle' to Jenkins (1938 contract).
26th Various Czech, German etc. translation rights of 'Four Days War' & 'Megiddo's Ridge'.
5th Yiddish rights of 'Four Days War' and 'Megiddo's Ridge'.
30th 'Secret of the Screen' 6d. rights to Cherrytree.
16th USA rights for 'Jordans Murder'.
 A moderate year. 


1st Commenced on rewriting short story 'The Written Word' as a full length novel in earnest; retitled it 'The Rissole Mystery' and typed first 22 pps., and a little Paradiso - a good start to the year.
2nd A second good day - 24 more pages of 'R.M.' typed.
3rd A good day for work - 18 more pages of 'R.M.' and some progress with Canto XVII. Have heard nothing yet this week about vital negotiations on hand, must hope for news tomorrow.
4th In London re. colonies book and other matters still hanging fire. Collins rejected 'Four Who Fell'.
5th Typed 9 pps. of 'R.M' and wrote more. Wrote to Winston Churchill re. the colonies book. Another hard day's work.
6th In London interviewing Grimsdick at length as to continuing publishing with him and re. colonies book which is still in suspense with Chevron people and now offered to Harrap as alternative, and other inconclusive business.
7th 14 pps. of 'R.M.' making 87 for the week, and some more Canto XVII. The year has had a good start as far as my work is concerned but no progress yet to report in publishing negotiations so long delayed.
8th Finished Canto XVII and some further progress with 'R.M.'.
9th Good part of Canto XVIII done.
10th In London again re. colonies book and two other negotiations still in suspense. More progress with Canto XVIII.
11th Worked all day on Paradiso, making good progress with unremunerative work while unfit for anything of a more original kind. Finished Canto XVIII and started the next. In quantity of work a good day.
12th Page proofs of 'Kanwhistle' arrived today and corrections completed. A little Dante.
13th Finished Canto XVIX and started XX; made rapid progress with this work while conditions so unfavourable to anything more original - good as I want to get it done but it is utterly unmarketable while money is acutely needed. Wrote Jenkins in a semi-final effort to come to terms with them for another Jellipot book.
14-15th Good progress with Canto XX and finished it.
16th Done more than half of Canto XXI which I have not left all day. Heard that Selwyn and B. have rejected 'The Four Who Fell' and Harrap the colonies book. Jenkins reply noncommittal. Well, when things are at the worst they must improve.
17th Finished Canto XXI, done in two days - probably a record but I must find other work. Wrote Miss Buxton in reply to hers and to Shorkama and Mrs. Cary for money due in return for work - probably a waste of postage.
18th Started Canto XXII.
19th In London re. negotiations for colonies book which still drags and with Miss B. A little Canto XXII.
20th Worked on Canto XXII.
21st Finished Canto XXII and sent 'Kanwhistle' galley proofs to Miss B.
22nd Turned back to Canto V, previously missed and made a good start.
24th Finished Canto V. Still no news of any of the three or four books in suspense.
25th Started Canto XXIV.
26th Good progress with Canto XXIV
27th Finished Canto XXIV.
28th Resumed 'R.M.'; corrected 89 pages already typed and wrote additional 2,000 words. Heard at last from B.H. but only to effect that everything still unsettled.
29th Canto XXV well advanced and a little more work on 'R.M.'.
30th Finished Canto XXV.
31st Gave Metcalfe Wood finally 'til Monday to put colonies book in hand and saw Brooks (Heath) with a view to transferring my agency for this and other books partly if not entirely to him. Some Canto XXVI.
 Done an extraordinary amount of Paradiso: about eight and a half Cantos this month. Also began 'The Rissole Mystery'. A good unusual month's work. No negotiations brought to success though efforts have been numerous. No income - only prospects of it.
1st In London seeing Hatry and came to vague bargain on phone late after getting home. Probably good business in the end. Worked as well on Paradiso on coaches and in restaurants so that Canto XVI is finished and only begun yesterday.
2nd Mainly on second revision and enlarging colonies book to bring it once more up to date in case the long drawn Chevron negotiations may be concluded this week. Wrote to Cherrytree re. books and Heath re. Hatry.
3rd Continuing revision and lengthening of colonies book and still no news concerning it from London. Also corrected and returned 'Ordeal of Barata' page proofs.
4th Heard from Metcalfe Wood that his firm have at last decided to put the colonies book through 'as quickly as possible' - whatever that may mean. Shall know more on Monday; mainly on this work but a little Canto XXVII.
5th Completed revision of colonies book and typed additional matter so my promise will be kept for tomorrow and I can only hope Metcalfe Wood will be equally ready.
6th To London where Metcalfe Wood received revised MS. of colonies book and promised it should go to the printers during the afternoon. could not see B.H., who presumably has settled terms. Continued Canto XXVII.
7th Heard from B.H. that terms for colonies book are not arranged and from M.W. that I shall have proofs by Thursday. Finished Canto XXVII.
8th In London seeing Newnes re. 'Arresting Delia' etc. and Eagles(Jenkins) re. 'The Houghton Murder' to them; also 'Deluge' (foreign rights) shilling and sixpenny to Brooks (Heath) 'Ordeal of Barata' to Miss B. Seeing B.H. and then M.W. re. colonies book. Good progress with Canto XXVIII.
9th Enquiry for French rights for 'Bethnal Square' and sent copy to Watt & Son. Sent 'Arresting Delia' to Humphreys (Newnes). Sent 'Seven Judgements' to Mrs. Pearson. Good progress cutting down 'Power' for Cherrytree, and with Canto XVIII.
10th Corrected and returned first set of galley proofs of colonies book. Finished Canto XVIII and continued cutting down 'Power'.
11th Completed cutting down 'Power' and posted it to Cherrytree editor. Corrected and returned second lot of colonies book proofs.
12th Wrote Heath and others to some purpose I hope, and to Hatry promising to visit him in France in ten days time. Started Canto XXIX.
13th Some Canto XXIX with correspondence and sorting papers.
14th Further progress on Canto XXIX and third batch of colonies proofs corrected and returned.
15th Fourth and fifth batches of colonies proofs arrived; finished these and returned to Queensway Press and sent a set of these to Hale and two sets to B.H.
16th Finished Canto XXIX. Heard that 'Jordans Murder' USA contract is signed at last.
17th Good start on Canto XXX. Writing Cherrytree editor, may be fruitful. 'Jane Kanwhistle' published today.
18th Exceptionally undisturbed day, not even a letter by any of the posts, a most rare omission. Concentrated on Paradiso, completing Canto XXX and starting the next.
19th Some Canto XXXI. Wrote Hatry that I would be with him next Saturday.
20th To London and saw Jenkins, who agreed to take a crime book to be published under a pseudonym if I would accept £30 in advance; replied that I would think it over. One copy of 'Kanwhistle' to B.H.; good progress with Canto XXXI.
21st Heavy correspondence and further progress with Canto XXXI.
22nd Some Miscellaneous work and finished Canto XXXI.
24th In town enquiring re. progress of colonies book through the press etc. Good progress with Canto XXXII of Paradiso, a third of The Divine Comedy done in a year.
25th Placed 6d. rights of 'Power' and 'Dawn' with Allied Newspapers.
27th Before leaving deposited case containing Purgatorio and Paradiso and other MSS. with the Conns. as insurance against fire, there being a duplicate here - but endless lot of other stuff risked.
28th Arrived at St. Raphael this morning and long conference with C.C.H. Satisfactory so far and seems likely to lead to productive and worthwhile book.
 Almost finished Paradiso on which work this month has been phenomenally rapid. Otherwise the month only satisfactory as having seen prolonged efforts to get the colonies book placed succeed. The Cherrytree negotiations were also profitable.
1st Outlines of proposed book and a little Paradiso.
2nd Further conference with C.C.H. and accord reached as to further details of book; completed Canto XXXII.
3rd Started on book 'The Truth of the Hatry Crash'. Further conference with C.C.H., now a daily fixture, and gathering much material for what should be a book of some consequence.
4th Continuing on Hatry material and a little Dante. Wrote Metcalfe Wood inter alia for position of Queensway Press.
5th Good progress with final Canto of Paradiso. Wrote B.H. to negotiate for 'Four Who Fell' etc.
6th Occupied rather lazily in necessary talks with C.C.H. and a little work on final Canto of Paradiso.
7th 'Should We Surrender the Colonies?' to be published in London today.
10th Finished Paradiso early morning. Nothing left of the many years work now but some typing, revision of the Purgatorio and Paradiso and sending to press. Final meeting with C.C.H. and left for London.
12th Some work on 'The Hatry Crash' and reverted, after many years - now that The Divine Comedy is done - to 'Morte D'Arthur' and wrote a few opening lines of 'Mador de la Port'.
13th Spent day in London on conferences, mainly re. Hatry and projected publications, which may be fruitful.
14th Saw Brooks of Heaths re. Hatry etc. and decided he will not be the agent for me if I have to leave the area. Saw Lewis, new editor of Sunday Despatch and others re. Hatry matters, perhaps to some ultimate purpose.
15th Met Metcalfe Wood re. acquisition of Queensway Press and fixed appointment with him and Hall for Friday. Learned that Macmillans have rejected the unfortunate 'Houghton Murder' which I shall now take to my own name.
17thIn London and endless talking, appointment with Lewis (Sunday Despatch) for next Wednesday.
18th A little work on the Hatry books but this has been talk rather than work.
20th Mainly on straightening papers and reviewing work on partly finished books of various kinds, and short stories in progress - about then in all - with a view to seeing how far they can be continued, with the Hatry work.
21st To London and called on Summerscales at Colonial League and then met Hatry for lunch. Long conference and finally agreed terms of our cooperation, of which I sent him a written memo on my return home, as agreed.
22nd To London for appointment with Cassells, broken by them, and others including Lewis of the S.D.
23rd Resumed 'R.M.' after several days interval and got a fair day's work done.
25th Heard from Hatry substantially agreeing terms. Hard work is ahead, three weeks before it starts.
26th Wrote Sunday Despatch with proposal for serial and articles. Some notes on proposed Hatry books.
27th In London again re. the endless semi-abortive negotiations with publishers - now with Peter Davies re. Hatry books. Found that Grimsdick got married on Saturday and is not available and the Jenkins proposition must remain in abeyance.
28th Preliminary work on Hatry books.
29-31st Continued working on 'R.M.'.
 The quarter, like last year's first quarter, has been financially barren with little progress of regular fiction work and the prolonged effort to obtain openings for scenario writing still fruitless. On the other hand, the rapid completion of the Dante Comedy and the enigmatic Hatry position must be potentially fruitful.
1-2ndGood progress with 'R.M.'.
3rd Wrote Hatry in reply to his re. S.D. articles.
4th Advanced Hatry work and started typing last of Paradiso Cantos.
5th Full day between H.C. and Paradiso typing.
6th Good day of assorted work.
7th Typed Paradiso and more pages of 'R.M.' done.
8th Heard from Hatry that he expects to be here by 18th and must have other work as far as possible out of hand by then.
10th More Paradiso typed.
11th Turned again to 'R.M.' and mad good progress.
12th More 'R.M.' and more Canto XXXI typed.
14th To London with Metcalfe Wood re. possible purchase of Queensbury Press and saw Bores Woods re. possible purchase of their business. Also negotiations with P. Davies for my Hatry book and with Rich and Cowan for Hatry's own, so that both channels are open.
15th Prepared list of errata, second printing of the colonies book.
16th Wrote Hall re. press allegations that Hatry had let them down.
17th Finished typing Purgatorio. Wrote 'East Africa and Rhodesia' re. attach on colonies book.
22nd Some notes on Hatry book.
25th Met Hatry and sketched out main chapters of the book.
26th In London interviewing Commander Rich and agreed with him for publication of Hatry's book to be on July 15th; MS. to be ready on May 21st! Final terms to be settled after he meets Hatry next week.
27-29thGood progress with Hatry book.
 Little work except on Hatry books. Hatry's first payment not yet made but indications are that these matters will be profitable and otherwise satisfactory if the books can be made good enough.
1-4thGood progress with Hatry book.
5th In London on research work re. Hatry book and Rich and Cowan's agreement thereon.
6-8thWork on Hatry book, all available time spent on this.
9th In London on Hatry book, mainly on Report of Overseas Settlement Board.
10th Worked at South Audley Street Library and made good progress.
11th Still mainly on Hatry book in British Museum.
12-19th Writing and revising Hatry book.
20th Contract for this book now signed with Rich and Cowan.
21-22nd Hatry book, mainly consisting of research on Open Spaces.
23rd Another day on Hatry book. Saw Queensway Press re. the colonies book.
24-29th Hatry book.
30th With C.C.H. going over chapters and the book assumes final shape.
31st Completed Hatry book except for necessary revisions; a hard job done quickly, being an exceptionally difficult kind of collaboration - begun on April 25th.
 Everything put aside for the Hatry book. We must call it a good, and it has certainly been a hard month.
1st With C.C.H. assembled chapters of 'There is An Alternative' - as it seems it is to be called, and started final corrections.
2nd Correcting typescript for Hatry book, which he took - short of the last chapter - to the publishers in the afternoon.
4th Drafted Hatry's epilogue and made some reduction in accumulated arrears of correspondence.
5th Met Hatry for final consultation re. alterations to his book, now in the printers' hands. Worked on correspondence.
6th Sent Hatry revised chapter on 'Minorities' book, half freshly written, and made good start on 'The Truth of the Hatry Crash'.
7th 'Hatry Crash' must now be pushed through in earnest.
8th Turned to 'Morte D'Arthur' again and did about 30 lines. Phoned Hatry in the evening, who seems to be managing proof correcting with help from the publishers.
9-10th Good days on 'Morte D'A' and 'Hatry Crash'.
11th Received galley proofs of Hatry's book this morning by hand and spent entire day correcting them.
12th Completed Hatry's galley proofs and to London with same to go over them with C.C.H. Saw B.H. on his return from USA and did a little 'M.D'A'.
13-15thSome 'M. D'A'.
16th Present half year's work has produced an appalling number of unfinished efforts, what to do next - apart from 'The Hatry Crash' - being difficult to decide.
18th Major part of day going over work on Hatry book to salvage surplus material for possible future use. Some 'M. D'A'.
19th In London with R. and C. re. Hatry book and other possible negotiations. With Hatry on sundry revisions and approved agreement for translations (French with Postif at Gordon Harbord's). Managed some 'M.D'A'.
22nd Some preparation of Divine Comedy for press.
23rd Interview with R. and C. offering them 'K. of M,' and 'Hatry Crash'. Also some final proof revisions of this book with C.C.H
24-25thWorked on 'H.C.' and 'M.D'A.'.
26th Worked with C.C.H. in morning but agreed to work separately 'til Saturday to enable him to complete his press interviews.
27-30th Hatry book.
 Little done this month except Hatry books, his and mine, and unless the Hatry affair develops well - as seems likely - there will be little cause for self-congratulation. Apart from Paradiso and Hatry, year almost entirely devoid of results.
1st With C.C.H. gathering material from him.
2-4thHatry book.
7th Saw Hatry again today for additional material for book, and also Metcalfe Wood re. projected deal for taking over contract from Queensbury Press for Hatry and other publications. Some 'M.D'A.' at intervals.
8th Concentrated on Hatry book which involves much work.
13th Went to see Hatry.
15th Wrote to Jackson ('East Africa') re. libel.
17-21stHatry book.
24th Important and satisfactory correspondence with Hatry and phoned Paul Haine for expectation of Queensbury Press negotiation.
27th Letter to Daily Telegraph re. their ostracization of Hatry's book.
29-30th On Hatry book and short article on 'Light Out Of Darkness' and sent to C.C.H. for use as well.
31st Sent 'New Gods Lead' to Terence Horsley.
 Another month in which little has been done except in connection with Hatry books - second of which must now make rapid progress or be put aside for other work.
4th Having decided that it is partly a waste of time to continue on 'H.C.' until more material supplied, I returned to other unfinished work and made good progress with 'A Day in Dallas'.
5th Saw Hatry and made progress on 'D. in D.'.
11th Wrote letter to The Times at request of C.C.H. re . . of D.
14th Sent 'The Handprint Mystery', 'Captain Sparrow' and 'By Saturday' to Terence Horsley.
21st Commenced final preparation of two copies of 'K of M' for press in anticipation that it may go to printers while I am in America.
22nd Made some progress with slow moving 'D. in D': pleasant change from the paucity of creative work during recent months.
23rd Made some progress correcting 'K. of M.' typescript. Still marking time in Hatry matter.
25th Interview with C.C.H. proved to be occasion for a concrete proposal which had the complexion of nothing better than further delay but I proposed that he should put it in writing.
28th A little 'D. in D.'.
29th 'K. of M.' ready corrected. Wrote Hatry by early post to bring matters to a head with him.
30th Came to what may be an important and profitable arrangement with Hatry.
 Worked on publicity for 'Lights Out Of Darkness' with C.C.H., then B.H.
31st Really good day on 'D. in D.', interminably loitering short story, and 'K. of M.' corrections.
 A month important for decisions rather than actual work, with ground cleared now for finishing matters on hand, unless complicated too greatly by European war.
5th Some progress with final correcting of 'Malta' MS.
6th Saw Hatry in afternoon and fixed appointment with R. and C. for tomorrow.
7th Saw R. and C. and then Hatry and developed plan for rebinding unsold copies of 'L. Out Of D.' at end of month with additional matter at each end and published as enlarge edition.
11th Drafted preface and final chapter for new edition of 'L. Out Of D.'.
13th Met Hatry to discuss new edition of 'L. Out Of D.'
19th Some 'D. in D.'. and correspondence.
20th Finished 'D. in D.', a long short story which has been on hand for more than a year.
21st Finished typing 'D. in D.'. Resumed 'R.M.'.
23rd Left revised intro. and shortened forward of 'L. Out Of D.' with Hatry and went over reviews to guide me in writing final chapter.
24th Read MS. of 'K. of M.' and some typing of 'R.M.'.
25th Continued reading 'K. of M.' and 'R.M.'.
27th Did some work on extra chapters of 'L. Out Of D.'.
29th Started extra chapter of 'L. Out Of D.' but nothing done other than that.
30th Saw Hatry and learned that he is still struggling to pull off financial deal and everything else stands still meanwhile.
 Outbreak of War has made it a difficult month and the consequent delay of the Hatry matters, both literary and financial. Must work harder and have better fortunes in next quarter if it is to be called a good year.
1st Finished and typed draft extra chapters for second edition of 'L. Out Of D.' and cleared a lot of correspondence, including writing to Hatry for a clearer understanding.
2nd Wrote Ministry of Information and assessed accountancy in search of alternative occupation if Hatry should propose more delay. Resumed 'R.M.'.
3rd Long interview with Peter Watt and authorized him to negotiate with publishers for new contracts on my behalf. Further progress with 'R.M.'. Saw Hatry 5 p.m. and agreed plans for pushing 'The Hatry Plan'.
4th Saw Crane (R. and C.) re. withdrawal of S/R 'L. Out Of D.' for redaction etc. but he was not sober and may forget by tomorrow what was arranged today. Some progress with 'R.M.'.
5th Arranged redacted abstractions of 'L. Out Of D.' for World Digest. Good progress with 'R.M.'.
9th Phoned Powell and ascertained that prospective demand missed on Saturday was sorted out by then and may be possible to retrieve situation. Some 'R.M'.
12th Signed contract for 'Captain Sparrow' with Cherrytree and saw Moore (Christian Moore) re. cheap editions and subsequently sent him 'Lord's Right in Languedoc' and 'The Hanging of Constance Hillier'. Some 'R.M.'.
3-17th Work on 'R.M.' and reading of 'K. of M.'.
18th Fair progress with 'R.M.' and satisfactory interview with P. Davies re. book on 'Hatry Plan'; also with Hatry on current matters.
19th Fairly good day on 'R.M.'. Annoying and stupid letter from Terence Horsley re. 'Captain Sparrow' contract and replied patiently thereto.
23rd One copy of finally revised 'K. of M.' sent to Watt & Son, and some 'R.M.'.
 Month of little work of any value though not for lack of effort. Of the books mentioned a year ago, one sold with little profit to me and the other still unpublished, though the Hatry connection may be fruitful.
1st To London consulting Hatry re. projected publishing combine; seeing Peter Davies, calling on Hale re. copyrights and other matters that may be of ultimate profit.
3rd 'R.M.'.
5th Heard, as expected, from Peter Davies that his firm is too pusillanimous (his expression) to take on any projected book re. peace settlement. Fair day on 'R.M.'.
6th To London to meet Hatry who reports good progress with negotiations re. publishing combine and other matters, and anticipate settling up outstanding accounts next Monday.
8th Best day for some time on 'R.M.'.
9-10th 'R.M., moving rapidly to its close.
12th Finished 'R.M.'; so much for a good week in a poor year.
15th To London re. Hatry matters and made some preliminary progress with 'Peace and the Hatry Plan', which must be now pushed forward in earnest.
16th Good progress with 'Peace and the H.P.'. Watt & Son returned 'K. of M'. as unpublishable. Well, a good many people are wrong or else I am - time will show.
17th At home with 'P. and H.P.'.
18th In London with Hatry discussing projected amalgamation of publishers, acquisition of Hatchards and the Littlewood Confron distribution plan; also my proposal for chain of library tea rooms. Favourable developments seem likely in these directions.
19th Some work on 'P. and the H.P.' In London with R. and C. re. Hatry royalties.
22nd In London to interview R. and C. re. possible contracts, with favourable preliminary results but not oversure that they will be the best firm if there should be a further choice.
23rd Some 'P. and H.P.' and cleared correspondence.
24th 'R.M.' typing finished and corrections started.
25th Began article 'Will It Be a Long War?' and completed reading of 'R.M.'.
26th Finished 'Will It Be A Long War?' and sent it to Miss Clutton.
27th Delivered 'R.M.' and copy of 'Hanging of C.H.'. to R. and C. and long conference in London with Hatry re. Hatchard purchase, publishing combine and other cognate matters.
30th Little work on 'P. and H.P.'.
 This month contained one week of good work during which 'The Rissole Mystery<' was finished, and other days of more or less successful effort. Prospects still too much dependent on Hatry connection but no unpromising if eyesight will not hinder me greatly.
2nd Worked at home on 'P. and H.P.'.
5thSome pages have been added to suspended book on Hatry crash.
7th Altered 'Will It Be A Long War?' as agreed; wrote to Lord Macmillan in final effort to establish contact with Ministry of Information - probably a waste of time. Some 'P. and H.P.'.
10-11th Progress with 'P. and H.P.'.
12th Started to get typing done for 'P. and H.P.' and to write the book up from the beginning. Wrote to Cowan with brief synopsis of the book.
13th To London; saw Crane, also his accountant, to carry message to him re. Graycome Press, and met Metclafe Wood re. the matter.
14th Good progress with 'P. and the H.P.' All my time now being given to this.
17-18thWork on 'P. and the H.P.'
19th Saw Boardman (R. and C.) and got their poor offer of £75 for 'R.M.', increased to £95 which I may take. Sold Swedish serial rights to 'Bethnal Sq.'.
20th Heard that R. and C. may agree my offer re. 'R.M.', a poor contract but better than none. Encouraging wire from Hatry meaning much for the new year if he is not too sanguine.
26th Wrote to R. and C. with draft contract for 'R.M.' and abstracts from press cuttings of previous books, as they had asked.
28th Plan of a year ago was discarded for the Hatry proposals and now as the year draws to a close I am still in doubt of whether it was a wise decision. The whole position financially and with work is very difficult and I may have decided rightly.
 An enigmatic year, all the plans with which it started having been put aside to assist Hatry, with results which would doubtless have been different had not war broken out, but it may still be good - that and consequently the final word on the year's work, remains to be seen.
Material sold or placed in 1939
10th'Should We Surrender the Colonies?' - Readers' Library
25th 'Power' sixpenny rights to Allied Newspapers.
25th 'Dawn' sixpenny rights to Allied Newspapers.
20thHatry's book contract signed (one-third mine)
7th'The Rat' to Fantasy.
19thFrench serial rights of 'Deluge' to Postif.
7thAbstract from 'Light Out Of Darkness' to World Digest.
12th'Captain Sparrow' sixpenny rights to Allied Newspapers.
DecArticle 'Will It Be A Long War?' to Newnes War Magazine.
19thSwedish serial rights of 'Bethnal Square'.
23rd'The Rissole Mystery' with Rich and Cowan.
 A poor year with increased difficulty in obtaining favourable contracts for work and little of good quality done in that direction, time and energy having been so largely given to Hatry's own book and that which has developed from it is still incomplete.
Work done in 1939
31stFinished 'Light Out Of Darkness' in collaboration with C.C.H.
12thNew foreword for 'Light Out Of Darkness'.
20thFinished 'A Day in Dallas'.
21stFinal chapter of second edition of 'Light Out Of Darkness'.
5thRedaction of 'Light Out Of Darkness' for World Digest.
12thFinished 'The Rissole Mystery'.
26thArticle 'Will It Be A Long War?'.
 In addition to the above (which is much below the average output for the last ten or twelve years) there is a good deal of unfinished work, but it has been a year of uncertainty with too much time given to Hatry's affairs and consideration of his plans. It may pay financially, and ultimately assist my publicity but that remains to be seen, and from the standpoint of my own work almost everything depends upon whether the unfinished book on post-war possibilities has any ultimate influence. Otherwise, I can congratulate myself upon little, except finishing 'The Divine Comedy'. 


2nd Moderate amount of work on 'Peace and the Hatry Plan'.
3rd Hatry postponed interview tomorrow, by wire. Boardman (R. and C.) did not but might as well have done so. Both are to be seen tomorrow again.
4th Got to London and saw Boardman again and completed agreement, but was put off until next week for a cheque. Saw Hatry and got postdated cheque from him and some news, mainly good.
9th Decided to alter title of 'Peace and the Hatry Plan' to 'To Win the Peace' and started in earnest on what I hope may be its final form.
13th 'To Win the Peace' or whatever it may finally be called made substantial progress.
14th Another good day on the book and I hope that the capacity to work can now be relied upon again.
16th Pub. Hall-Came and Hatry in touch with each other re. publishing amalgamation which may prove important.
18th Saw Sir F. Whyte at Ministry of Information which may prove to be a fruitful talk and Hatry re. the publishers combine.
21st Began our final form of the book with typist's help, in earnest, and very good progress made.
22nd Another good day first in reducing correspondence and then on book.
23rd To London with Metcalfe Wood, left 'K. of M.' for estimate with him. Saw Hatry re. Atkinson's information re. United Steel (?), Hall-Came negotiation and other matters. Some work at library and in train on the book.
24th Full day on the book and typing moves forward.
25thGot small cheque for Swedish rights of 'Bethnal Square' which I had hardly expected to see.
30th Book nearing completion at last.
31st Finished 'Beyond This War' as I have finally decided to call it. Very glad it is done except for reading over the typescript.
 A good month solely because I have made rapid and I hope good work of the completion of 'Beyond This War'. It remains to be seen how I can get it published and how it will sell - and also what will come of Hatry's publishing combine which is the only other sign of progress the month has brought.
1stAll day on reading over typescript 'Beyond This War'; corrections numerous and some very odd.
3rd 'B.T.W.' out of way now and started correcting proofs of 'The Rissole Mystery' which came this morning and correcting typescript of Purgatorio and Paradiso which have been awaiting this for some months.
4th Finished correcting 'R.M.' proofs.
5th'B.T.W.' has gone to R. and C. for negotiations.
6th Got out 'The Houghton Murder' to decide whether it can be altered to make two books and think it can.
7th Worked on 'H.M.' redaction.
8th To London and saw Hatry, leaving him copies of 'B.T.W.' and concluding plan for publishing this book, also 'K. of M.'. Left copy of 'R.M.' in Miss Buxton's office.
10-11th Continued correcting Paradiso typescript.
12th To London re. publishing 'B.T.W.' and 'K. of M.' and other matters, including getting copy of latter typescript from S. Bush. Prospects of publication being arranged are good though nothing yet definite.
13thDid four Cantos of Corrections
14thHatry wired that matters are going well on agreed lines, so no need for me to go into London yet. Spent day on Paradiso corrections and 'H.M'.
17-18th 'Houghton Murder'.
20-25th Progress with redaction of 'H.M.'.
26th Finished redaction of first portion of 'H.M.', which title disappears into that of 'First Bout with the Mildew Gang'; second part will take longer, the existing material being shorter, but it is done in good time.
27th I have made a really good start with 'Second Bout of the Mildew Gang'.
28th Some work on 'Second Bout'.
 Not a bad month for work, despite bad eyes, and some prospects of publication and otherwise not unfavourable. Time will resolve whether expectations are solidly founded.
1st Into London to see Hatry where tentative arrangements made for publication of 'K. of M.' and 'R.M.' rejected. 'Beyond This War' later in the day, probably a fortunate escape.
3rd Correspondence block cleared.
5th Set to work on 'Beyond This War', to revise and enlarge it before letting it be seen by a second publisher - which I had intended before it should go to press even if I had agreed with R. and C., which I hardly wished to do.
6-8th'B.T.W.' continued.
9th Finished revising and lengthening 'B.T.W.' which has obstructed other work but has been worth doing.
10th Considerable progress in correcting typescript of Paradiso, twelve months after the work was done, about which there was much delay in typing.
11thContinued progress on Paradiso typescript.
12th In London and arranged for Hatry to approach Watson (N. & W.) for publication of 'B.T.W.'. Heard that Hatchard contract signed at last and hope that matters will move more rapidly.
13thGot typed copy of 'B.T.W.' ready for taking to London tomorrow.
14thIn London with Metcalfe Wood, Hatry etc. on my idea for cheap fiction for USA market etc. Also took revised copy of 'B.T.W.' and sent it per Hatry to Nicholson & Watson.
17th Half extra final chapter of 'B.T.W.' retyped and posted to Hatry en route for N. & W.
18th Revised work on 'Second Bout of the Mildew Gang' and made good progress.
19th Went into London to see Hatry who sounded sure that the Hatchard matter and others are now progressing favourably and that he anticipated being in a position to make a payment this coming Easter weekend. Afterwards saw M. Wood etc. and wrote to Hatry that matters I have in hand are in form to make rapid progress when he is ready.
20th More work on second 'Mildew Gang'.
25th Continued with book but nothing heard yet from Hatry.
27th Heard that Cherrytree sixpenny edition of 'Captain Sparrow' has been published for Easter.
28th To London and found that C.C.H. is away from the office unwell (as he had warned me). Saw Faber re. short story for book. Phoned N. & W. re. 'B.T.W.' (decision to be made on Monday, April 1st). Learned from R. and C. that 'R.M.' will be published about April 15th to 20th. Good progress on journey with second 'M.G.'.
 Moderate and only moderate month's work on 'Second Bout of the Mildew Gang' and no excuse except trouble with eyesight.
1st Went to London to see Hatry and learned that he was unwell and attendance at the office still uncertain - a poor start to what I hope might be a good month.
5th To London, satisfactory interview with C.C.H. and prospects better (although 'B.T.W.' has been rejected by N.& W.) than they have appeared for some time.
6th Revised Lennaworke(?) episode of 'Prelude in Prague' for Faber's book.
7th Finished typing previous day's work and sent to Faber.
8th In London, long interview with M. Wood on details of proposals to make an offer for the Chevion series. A little work with 'M.G.'.
9th In London meeting M. Wood and the Greystone accountant re. proposed purchase of Chevion - goodwill etc. With Hatry before and after this meeting; much time being given to these negotiations but with the prospect that it is not being wasted.
11th To London again re. Chevion project and had Greystone estimate and made appointment with their representatives and Hatry to meet in Fetter Lane on Monday and hope things will begin to move more rapidly.
16th Phone message from Hatry that has been a slight delay and that he will communicate again tomorrow.
17th Hatry phoned again to explain further difficulties, but anticipates getting contract signed before week closes. Turned to second 'M.G.' book again.
18-20th Work on 'M.G.'.
22nd To London to see Hatry, whom I missed. Saw T. Horley at Kernsly House and arranged to let him have 'B.T.W.' which I may get into Cherrytree series.
24th In London, long interview with Hatry with probability that matters will begin to move following long-awaited Hatchard purchase, which now seems near completion.
27th Sent 'Beyond The Rim' to T. Horsley (Cherrytree).
30th To London and saw M. Wood re. Greystone negotiations.
2nd To London to meet Gawthorn of Greystone Press in interview which may prove to have been a waste of time, unless Chevion deal goes through but heard indications that R. and C. are doing worse than ever and date or fact of 'R.M.' publication is dubious.
3rd Got some typing of first 'M.G.' book done.
4-6thContinued typing first 'M.G.' book.
7th Really good day's work on second 'M.G.' book.
8th Fair progress with correction work while waiting to hear from C.C.H.
9th To London and saw R. and C. who cannot even now give date for publishing 'R.M.' and look to me to be on verge of failure. Saw Hatry and it seems that although Hatchard matter still drags it is no worse than delay, and that my own cheap editions project moves, but the cursed Whitsuntide holidays out off conference thereon for another week.
11th Quiet Saturday on 'M.G.' book while I waste the opportunity of more urgency in the present crisis (i.e. War: invasion of Holland and Belgium).
12th While the War shakes the world we have a very quiet day here.
13th Good progress on first and second 'M.G.' books, typing first and revising second.
16th To London in afternoon meeting Hatry and Claridge with interviews resulting which may be prelude to putting cheap literature scheme into operation. Called on R. and C. who are almost certainly collapsing, so that publication of 'R.M.' is indefinitely uncertain.
17thIndefinite and characteristic wire from Hatry on my return home.
19thGood progress with second 'M.G.'.
20th To London in afternoon meeting Hatry at 5.30 when it was agreed that the scheme for cheap publications should have an immediate trial and that I should see M. Wood with view to engaging him.
21st Again in London; introduced M. Wood to Hatry and arranged for his temporary engagement with Cosmopolitan Press and for them to provide office accommodation for me from Thursday next.
22nd At home on second 'M.G.' book, which moves slowly.
23rd Got promised office accommodation at Fetter Lane at last and commenced plan for projected series of publications.
24th Drafted memo: projected series of cheap standard literature specially designed for the fighting forces, and much other work including examination of Books of Today as now produced.
26th Spent time correcting typescript of 'M.G.' book which is now finished.
27th Started work in earnest at Fetter Lane, particularly on projected series which I propose calling 'An English Library'.
28th At Ministry of Information; saw Sir F. Whyte's colleague, Myson(?) both regarding series of cheap publications for US market and possible plan for acquiring the Cosmopolitan magazine.
29th Mainly at Fetter Lane instructing M. Wood and general work on projected publications.
30th Drafted memo: my recommendation for increasing circulation and influence of Books Of Today. Occupied at F.L. 'til late.
31st Long conferences at lunch with Hatry and in afternoon with Jennings about advert canvasser (?) re. my proposed alterations of Books Of Today format. Started alteration for proposed book of lyrics for war series.
 A month during which little has been done but pace and prospects have improved, culminating in the Treasury consent to the Hatchard promotion coming on the last day. If paper supplies can be procured prospects for the future are better than they have been for many months, if not years.
1st Tried to trace Colin Still, thinking he could have helped with Books Of Today; surprised and sorry to hear that he has died recently. Came back early from London and made further progress selecting lyrics for proposed book, and a little second 'M.G.'
2nd Correcting more of typescript of first 'M.G.' book and getting together materials for 'Some English Lyrics'.
3rd Placed sixpenny rights of 'Beyond the Rim' and 'Constance Hillier' with Allied Newspapers. Good progress with various negotiations re. production of cheap editions and plans re. Books Of Today at F.L., where I now go daily.
4th Mainly on routine work at F.L. Not very progressive day in view of all that is on hand.
5th Full day at F.L. on publishing projects and saw J.D. firth at O.T. office. Corrected first 'M.G.' typescript in early evening.
6th Still fully occupied at F.L. with cheap literature project which was officially blessed down the telephone by the Ministry of Information today.
7th Observed by entry of last year that I was on Hatry Crash a year ago, which is still laid aside at his request. Busy day at F.L. - important or absolute waste of time, ending with correspondence with C.C.H. in evening. Hatchards Company at last registered.
8th In F.L.; drew memos for Min. of Info. and also for directors of Cosmopolitan on the capital commitment "ub vikved ub okab" for cheap series. Wrote Basil Blackwell re. amalgamating with Hatchards.
9thOn second 'M.G.' book for which I am getting little time during the week now, and cleared some correspondence.
10th All day at 112 Fetter Lane but found some time to get on well with selection for book of lyrics I propose.
11th Hatchards at last appears to be moving rapidly through final formalities to the point which will enable capital to be released and progress in several directions to be made.
12th Sent proposals to Min. of Info. Saw Mr. Went (Putnams) re. publication of 'K. of M'. and / or books in USA. Good progress with F.L. work.
13th Revised draft statement prepared for Cosmopolitan showing capital required and details for proposed series of cheap publications. Wrote review of Everyman's 'Swinburne'. Sent 'First Bout of the Mildew Gang' to R. and C. and 'K. of M.' to Went (Putnams).
14th Pointed out to Hatry the loss which is being caused by delay in settling finance of publishing projects, which I have brought as far forward as I can in the last three weeks until this is arranged; but everything stands for the Hatchard matters, on which we are to meet tomorrow.
15th Long conference with Hatry, who anticipates that Lord Jersey will put up sufficient capital for Hatchards and other matters, to compensate for the extra delay the negotiation is causing; if only there is no further adverse political news during the weekend.
16th At home on the book of lyrics I am editing.
17th Fair day's work at F.L. It seems that the Jersey investment in Hatchards may still be carried through.
18th Routine work at F.L. while waiting for final results of Hatchard deal. Posted 'Deluge' and 'Captain Sparrow' to The Pocket Library, N.Y.
20th At F.L. as I am every day now but can do little more until capital arrangements completed; but Hatchard meeting seems to be in its final stage really so at last and all else should follow.
21st Some progress with second 'M.G.'.
23rd More work with 'M.G.' book which moves infernally slowly but must be finished this month.
24th At F.L. as usual now commencing fifth week of preliminary work collecting books, tracing copyrights etc. while arrangements for the required capital are suspended until the Hatchard purchase is completed.
25th Heard that R. and C. may be sold as a going concern and agreed to leave question of 'R.M.' publication for a few days longer.
26th Sent some verses 'The Stars and Stripes' to Terence Horsley but doubt publication now that the size of newspapers is so restricted.
28th Conference with C.C.H. when I told him that I could not go on any longer unless capital and other arrangements were made for publication projects. Hatchards still not quite complete.
30th Finished second 'M.G.' book and ended a half year which also ends half this five year period, without feeling much satisfaction in what has been done so far, though there is some little progress both in accomplishment and anticipation.
 Month mainly given to the publishing projects of Fetter Lane, for which I have laid firm foundations, or wasted time utterly if they are not developed, which must now be decided almost at once. Also second 'Mildew' book. Hatchard promotion not yet complete, though apparently almost so. Curiously like the half year last year, in that results are mainly anticipatory and mainly associated with C.C.H. - with the difference that results now appear to be on the threshold if the course of the War does not obstruct them, and that this year there is a War which overshadows all personal matters.
1st Occupied almost entirely on copyright and other negotiations, including printing, while capital arrangements are slowly made under great War difficulties, and more things are brought to an advanced stage and nothing is completed.
2-5thSame as Monday.
8th Busy day in London mainly negotiating copyright purposes and on Books Of Today. This business development may or may not prove remunerative, but for the moment it is making creative work almost impossible.
9th In London at F.L. on Books Of Today, copyright negotiations and marking time while the Hatchard negotiations still move forward without reaching the point at which the much needed capital will become available.
10th Got particulars of the stillborn Books Of Today Ltd. from Somerset House and passed them on to C.C.H.
11th Hatry went this evening to dine with Jersey and get his cheque re. Hatchards so unless there be a last minute hitch the interminable delay will be over at last.
12th Continuing usual routine of reviewing and other preliminary work at F.L. while C.C.H. overcomes final trouble with Jersey's solicitors and got cheque from them.
13th Arranged with C.C.H. to have lunch together on Monday, settle accounts between us and make plans for the future now that Hatchard basis is clear.
14th On book reviewing almost all day, having to get the bulk of this work done this month for Books Of Today to save expense, in addition to all else on hand, 'til C.C.H. can make capital available.
15th Conference with C.C.H. deferred to evening and then inconclusive. New suggestion of taking over 'Boxing' settlement of old amount promised for tomorrow. Full day on reviews and copyright negotiations.
16th Hatry payment still delayed and signs that though everything may come out well in the end, the path is not yet smooth. Hard work on reviewing and still seeking and negotiating for further old copyrights as actual production of any is delayed.
17th Got Filsons Youngs 'Sands of Pleasure' on what should be good terms if publishing plans go through.
18th Got cheques on account for £30 total from C.C.H. with promise of conference tomorrow to clear everything up.
19th Further conference with C.C.H. and learned of fresh development - that Cosmopolitan is in serious financial difficulties, which may turn advantageously to him. Can't say the fact is surprising. Books of Today Ltd. shares to be transferred on Monday and everything else to be settled then! Perhaps.
24thWorking on Books Of Today and likely to be 'til it is through the press early next week, having to write half of it or more.
26th No time for anything but Books Of Today.
29th On Books Of Today proofs and writing additional matter; also replacing order for 'K. of M.'
30th Heard that Hutchinsons have bought Rich and Cowan and shall presumably have to decide whether to let them publish 'R.M.' or face further delays. Hard day getting Books Of Today through the press.
31st Hard day on Books Of Today.
 The month in a business sense, and also as far as literary work is concerned has been almost entirely given up to editing and to writing the major portion of Books Of Today, cheap series and other matters not abandoned; but progress slow and difficult. 'Knights of Malta' going to press at last.
1st To Hatchards to see Shepherd on various matters re. Books Of Today, and projected club in connection therewith. Rest of day at F.L. but got home rather earlier than usual, the magazine being off my hands now for the August issue.
2nd Books Of Today out earlier than previously and I note that twenty-five columns, including reviews of twenty-nine books, are from my pen. Not bad work, at least in quantity, for a month, including editing of the whole and other physical and mental activities, so I must turn to next issue with a few more days and hope of better working conditions at F.L.
5th To London as usual, it being officially not a bank holiday, but only M. Wood and the editor of W.P. News appeared so I came home early.
6th In London on Books Of Today and the copyright negotiations of Hatry's anticipations of raising required capital, furnishing decent offices, and publication of 'K. of M.' to be realized.
7th Lunched with Hatry and learned more details concerning proposed reconstruction of Cosmopolitan, which is at the root of present plans.
8th Day occupied reading and reviewing books for Books Of Today and articles etc. keeping open the cheap right copyright negotiations for starting fresh ones while waiting for the capital arrangements which will enable all matters to move.
15th Drafted agreement for 'K. of M.' at Hatry's request and signed my portion.
16th Heard from Hatry that Treasury has refused consent for Cosmopolitan scheme More delay and nothing for it but further patience.
19th In London. Usual hard, hot, not immediately remunerative work on Books Of Today.
24th Hatry, who has not appeared anxious to see me this week, sent message proposing lunch next Tuesday, when he expects to have much to say; we shall see what it is.
27th Books Of Today and lunch with Hatry adjourned for further discussion tomorrow.
28th Long lunch discussion with C.C.H. again, abandoned for clearing of points left open.
29th Much difficulty with new printers, giving air raids as excuse or reason for delay in getting blocks from old printers.
30th Third lunch this week with Hatry and agreed at last lines for going ahead with shilling editions, and had Best of Greystone in later to discuss terms.
31st Some work on Books Of Today final proofs.
 Most of month spent in getting out the second number I have undertaken for Books Of Today, while slow and difficult progress made with cheap editions project.
2nd Books Of Today at last sent to printers for final proof and resumed negotiations in various directions for copyright.
3rd Trying to make progress with shilling edition projects.
4th Saw Miss Boss, who appears competent, and have engaged her for work in the afternoons. New offices are making some progress towards being furnished at last.
5th Final proofs of Books Of Today from printers received and passed with aid of M. Wood and Miss Boss. It will be a week late, but the air raid delays are made to excuse everything.
10th First delivery of September Books Of Today. Other matters can still be described as same as usual.
11th Assured by Prinker that he can and will place 'K. of M.' on the terms C.C.H.S has proposed during the next few days. Something will be advanced if so. Interview with Rothbarth(?) certainly advances probability of cheap editions being found, but how the time goes on.
14th Got into London in three hours but soon had to return - more damage each day.
20th Undertook to handle C.C.H.'s dispute with R. and C.
23rd Drafted agreement for sale of cheap copyrights from C.C.H. to Books for Today Ltd. Saw McDonnell, Receiver of R. and C. re. his claim on Hatry and laid, I hope, foundation for firm and friendly settlement. Had Pinker's assurance that 'K. of M.' is at last definitely placed; I hope he is accurate
25th Hatry occupied during morning with urgent financial trouble at Cosmopolitan and at mid-day handed back B of T with his signature and asked me to get Jennings in view of urgency of stamping as he was moving to the country, and would be away 'til Friday. Did not see Jennings after that and left matter 'til tomorrow.
26th Presented B of T agreements and explained them to Jennings but he objected to sign them. I can see that a showdown will be needed on Hatry's return.
27th Hatry ran into his office for a few minutes while I was out for an early lunch and left note that he will be away on doctor's orders 'til Tuesday and was dealing with 'K. of M.' from his private address. On hearing this handed back B of T agreement to his secretary saying that Jennings had declined to sign them.
30th Useful day's work on B of T and seeing 'The Mortal Hours' with M. Wood with view to article thereon.
 Three weeks on constant attacks on London have obstructed and overturned everything. Only good feature is that I am making success of Books Of Today, if I am not obstructed in that direction also.
 On the Quarter: a similar experience to last year and I reach the same conclusion except that I can scarcely work harder than I have been and there will have to be extraordinary progress to make a good year of this one.
17th Whole of this month so far has been occupied on B of T and endeavouring to bring the cheap literature project to fruition, while experiencing daily difficulties in getting into and out of London and the bombing of Woldingham getting worse, so that I have abbreviated what would have been monotonous records.
28th Long interview with Rothbarth which ended favourably with his raising capital required for the cheap series.
 The month has been completely and tiringly occupied with Books Of Today, which may yet be a profitable and worthwhile occupation. Progress towards the publishing projects appear to have been made, but slowly.
6th Long drawn-out prospect of the cheap literature makes some tentative progress, and troubles through shortness of staff has spread to the advertising side of B of T.
8th Usual day except for further conferences with R.H. and printers seem to indicate that things may soon move, though meanwhile with B of T I am more than occupied.
11th Heard from R. and C. Receiver both on his claim against Hatry and move against him, and replied to both letters. Still occupied ceaselessly on B of T - writing it, getting adverts, with little help from staff or M. Wood.
12thSpent day with M. Wood for B of T review.
13-14th Hard days on the magazine as usual.
15th Second conference with Rothbarth and Hatry, rather like that of a week ago but some progress and some later with Muller of McKays and meanwhile fully occupied with B of T as always.
17th Busy on editorial article for B of T.
18th Short day at F.L. after wearying journey. Heard that paper license will be granted for the shilling books - excellent news.
19th Rothbarth confident that can raise of provide capital for publishing scheme but makes preliminary objection to Yugoslavian book and may be difficult to handle on future occasions; however, difficulties shall not commence with me.
20th Good progress indirectly in that the difficult capital arrangements for Worlds Press News reached their penultimate stage successfully - no interest to me except that C.C.H. will now have his mind on the publishing scheme.
21st Some appearance of progress with cheap literature project, publication of 'K. of M.' and other matters - in fact all round. The coming week will disclose how much reality there is in it all. Successors of R. and C. appear anxious that I should publish with them and that at least is good news.
22nd Paper license granted and paper for Yugoslavia book promised within a week if we place order. Arranged interviews for Monday which should mean real progress. Hard on B of T Christmas Number, now in its last days; this should have been out last week.
23rd Interview with Spicers re. paper buying and to Hatchard in abortive attempt to see Edgley, but mainly on B of T trying to get Christmas Number complete and through the press.
26th Mainly on B of T work but saw McDonnell in afternoon and made proposal for settling Hatry matter which may be accepted and will be an excellent conclusion for C.C.H. if so. May have got another rotary in sight for printing shilling books.
28th Saw Edgley at F.L. and arranged for him to come on board of B of T to assist in advertising. Saw Gottschalk of new R. and C. firm and discussed basis for publication of 'R.M.' and others.
29th Heard from M. Wood that setting up of 'K. of M.' had actually started at Watford. Conference with C.C.H who was at last able to say that the capital arrangements for World Press News are completed and that he could give his time to finding what will be needed for publishing firm.
 Developments with publishing, with Books Of Today and in other ways indicate probability that the efforts of this year may bear some fruit next that is the most that I can look for with only one month of this one left, and even that must be hope rather than expectation.
3rd Working on January magazine, but December number still not arrived from printers.
4th Important conference with C.C.H. on whom I impressed impossibility of marking time longer on cheap literature projects and he promised to galvanize Rothbarth into quick action.
5th December magazine here at last. Rothbarth called and promised would be no further delay in arranging capital for cheap literature project - I must hope he will keep his word as the position is now very difficult.
6th First galley proofs of 'K. of M.' received, a step towards publication though no publisher yet fixed. Cherrytree edition of 'Beyond the Rim' is out, which with their 'Constance Hillier' publication last month means that something at least of mine is before the public. Spent time on reviews for next B. of T.
9th Worked on B of T exclusively, writing for it and advertising programme.
11th Long and probably abortive discussion with Rothbarth, who will probably be a great nuisance if he should find required capital, and afterward with C.C.H. with whom I came to a very friendly compromise on all outstanding matters in the event of the cheap literature scheme collapsing.
12th Faced problems set by yesterday's development. Had Muller in (of McKays) and arranged for him to hold his quotation open 'til the end of the year and to persuade Spicers to a similar patience. Also arranged with A.P. & Son to print B of T for one further month, beyond that depending on their punctuality.
13th Further lot of copy off to printers for B of T. Wrote Spicers to defer paper contracts to end of year, and other steps to meet and if possible overcome disadvantages from delayed action.
18th Directors' meeting at B of T at Piccadilly. Elected C.C.H. to the board, which may have good consequences. Proofs of 'K. of M.' coming through now which is good.
22nd Finished Winston Churchill article.
27th Worked with everyone at F.L. Printers failed us again (breakdown of van?) Must have M. Wood in tomorrow.
28th Had M. Wood in specially to deal with B of T proofs promised from Marsden but they did not arrive.
31st Wrote Gabriel Wells re. 'K. of M.'.
 So we finish the year with all the family well. The year has not been one of much writing except for Books Of Today, nor of money making, but I may have laid foundations of a business to publish cheap literature, and the coming year I think will be decisive as to whether I am to have any considerable further success in writing or in publishing.


1st Year commenced fairly well with tentative arrangements with Hatchards for 'Author of the Month' project; advanced towards getting settled in new offices and probably arrangement for general advertising being secured for Books Of Today by W.P.H., especially if my recommendation of Fielding gets him a job there. Saw 'Captain C..........', rubbish and must review it as such.
2nd Routine work with B of T etc. Planning developments for the new year. Gave R. and C. ultimatum 'til Monday to offer for 'The Rissole Mystery'.
7th Approached G. & G. re. 'R.M.' and Cassells re. 'K. of M.' through M. Wood. Saw Brigham Young for screen article. January number of B of T out today.
9th M. Wood had preliminary favourable interview with Cassells re. 'K. of M.'.
10th Directors meeting of B of T to be regularly on second Friday of month in future.
14th MS. of 'K. of M.' to Cassells.
20thSaw press review of 'Escape' and wrote notice thereon.
21st Conference with Hatry, Bruce-Logan and Muller of McKays re. publishing and much other activity constituting a busy day with little detriment in fact that Cassells refused 'K. of M.' without knowing the series that might have been offered, and negotiations opened with Muller half an hour later.
29th Alternative negotiations by phone with Grayson of R. and C. re. 'R.M.' which should resolve itself by next Monday.
30th Further interview with Bruce-Logan re. publications co. Saw Muller re. 'K. of M.' and made offer which should put this matter through at last.
31st Met Sir. T.M. at Hatchards. B of T directors' meeting and arranged that I am free of all obligations to that company in going ahead with cheap literature, the company not having the disposition or means, and C.C.H. not the present means, to go on with it.
 Month mainly given up to production of Books Of Today but negotiations re. publication of 'Rissole Mystery', 'Knights of Malta' and other matters are in such a position that February is likely to be very interesting and perhaps successful.
1st Wrote to M. Press, Muller and others re. book printing in determination to make the publishing project move now.
2nd Got on with correcting of 'K. of M.' proofs.
3rd Mainly on make up of belated February number of B of T, but wrote H...... and made appointment with Sir T. M. for tomorrow re. capital for publishing business, and did more proof correcting 'K. of M.'.
4th One potentially important event has been long conference with Sir T.M. re. cheap literature project and advising with reference to possibility of opening branch of Hatchards in New York.
5th Saw Muller (McKays) and postponed matters there 'til next week. Wrote Sir T.M. my considered opinion re. Hatchards branch in N.Y. Grayson & Grayson offered advance of £30 on 'R.M.' which I refused.
6th Arranged verbally on phone terms with Muller for publishing 'K. of M.', which if it is guaranteed satisfactorily is a matter of the first importance. Also saw Simmonds re. supply of books for R.H.(?).
7th Long interview with Muller and arranged terms verbally for publication o| 'K. of M'; all spare time on 'K. of M.' proofs.
12th New firm of R. and C. (i.e. Hutchinson) difficult about 'R.M.' copyright and litigation appears likely.
13th B of T February number out at last and dealing with March number and correcting proofs of 'K. of M'. all day.
15thDrafted article on Julian Huxley's book for next B of T.
16thSome 'K. of M.' proof correcting.
19th Went to inaugural meeting at Hatchards new room; this was a success but no progress with cheap literature project which is now getting almost impossible to keep in its present state of suspended animation.
21st Saw Sir T.M. in another effort which C.C.H. had suggested, but no immediate results.
24th Saw Hale in morning re. joining in cheap literature project, which may be fruitful; then to Bloomsbury to interview Miss Steen, which may also be time well spent.
25th Saw Hatry and urged importance of not letting other things delay cheap literature project.
26th Got final galley proofs of 'K. of M.' from Greycome at last and had hard day on reviews.
28th Hard day on 'K. of M.' proofs and B of T, including lunching with Eagles (Jenkins) to get his firm's goodwill and advertising after M.W. and Edgley had failed.
 Month of very hard work under very great difficulties. Progress with 'Knights of Malta' and in some other directions, and prospects of publishing some other books of my own rather improved, but the main interest of the moment - cheap literature editions - still in suspense.
2nd Continuing 'K. of M.' proofs and reviewed three books; the usual struggle to keep the work down.
3rd C.C.H. avoiding me, being evidently unable to finance paper purchase for Yugoslavian book and ashamed to say so. Saw D. Jerrold (Eyre and Spottiswood) re. publication of S.F. fiction.
4th Sent draft agreement to Frederick Muller, MS. of 'First Bout of the Mildew Gang' to Eyre and Spottiswood. I am working against time and losing ground
5th Entirely on B of T and resolved today to stay night in London to get work more under control.
6th Wrote Jennings to convene directors' meeting of B of T, to receive my resignation and as last hope of saving Yugoslavia book.
9th Some work on reviews.
11th No progress with cheap literature project and it seems there may never be if I do not find means of developing the project.
12th Had talk with C.C.H. re. meeting now convened for tomorrow.
13th B of T directors meeting at Piccadilly. Only T.M., C.C.H. and myself present Offered my resignation as director in view of prolonged inaction of cheap literature projects but agreed to postpone decision for ten days in view of possible developments.
17th Had curious letter from Sir Thomas Moore, written on assumption that I am resigning editing of B of T, and replied suitably.
18th Muller saw me re. 'K. of M.' agreements and I consented in substance to various concessions for which he asked.
20th Settled for what I hope will be final form of 'K. of M.' agreement with Muller and sent it to him for signature. Otherwise entirely occupied with book reviews for B of T.
21st Saw Bowler (Allied Newspapers) and left him 'The New Gods Lead' and 'Who Else But She?', also arranged for him to come in on Tuesday re. cheap literature project, and sent him the Yugoslavia MS. for consideration this afternoon. Heard that Greycome cannot promise page proofs of 'K. of M.' until after Easter, which is a ghastly delay, however good their excuse.
24thLetter from Sir Thomas Moore trying to jockey me out of editing books for B of T. and replied suitably. Hatry avoided me - pressure of work, cowardice or bad conscience, or a mixture of all three.
25th Further interview with Bowler leading to probability of sale of Yugoslavian book and perhaps further business. Saw film of Conrad's 'Victory' (rubbish) for review in afternoon and then the inevitable book reviewing.
26th Settled final terms for 'K. of M.' with Muller on phone.
27th 'K. of M.' agreement signed and pressed Greycome for page proofs and then their delays are the last obstacle to be overcome. B of T taking all my time with poor immediate results.
28th Negotiations with Allied Newspapers re. Yugoslavia book which look hopeful though not certain.
31st Continuing negotiations with Allied Newspapers.
 A month of hard work on Books Of Today with no outstanding event, except the signing of the 'Knights of Malta' agreement with Muller and the skirmish with Moore over the editing of the magazine. Cheap literature project still in suspense.
1st Got a copy of Menzies (?) speech and took decision to alter April edition of B of T at this last moment and include it and his photo on the corner. Negotiations with Allied Newspapers re. Yugoslavian book looking hopeful but still unsettled.
2nd Heard from Hatry that Simpkin Marshall deal is completed which may have good repercussions and other matters seem to be moving slightly in the right direction but still almost impossible to keep up with essential work in London.
4th Appointment made for Tuesday with Hughes re. cheap literature; this could be important.
5th Hard morning at Fetter Lane on makeup of magazine. Allied Newspapers rejected Yugoslavian book for perverse reasons.
8th Interview with Hughes re. cheap literature which ended favourably.
11th Had offer from Eyre & Spottiswood for the first 'Mildew Gang' book and accepted it though not very good.
17th Working hard at office to advance next number of magazine under great difficulties with April number only just out. Good interview with Edgley, creating I think understanding with him.
23rd Conference with C.C.H. at which he suggested availability of top floor at Hatchards for B of T, which must be considered carefully.
24th Contract signed for 'First Bout of the Mildew Gang'. Learned that 'Rissole Mystery' published in defiance of my protests and wrote appropriately.
 Month mainly characterized by hard work on Books Of Today, signing of the Eyre & Spotiswood contract and slow progress towards publication of 'Knights of Malta'. Cheap literature project still delayed and C.C.H. Occupied on other matters.
6th Mainly on the Margaret Steen article.
7th Cheap rights of 'The Screaming Lake' to Cherrytree. Steen article finished and magazine paged.
8th Mainly on reviewing to make an earlier start in preparing material for next number.
12th To London and found Fetter Lane burnt out with much loss of material effects to myself, but far more serious that of MSS which is irreparable, particularly the 'Morte D'Arthur' work, which I have worked on for thirty years - can I begin it again?
13th Tried in vain to get accommodation at Hatchards and elsewhere.
14thMade contact at last with printers at their Cannon Street office; got final proofs of magazine so that printing can go ahead. May be able to pull things through yet but difficulties are great.
15th Got in touch with Metcalfe Wood at last and started him interviewing publishers. Saw B of T backers and made progress in other directions, though obliged to refuse offer of office in Carter Lane building as they were too small, sordid and dear, even for this extremity.
16th M.W. out interviewing publishers and secretary phoning them from Hatchards. Arranged with Remainder Centre Ltd. to use their address for the moment and instructed the post office. Got some review copies in and made start at last on material for next number of B of T but it is uphill work.
19th Had letter from Sir. T. Moore attempting to rush me into resigning editorship of B of T and replied after seeing Hatry thereon. All spare moments used getting fresh copy ready for next issue.
20th Day of many calls in endeavour to get matters moving for June issue of B of T which I intend to be a good one in spite of everything but lack of a phone and difficulty of movement in London not easy things to overcome.
21st Called at Hatry's office to meet Sir. T.M. by appointment but he phoned excuse and new appointment made for C.C.H. and I to meet him at Piccadilly tomorrow. Found time at last to make preliminary enquiries as to means of obtaining government compensation for all that is lost, which may be possible.
22nd Met Sir T.M. with C.C.H. at last and gave verbally the terms on which I will give up B of T, which I shall be most thankful to do but conditions need firm handling all the same. May issue of magazine out at last.
23rd Further conference with Hatry and agreed to draft terms for transfer of magazine during weekend. Found time for preliminary enquiry as to procedure for claiming against effects lost, so far as it can be represented by money C.C.H. to see Jersey during weekend.
26th To London leaving secretary in bungalow as office accommodation so limited in Carter Lane. Saw Hatry and discussed B of T decision and other matters inconclusively.
27th Left memo at Hatry's office giving terms on which I might withdraw entirely from B. of T.
29th Called at Hatry's office and learned he is going to be in Manchester so deferred meeting 'til after Whitsun.
30th Keeping B of T alive in spite of difficulties and saw screen version of 'Kipps' for usual article. Saw S.......... re. R. and C. and agreed to make final offer.
Destruction of Fetter Lane premises with bulk of my unpublished work and the twelve months work on cheap editions, among other things of value but less importance, overshadows other things still incomplete. Coming month will clarify much, whether it improves it or not.
1st Wrote to Whalpole re. proposed article on his novels and heard on wireless in the evening after posting the letter that he is dead. Full day on reviews
3rd Long enigmatic interview with C.C.H. who stated that he is unfriendly with T.M. and against his policy re. transfer of magazine and predicts its failure if I surrender it but yet showed willingness, if not anxiety, for me to do so and desire to have the way clear for them to register another company in the same name, at which I am puzzled.
5th Stayed at home all day in order to get fire claim finished.
6th Occupied in London on magazine, which makes little progress under present conditions, and M.W. has done nothing this week being out of touch with me; also re. claims at Clements Inn. Resolved that magazine under existing conditions would only be worth the trouble of continuing were there honesty and loyalty - which are lacking.
9thSaw County Fire Officer and took out War Damage insurance, paying £11 premium with some doubt as to whether I will see it back, or when.
10th Wrote to C.C.H. in reply to Brown's queries re. proposed agreements with Allan & Unwin.
12th Worked at home in morning, having no typewriter in town now.
20th Agreed with Hatchards that next number of magazine should be a double number to be got out at beginning of July and practically without help I worked at this until month ended. Meanwhile, informally understood that I should relinquish editing on terms which I had set out.
27th Saw Hatry, when he asked to have conference on July 1st or 2nd re. what he indicated would be important proposal in connection with Remainder Centre but (I write this early on morning of July 1st) after two years experience I shall be slow to agree to anything which does not give freedom of control and assurance of continuity.
 The half year has seen the destruction of the Fetter Lane premises, my half a lifetime 'Morte D'Arthur' work and much else, including all preparation work for cheap literature program, which may now be regarded as abandoned, and I am almost certain of giving up Books of Today; but my health is good and I sense a feeling of coming freedom.
1st To London and the magazine and had some success there in securing last minute adverts by personal contacts. Wrote articles on the Chestertons and other work towards completion of what I intend to be the last number I shall edit. Got bound proofs of 'K. of M.' at last and learned that E.& S have sent 'Mildew' to printers.
3rd Eight more pages of magazine to printers. Made appointment by phone with C.C.H. for 3.30 tomorrow which should at least lead to some indication of what is to be expected in the future in his direction.
4th Interview with C.C.H., tentative proposals being made with reference to Remainder Centre and other matters which I have undertaken to think about over the weekend.
5th Wrote article on Whalpole for magazine.
6th Completed copy and posted to printers.
7th Went over 'Witchfinder' - some of the short stories unpublished are not destroyed - and think it good enough but can be improved in a detail of construction. Also reviewed 'Beyond This War' as I have leisure at last from the curse of the magazine.
13th Sent draft documents re. transfer of B of T to Hatry and subsequently arranged for meeting to implement that on Monday.
15th Met Hatry and T.M. at Hatchards and signed terms for transfer of magazine, and afterwards Alabaster in endeavour to arrange future contracts favourably for them. Arranged for C.C.H. to report on R.C. Ltd. during next four weeks for £40 fee.
16th Wrote Muller permission to negotiate USA rights of 'K. of M.'.
17th Investigating R.C. business and worked on final revision of 'K. of M.' proofs while in preparation for press.
18th Inspected salvage stock bought for D.M. under Stationers Hall, and advised thereon.
19th Spent time correcting 'K. of M.' proofs and correspondence.
22nd Into London on continuing matters re. B of T and interview with C.C.H. re. R.C. Ltd. - when I told him I had done all I could without proper authority to give orders, and he promised to write 'in about two days' with appropriate proposal.
23rd Continuing daily with final corrections of book proofs of 'K. of M.'.
24th Saw Customs and Excise re. claims on loss at F.L. and was referred to Assistance Board.
25thAgain in London, various matters mainly clearing up B of T.
27th Finished revising book proofs of 'K. of M.', leaving only to correct copies for USA and own retention in same way and this work will be off my hands.
28th Corrected second copy of 'K. of M.' and sent to Muller; did a little revision of 'After This War' which must be radically rewritten now.
29th Corrected third set of 'K. of M.' proofs and sent to Harper Bros. for New York negotiations.
31st Stayed at home to clear as much correspondence on typewriter as possible before close of month and got on with reading portion of typescript of 'Second Bout of M.G.' saved from the fire, so that I may complete this. Heard that Monument Press cannot get paper in Dublin which is final blow to cheap literature project.
 This month is symbolised(?) by the definite giving up of Books of Today, after a full year during which I have had little time for other matters. I have been reluctant in some ways, but still feel it to have been a wise decision and a great relief. 'Knights of Malta' scarcely through the press, though publication now seems assured.
1st Started rewriting 'Second Bout of M.G.' from point at which it was burned.
4th Received proofs of 'First Bout' from E.& S. and corrected more than half.
5th Finished correction of 'First Bout' proofs and delivered them to London to E.& S. Also saw District Valuer at Clements Inn re. war damage claims and agreed them except for larger one for MSS - still to be discussed.
6th Continued revision of first portion of 'Second Bout'.
7th To London to deal with various B of T matters and arranged for 'First Bout 'to got to Harpers for first consideration of USA rights; also completed revision of part of 'Second Bout'.
8th Some progress with 'Second Bout'.
9th Another day on 'Second Bout', rewriting of which harder than the freshly imagined work.
13th To London instructing Stollard re. R. and C. and some work on 'Second Bout'
15th In London without success in getting in touch with C.C.H. who put off meeting 'til next Tuesday and decided to write to him plainly.
16th Some 'Second Bout' and correspondence brought almost entirely up to date.
17th Wrote to Hatry in way which will at least put an end to present unsatisfactory drift.
18th Went to trade show at Warners.
19th Important interviews in London, Alabaster Pa......... which may lead to a friendly settlement of their claim with Allied Newspapers re. special short story for Cherrytree series, and with C.C.H. re. general business referred to in Sunday letter.
20th Started drafting a short novel for Cherrytree series but not sure whether to continue or try a different theme.
21st Settled terms with Alabaster Pa........... , they accepting my offer of Tuesday, which makes it a good day. Moderate progress with the fiction I am now resuming.
22nd Saw Richardson, newly appointed manager of Remainder Centre, at Hatry's request, to no evident progress and there was little reason to expect it the man having been appointed without knowledge of my having any connection with it. Agreed to get in touch with C.C.H. by phone again on Tuesday, but the whole position is unenjoyable.
25th Satisfactory agreement with M.W. Got Stollard ready to work on R. and C. case at last. Continued with 'Second Bout'.
26th Interview with C.C.H. which I had resolved should be fruitful or final and I am left unsure of which it has been - fruitful if I can trust his assurance of nature of a letter which will reach me at the end of the week, but I have lost confidence in his sincerity. Also saw Muller and agreed on form of letters to be written to Greycome to force an issue there.
28th Good progress with 'Second Bout of M.G.'.
29th Finished twice-written conclusion to 'Second Bout', thankful to finish it.
30th Heard from Hatry the usual proposal of interview 'next week' and replied that it must be fruitful or final.
31st Finished and forwarded three synopses for Allied Newspapers and completed corrections of 'Second Bout' for E.& S., leaving me with a feeling that the month finishes well.
 The best points of the month are that I have completed the weary rewriting of second half of 'Second Bout of the Mildew Gang' and that the finishing up of the magazine transactions has proceeded smoothly and more profitably than my cautious estimate, and that I am bringing C.C.H. to the point of better co-operational parting, while having plans in order to part from him if necessary.
1st 'Second Bout' to E.& S.; got on with new Blackwell Book.
2nd Went to Norfolk Street to meet Hatry, to his own appointment, and was met by Rothborth who in consequence heard much of which he was previously ignorant. Offered the arrangement already proposed by C.C.H. that I should undertake search for Binder for R.C. Ltd. and agreed to put proposal in writing when I received it coldly.
3rd To London and arranged with Cherrytree to give them a redaction of 'The Jordan Murder' before writing a complete short story of the reduced size they now require, and with Jerrold to put up half capital for cheap literature if C.C.H. can arrange the rest, and with Greycome to consider binding for R.C. Ltd. and probably settled differences between them and Muller re. 'K. of M.'.
5th Conference with Rothbarth re. E.& S. proposal and hope I have influenced him to my views; also with Greycome re. 'K. of M.' and also re. binding for R.C. Also saw M.W. re. sundry matters. Heard that Waterlows are tendering for Greycome in which case Chevron may be for sale cheaply.
6th Some work on redaction of 'Jordan Murder'.
8th Fair progress with new short Blackwell book.
9th Further efforts with Greycome to get 'K. of M.' dispute settled and R.C. binding order placed, which may succeed apart from a new trouble - the possible requisitioning of their works.
11th Completed redaction of 'J.M.' which, with progress on phone towards overcoming printing difficulties of 'J.M.' made it a good day.
13th Wrote C.C.H. letter which will bring matters to issue if anything will. Offered 'J.M.' to Allied Newspapers.
15th Saw Stottard re. R. and C., when he produced what purported to be copy of 'R.M.' agreements, which is certainly cooked - the vital clause not being there. Good progress with Blackwell book.
16th Learned in London that military have requisitioned printing works, which will delay 'K. of M.' again, and that Hutchinsons may buy the business which will ........... Chevron.
20th Met Rothbarth and Hatry where proposals made which may be of importance if they mature but past experience makes me cautious.
22nd Sent draft agreement re. 'Second Bout' to E.& S.
24thHeard from Jerrold declining to meet C.C.H. and Rothbarth at this stage but not closing door to negotiations; replied to him and wrote Hatry there on.
25thHeard from Muller that sale of Greycome to Hutchinson and Military requisition of their works may postpone publication of 'K of M' for further months, but must resist this by all possible means.
27th Day largely occupied meeting potential secretary, Miss Brinder(?).
29th Hatry still stalling, a promise to phone on Saturday (his suggestion) not having been kept.
30th Whole morning in long conference with Customs and Excise officer re. war damage claim, then with inspector re. air raid shelter. To London for hurried afternoon visit, learned of proposed interference with B of T letters from Norfolk Street interest, and was glad I had gone.
 The almost impossible task of bringing C.C.H. to any definite points, but now arrived at a position where it must and will succeed or lead to the breach which is the more probable outcome - either will be a relief now. Given up the magazine, which I do not regret. Publication of 'Knights of Malta', after seeming at last assured, again gravely delayed by war conditions. Hatry's conduct enigmatic, if nothing worse.
1st Interesting and perhaps important conference with Jerrold re. cheap literature. Row with W.P. News over misappropriation of our letters. Refusal by Harpers N.Y. of 'K. of M.' and 'Mildew Gang'.
2nd A little work on 'Morte D'Arthur'.
9th E.& S. accepted 'Second Bout of M.G.' on same terms as last, which is moderately satisfactory.
10th In London an abortive attempt to see Hatry. Did see M.W. and Tabor, and recovered some much-needed copies of my own books from Miss Buxton's office.
14th Long though interrupted conference with Hatry, which may have some results but leaves me with a resolution to shape matters without reference thereto as indecision is too expensive to continue.
15th Sent 'Dream', 'Elfwin' and 'Razor Street' to Allied Newspapers.
17th Saw M.W. re. plans for reviving cheap literature project apart from Hatry connection.
21st Wrote Stollard re. R. and C. matter, on which it is certainly slow but I must hope sure.
22nd Work delayed by interview with war damage officer.
23rd In London, met M.W. who made suggestion for book on USA which I hope perhaps to extend to other democracies.
24th At home doing some work of preliminary kind on projected USA book.
25th Spent some time in library researching facts of history for USA book.
27th In London and agreed verbally to take Great Russell Street premises for my final experiment in commercial life. Conditions present peculiar difficulties but my judgement supports the decision.
28th Researching at Martin Street Library on USA book.
31st Got key of Great Russell Street premises.
 Month mainly distinguished by taking of Great Russell Street premises with all that it implies for the future, and placing 'Second Bout of the Mildew Gang' with Eyre & Spottiswood. Cheap literature position, which has been in hand for over a year, may be destined after all for ultimate fruition.
2nd Made a one page start with 'Third Bout'.
5th Made some progress with USA book.
13th Saw M.W. at Gt. R. S. and made some definite offer to him.
15thWorked in library on researching material for USA book.
19thEngaged M.W. at retainer fee of £3 per week from Monday.
 Hard slow progress with Great Russell Street plans. A poor month.
4thHeard that my first war damage claim will be paid.
6th Cherrytree 'Jordan Murder' out, a wretched production but it is something to get any production these days. Drafted letter to C.C.H. which might show some result.
16th Got particulars from Bush House on C. and D.W. returns.
22nd Went over unpublished fragments of 'Songs of Bilitis'.
23rd Some work on 'Morte D'Arthur'.
24th Most of the day on 'M. D'A.'.
26th Good progress with my new efforts to get 'M.D'A.' moving again.
29th Worked on 'Songs of Bilitis'.
30th Finished 'Judgement of Ali' which I started yesterday - a small definite addition to the meagre total of the year.
31st Letter from C.C.H. apparently suggesting new terms of understanding for the new year, but shall be in no haste to respond.
 End of Year Summary: Last year's forecast a period of greater decision than it has been - such as cheap literature. The position is that a second start has been made after the Fetter Lane destruction. The magazine has gone but there was no failure on my side there. On the whole, the new year can be entered in good heart and hope.
Material sold or Placed in 1941
28th 'Knights of Malta' contract signed with Muller
10th 'A Bout with the Mildew Gang' - accepted offer from Eyre & Spottiswood
7th 'Screaming Lake' - cheap rights to Cherrytree
1st 'Second Bout with the Mildew Gang' - Eyre & Spottiswood
3rd Redaction of 'Jordan Murder' to Cherrytree. 


1st Some progress with 'Love Story of Durrak'.
2nd Completed 'L.S. of D.' so there is something of worth to show for the day.
3rd Worked in Bromley Library.
4th Having typewriter and secretary together gave time for correspondence, in particular to C.C.H., Tabor, Edgeley and World Press News in ways that will show that I am tired of being ..............
6th Work commencing in Great Russell Street under great difficulty.
7th Made some progress on final corrections of Purgatorio.
8th Had what looks like satisfactory letter from Jerrold and some interesting indications of what may transpire when C.C.H. comes to see me tomorrow.
9th Hatry saw me at Gt. R.S. with proposal that he should buy copyright of 'T. of the H.C.' with the purpose of destroying it, his feelings re. the book having utterly changed! I replied that I should be very unlikely to agree but would give him a considered reply.
10-11th Worked on final edition of Purgatorio.
12th Did a little work on 'Third Bout with the Mildew Gang' and saw Tabor, who like C.C.H. and with more reason would like the book withdrawn.
13th Wrote to Hatry declining to sell 'T. of H.C.' at any price for him to destroy it but hinting at meeting him in a less dramatic fashion.
14-15th Progress on USA book at Purgatorio revision.
16th Another conference with C.C.H. at G.R.S. and some progress towards understanding, to be continued next week.
18-19th Some work on Purgatorio revision and USA book.
21st Arranging 'Residue' and writing preface. Interview with Best which may be fruitful but things move very slowly in the direction I desire.
23rd Some work on USA book.
24th Resumed work on 'Third Bout'.
26th Phoned Bowler re. books on offer to Cherrytree. Had proofs of 'Second Bout' from Jerrold and wrote Hatchards re. future of the magazine.
27th Long interview with Jerrold which may be fruitful and further progress with 'Third Bout'.
28-29th Finished correcting 'Second Bout' proofs and send 'New Gods Lead' to Argosy
30th License came for using G.R.S. as retail bookshop. Some work on 'Third Bout' and also on 'Morte D'Arthur'.
 Hard slow progress in what I hope will be wise directions, while resources diminish and the coming month will go far to decide whether I have done rightly.
2nd Weather bound at home and concentrated on 'Morte D'Arthur', making real progress with Balyn section.
3rd Progress with 'Third Bout', title of which Jerrold asks me to change, which I think a doubtful policy.
5th Got 'Residue' to its final form with some corrections. ;
6th Wrote Hale fully re. projected company. Sent 'Residue' to Waugh (C & H). & Mainly on 'M.D'A.'.
8th Good progress on 'M.D'A.'.
9th Some 'Third Bout'.
10th Made some progress in London towards meeting of publishers and worked on revision of old story 'Carrots'.
11th Finished revision of 'Carrots'.
12th 'M.D'A' and progress in arranging preliminary meeting of publishers for Monday. Saw C.C.H. at his office this afternoon, when he made unacceptable proposals and lost his temper when I declined them and got up to go.
14th Went into London and dealt with correspondence, including letter to Hatry, Tabor and Hatchards. Progress with 'Murder of Henri Renard' and 'M.D'A.'.
16th Had Carter (Routledge) and Roberts (D.N. & W.) for discussion on projected company, with indeterminate results.
17th Wrote extra poems 'Dust' for 'Residue'. Another letter from C.C.H. proposing yet another meeting on Saturday, which if it takes place must be final.
18-19thGood progress with 'M.D'A.' and hopeful preliminary contacts with Macmillan Jenkins and other publishers.
20-21st Still on 'M.D'A.'.
23rd Long conference with C.C.H. at which he undertook to put in writing proposals for dealing with all outstanding matters.
24th Saw Lovel Dickson (Macmillans) and Grimsdick with favourable though nebulous reactions in both cases. Good progress with 'M.D'A.'.
25th Saw Howe (Hamish Hamilton) with what may be good results. Had proposal from C.C.H. and replied accepting in principle and asking for more details. Saw Bently re. sale of books and some progress with USA book and 'Beyond This War'.
26th Worked on USA book between enquiries and negotiations in search of a publishers' business.
27th Heard from Muller proposing that 'K. of M.' should be published in two volumes and agreed. Still working on publishing negotiations.
28th Some work on 'Beyond This War'.
 Terms of settlement with C.C.H. still to be signed and operated. 'Knights of Malta' on road to publication at last. Johnson for both purchases of publishing business and cheap literature advanced, though not decisive. Some progress with offices. Some work done, particularly with 'Morte D'Arthur'.
2nd Interview with Jerrold resulting in proposal to exchange draft schemes for discussion.
3rd Reluctantly put M.W. off for time being as nothing for him to do here.
4th Offered 'Who Else But She?' to Argosy.
6th Attended Assessor at Clements Inn re. war damage claim and referred by him to Board of Trade at Westminster, where I was told that they would have papers referred to them and had to make another appointment.
10th Offered 'Life of Scott' to Remainder Centre and sent 'Congo Cat' and 'W. Stickiss' to Argosy. Wrote to Lovel Dickson in Macmillan re. 'Divine Comedy' 'finished' (12 Cantos still undone or were destroyed in fire).
12th Day spent mostly in negotiations for clearing lines of old stock.
17th Long interview with Hatry re. acquisition of publishing business and probable offer to return magazine. Sent 'Murder in Bethnal Sq.' to Argosy.
21st Some 'M.D'A.' and 'Third Bout'. Got full particulars of Constable's form from Bush House. Wrote Hale to know if he would welcome capital. Offered 'Scott' book to Argosy and other matters too numerous to detail.
24th Made USA address list to offer remainder of 'From Overseas'; have found one more Canto of Paradiso, 40 lines probably irreparably missing from final Canto, so that the complete Divine Comedy is only work at publishers.
26th Largely occupied in investigating Fudge & Co. and its allied companies, with dubious results but it has some possibilities.
27th Sent Hatry report on Fudge & Co. and in afternoon met Kyllman of Constable where there is possibility of a better proposition resulting.
30th Wrote Jerrold fully as to my idea for cheap literature company and must await his reaction
31stSaw Hatry at Norfolk St. re. Constable and received instructions to negotiate purchase of that business on behalf of directors of St. Pars Publishing Co.
 Business beginning to move more rapidly now.
1st Wrote Tabor with views on Books of Today and proposing conference. Heard that Monument Press may be able to quote for producing it in Ireland.
2nd Some progress with USA book and 'M.D'A.'.
11th Received at last Hatry's proposal re. copyright of 'Hatry Crash' and replied thereto. Some progress with USA book and with 'M.D'A.'.
16th Saw C.C.H. and agreed terms of payment re. his book. Saw K.& S. at Constables and agreed that their accountants should meet ours to hammer out details; advised C.C.H.
25-26th Worked on 'Third Bout'.
27th Settled C.C.H. agreement.
28th Bowler returned 'Bethnal Sq.' - not enough action if it were cut down to present size of Cherrytree books, heaven save us from fools!
29th Signed Hatry agreement. Some 'Third Bout'. Poor news about Constable negotiations.
 Business projects hard to advance as crisis of war draws near. 'Siege of Malta' approaches publication and much will depend on that.
1st Reopened Cherrytree negotiations for 'Bethnal Sq.'. Improved prospect of placing Brown's book with Harrap. Advanced copy of 'Siege of Malta' received; some 'Third Bout' done; started cutting 'Bethnal Sq.' down to show Cherrytree how it will read.
3rd Worked on redaction of 'Bethnal Sq.' on chance that Fowler will use it.
4th Mainly on 'Bethnal Sq.' and making list of publications for Liverpool library.
5th Finished 'Bethnal Sq.' and sent it and 'Bickerton' to Bowler.
6th Got books off to Liverpool library and elsewhere.
7th Spent day investigating Fudge & Co.
8th Duplicate agreement does not come from Hatry's solicitor, nor their cheque - due on 30th.
12th Hatry agreement signed and first payment made.
13th Wrote Hatry on Fudge & Co. matters. Heard that Grayson & Grayson was for sale and started enquiries.
15th Day punctuated by one of the silliest criticisms of a balance sheet that I have ever read, by Hatry of all people, on Fudge & Co. Letter eventually dictated in reply.
-19th Worked on 'M.D'A.' and 'Third Bout'.
20th Saw Edgeley and came to understanding with him re. 'Siege of Malta', which may work out well. Saw Jerrold and came much nearer cheap literature scheme than previously. A little 'Third Bout'.
21st War damage claim completed and sent in. Some 'M.D'A.'.
22nd Conference with solicitor and counsel on Rich and Cowan matter.
23-26th Work on 'M.D'A.'.
27th Interview with Hatry when he expressed inability to find purchaser for Fudge & Co., reported that Constable negotiations hung fire and proposed search for retail bookshops on the materials, periodicals, wholesale allied business.
28th Wrote Fudge & Co., Board of Trade re. war damage claim. Settled Hatchard order for 'Siege of Malta' with Muller.
29-30th 'M.D'A.'.
 Publication of first volume of 'Siege of Malta', several years after it was substantially finished, and the agreement with Hatry are the two definite features of this month. My claim for compensation for war damage has at least been accepted in principle. I have resumed work on 'Morte D'Arthur'.
1st Probability is that I shall place Brown's book with Routledge. Made some progress on both 'M.D'A.' and 'Third Bout'.
2-3rdProgress with 'Third Bout'.
9th Have almost certainly placed Brown's book with Routledge and obtained somewhat better offer for the 'Scots' than previously, which offsets Hatry asking to delay payment of his second installment.
12th Got 'Scot' books away. Interview with owner of Viking literary agency, for which I may make an offer. Got Brown's agreement signed with Routledge for 'American Ground'.
15th Conference with Hatry concerning retail bookshops, cheap literature and Books Of Today, which in spite of past experiences does appear to have prospects of producing results.
16th Some 'Third Bout', some 'M.D'A.'. Wrote to Viking Lit. Agency with offer and to Jerrold.
18th Worked on 'Third Bout', 'M.D'A.' and other correspondence.
20-22nd 'M.D'A.'.
23rd Macmillan of N.Y. refused 'Siege of Malta'.
27th Really good progress with 'M.D'A.' on which I spend too much time so that other things suffer, though not too much if I am to live to complete it.
29th Bought remainder stock of Viking company, on which a few pounds profit is assured. Saw Muller to discuss publication of second volume of 'Siege of Malta' and dealt with correspondence re. retail bookshop negotiations which seems moderately hopeful.
 Month of hard work but war conditions make too many things too difficult for the progress at which I aiming to have been made. The half year has seen the conclusion of the Hatry agreement, publication of the first volume of 'The Siege of Malta' and progress with 'Morte D'Arthur'.
2ndDrafted advertisement for central library agency for Books of Today.
5-7th 'M.D'A.' and resumed work on USA book.
8th Some 'M.D'A.' and some 'Third Bout'.
9th Sent Divine Comedy to Jerrold on chance that one of his firms might publish
15th Lunched with C.C.H. who appears likely to really want my help with publishing and kindred interests which are developing, and anxious that I should not give major time in future to B. of T.
16th Long conference with C.C.H. 'til lunchtime learning much of interest, but long experience warns that anything from that direction may be uncertain.
20-21st Moderately good day on 'Third Bout' and 'M.D'A.'.
28th Second volume of 'Siege of M.' published today.
30th 'Second Bout' published today by Eyre & Spottiswood.
31st Fair day's work on 'Third Bout' and 'M.D'A.'
 This month has seen good progress with 'Morte D'Arthur' and in the last ten days good progress with slow-moving 'Third Bout'. Second volume of 'The Siege of Malta' and 'Second Bout' published.
1st Exceptionally good day on 'Third Bout' and 'M.D'A.'. Must keep up this good start to the month.
5th Last four days on various kinds of work but nothing worth recording.
6th Good day on 'Third Bout' which should be quickly finished now. Also wrote article on........... for the new government H......lby Scheme, which should be good if I get it published at once, otherwise time wasted.
7-13thGood progress with 'Third Bout' and 'M.D'A.'
14th Finished 'Third Bout', making this a good day's work - the book, after hanging about for too long having been very rapidly completed. Typing is completed and has gone to E.& S. the issue being uncertain under Jerrolds publishing conditions.
16th Very good day on 'M.D'A.' but I must give more time to more urgent work.
18th Recommenced work on 'Murder of Henri Reynard'. Some enquiries re. provincial book shop purchase as result of first batch of circular letters sent out last week.
19-20th Some progress with 'Henri Reynard'.
21st Some further prospects of buying bookshops in provincial towns so that it may soon be seen whether C.C.H. can really find capital for this project or whether I am wasting my time again.
22-23rd Worked on 'M.D'A.'.
25th Saw C.C.H. re. purchase of retail shops, when he made proposals respecting technical publishing company that he has purchased which have the appearance of something definite.
 Month of fair work but not of equally fair results. 'Third Bout' finished, which is a relief and I suppose Eyre & Spottiswood will take it, but Crosby Lockwood matter may develop favourably - but definite results still doubtful.
2nd Fair day's work on Blinkwell book and 'M.D'A.'.
4th Hostile - unfairly so - review of 'The Siege of Malta', breaking funereal silence with which the book has been surrounded.
10th Interview with C.C.H. taking further instructions re. retail bookshop negotiations and on Crosby Lockwood business, both of which look like moving.
11th Some letters in re. bookshop negotiations, fatal to business .... but ended one way or other (?).
15th Good day in office with 'M.D'A.' and USA book.
18th Several retail bookshop negotiations appear to be developing formally and I had C.C.H.'s almost definite assurance this afternoon that the capital can be found - if true a matter of the first importance which will justify the amount of time I have spent on it during the year.
21st Long queer interviews at office with Williams of Queensland and Axel of ?., the latter of which may just possibly be important.
23rd E.& S. accepted 'The Last Bout' and promised prompt publication.
26th Worked on 'M.D'A.'.
30th Satisfactory conference with C.C.H. on both Crosby Lockwood and retail bookshop projects; it gives hope in spite of all previous experience.
 Best features of the month are placing of 'The Last Bout' with Eyre & Spottiswood' and hopeful aspect of Crosby Lockwood and bookshop negotiations and progress with 'Morte D'Arthur for the sake of which other more remunerative work has been put aside.
7thRetail bookshop negotiations continuing to increase but none yet beyond preliminary stages.
8-9th Good work on 'M.D'A.'.
15thProposal by C.C.H. that we should make a joint visit to Lancashire, Glasgow etc. in connection with the negotiations I have opened for retail bookshops.
16thGood progress with 'M.D'A.' and completed arrangements for going north.
19thGot to Liverpool in time for interview with Wryler and his accountants and afterwards a very friendly meeting with Wilson which may have ultimate importance.
21st Interview with Donald Grant in Glasgow. Also saw W.& R. Holmes and obtained data of the Rochdale branch which they have for sale, and a long important conference with C.C.H. concluded the day.
23rd Left Liverpool early and had promising interview with Wilson in Shrewsbury.
27th Conference with Hatry re. purchase of retail shops and Crosby Lockwood, both of which appear to be developing in a way which may justify the work..
 Little literary work this month except 'Morte D'Arthur', and retail shop negotiations.
2nd Satisfactory interview with D. Jerrold which should be fruitful if I follow it up in the right way. Started new crime book for E.& S.
3rd Drafted letter to publishers re. cheap literature project.
4th Worked on 'M.D'A.'.
5th Arranged with Hutchinson new edition of 'Red Ike'. Conference with C.C.H. in evening in which I agreed to go on Crosby Lockwood board and to go to Rochdale next week to negotiate purchase of business there and to revisit L. and S. if possible on these negotiations also.
8th Proofs of 'Last Bout' completely corrected.
9th Really good day on 'M.D'A.' and new crime book, developing my idea of using old data for 'Dinner in New York'.
11th Directors' meeting Crosby Lockwood and other matters.
15th Worked on 'Dinner in N.Y.'.
16th Good progress with 'D. in NY' and some progress with C.L. affair.
17th Second visit to Shrewsbury on Walker negotiations and went on to Rochdale.
18th Inspected Rochdale business and made firm verbal offer, then went on to Birkenhead and inspected Morton's business.
19th Good progress on 'D. in NY.'
21-22nd Worked on 'D. in NY.'.
23rd Conference with C.C.H. fundamentally disappointing owing to new treasury regulations, which is no fault of his, and on determinations re. C.L.
24th Heard from C.C.H. that new treasury restrictions not to operate until end of month so plans renewed at express speed.
25th Good day on 'D. in NY.'.
26th Cleared much correspondence at Gt. Russell St. re. book negotiations and arranged to meet C.C.H. for lunch tomorrow to exchange information and formulate plans. Worked on 'D. in NY.'.
27th Long conference with C.C.H. satisfactory re. retail bookshops but less so re. C.L. so I have not withdrawn my refusal to go on the board.
9-30th Worked on 'D. in NY.'.
 Not an exciting month and one that may be best left without comment.
1st Wrote Hatry again declining though with regret to join C.L. board.
2-4th Worked on 'D. in NY.'.
4th Prospect of definite purchase of retail shop (in Rochdale) if C.C.H. rises promptly to the occasion as he has agreed to do.
6-8thWorked on 'D. in NY.' and sent 'Different' to Jerrold.
9th Completed first of three parts of 'D. in NY.'.
10th Long conference with C.C.H. re. retail bookshops and had specific instructions to close Rochdale deal.
14thPrepared for tomorrow's interview with Walker who arrives with his accountant from Shrewsbury. I will then go north the following day if it can be arranged.
15th Long conferences between C.C.H. and self and Walker and his accountant, which may result in purchase of his business.
16th To Darlington (abortively to negotiate for a stock which is not worth buying) and on to Stockton ready for an interview with Heatherington tomorrow.
17th Satisfactory interview with Heatherington, the business being one which can be bought on fair terms and is worth buying. Progress with 'D. in NY.'.
18th Cleared correspondence in office and had good day on 'D. in NY.'.
21st Good progress on 'D. in NY.'. Brought Bowler to point of reopening negotiations for Cherrytree series.
2-24th Worked on 'D. in NY.'.
25th Exceptional amount of 'D. in NY.' done.
27th Worked on 'M.D'A.'
28-29th 'D. in NY.'.
30th Milne (Aberdeen) wired deferring appointment, which torpedoed my plan to close the year with a round of successful negotiations. 'D. in NY.' is still moving ahead.
31st Douglas Jerrold returned 'Different' on account of paper shortage, and sent it to Routledge. Got on with 'D. in NY.'.
 This year has seen substantial re-start on 'Morte D'Arthur' work which I may even now live to complete, writing of 'The Last Bout of the Mildew Gang' and in the last two months rapid progress with 'Dinner in New York'. Has also been progress with 'Beyond This War' and the projected pamphlets on the Allied Nations. Apart from that the prospect of the retail bookshop negotiations bring benefits, financial and otherwise. Shall I live to see it?
Material placed 1942
 'Last Bout of the Mildew Gang' placed with Eyre & Spottiswood and contract signed for 'Dinner in New York'.
 'Siege of Malta' published - badly - at last.
 Otherwise little new work done this year.

The End